Happy Birthday To The United States Army!

Second Amendment
Captain John Parker


On the cool morning of April 19, 1775, Captain John Parker stood at the head of his local militia. They were assembled on Lexington commons to resist an illegal attempt by the forces of the Crown, to seize colonial weapons. “Stand your ground,” Parker ordered. “Don’t fire unless fired upon. But if they want to have a war let it begin here.”



Two months later, the U.S. Army was founded on 14 June 1775, as the Continental Congress authorized enlistment of riflemen to serve the United Colonies for the duration of one year. Thus the beginning of a naicent force that would one day remove the most brilliant diadem from a colonial crown upon which to that point, the sun never set.

Through its storied history, the Army has earned 190 battle streamers for doing its part to ensure the survival of this wonderful and unique idea of, these United States of America.

Here’s a short recruiting video from “back in the day,” that sets the Army history to music.

Happy Birthday United States Army!

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3 thoughts on “Happy Birthday To The United States Army!”

  1. …and two years later, they were given a flag as a gift. Happy Birthday and Happy Flag Day for all who served in the Army, and taught this Marine all about field artillery.

  2. Happy BIrthday, Big Green, and thanks for giving birth to the US Air Force and sown the seeds for the terrible majesty that was Strategic Air Command when the country needed them.

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