The shenanigans and collusion against the Bad Orange Man (BOM) continue as I write this, with more deep state, swampy schemes exposed by the day with the LSMBTGA cheerleading getting more hyperbolic, dramatic and desperate: just precious.
One of the amazing factoids that recently come to light is the General Services Administration (GSA) getting “huffy” over the BOM boxes being stored, which were finally shipped to Mar-a-Lago about a year before the WH approved, DOJ and NARA collusion FBI effort for their Stasi State raid.
Why is it amazing among all the other shenanigans ongoing? The first thing that stands out here is another nickel and dime agency brave enough to get huffy with a former president. No amount of bad talk about swamp bureaucrats scratches the layer of sedentary fat on the ass of our government. We need a cameo from a climate expert for this indignity.
Has any of this unprecedented disrespect for the outgoing president happened before in our lifetime-except the ones who stole items or removed keys (Ws) from keyboards like school kids?
All these crass, tawdry, collusion actions and disrespect for the office from the “adults in the room.”
The really amazing or more astounding-indicting-part of this whole sordid document schemage is that in the midst of ongoing discussions with Trump’s Presidential Records Administrator (PRA,) we have the National Archives Records Administration (NARA) head reported as being “out of patience” with the pace of the ongoing document dance.
He was apparently so upset that his lead counsel on the case was working and whining on his behalf with the WH Chief Counsel, WH Office of Records Management and DOJ officials. Now think, think, think-who is missing in this dialogue? How about GSA?
If GSA was the coordination agent for transport-for the US government- isn’t it odd that NARA professes they did not know about these documents? Keep in mind that the actions we are talking about spanned May-Oct 2021 or so.
I have some questions. How could NARA not know about these documents: that is the emerging story we are supposed to believe-and it feels desperate? Was GSA storing classified documents-in these “document boxes?” That requires special provisions (accommodations-GSA approved storage containers, security, etc.)
It matters not whose documents these were, security regulations put the onus on the possessor of classified information to perform all due diligence regarding their care and safeguarding. Were these some of the “classified material found” in the 15 boxes Trump later turned over to NARA that rocked their world (so bad they had to collude with everybody to sound the alarm?)
A quick sidetrack on government records. Files have an entire construct and procedure that is followed in order to facilitate the transmittal to NARA every fiscal year. Part of that process is a report and accompanying inventory that lists files, documents and papers. The inventory is what is used as a transmittal of sorts that tells what is in the files (estimate of size and volume, it is a drill.) The records go to NARA with a transmittal of “inventory” that makes sense of all that paper-or electronic files-to be stored away by NARA-we will return to that in a bit.
Just a hint: if there were (1) records done in the WH during a presidency (2) an inventory would be prepared (3) for transmittal to NARA (4) to meet records retention statutes.
I want to see a transmittal slip with an inventory for these boxes-if GSA had them (already) then NARA must have had the inventory. We need some type of proof Trump was not set up by the GSA/and or NARA in what would have been a blatant violation of security regulations. How were they shipped?
It would have set off alarm bells if done properly with a transmittal slip listing each document title with its classification-that needed to be signed for-taken custody by someone on the receiving end with a clearance.
Did Trump still have a clearance at this point? Why yes he did…
These documents don’t get “whisked” through the US mail…You notice one of the missing items discussed with all the Biden material is this same issue-nobody fessed up to being involved. These documents don’t just get chunked into a box and moved without accountability-at least Trump’s apparently didn’t. There appears to be a continuous chain of custody on this material: not so with Biden’s Corvette and Penn State stash (among others.)
So odd the way our government handled these matters. In the case where it was discovered a former president had classified-which could simply be personal papers he decided were unclassified-massive collusion occurred culminating in a raid to get them back.
When Biden was found to have classified documents DOJ, FBI and WH lawyers and WH staff were sent in to do damage control, clean up on aisle 7 and we lacked basic facts about any of it until long past the time they were first discovered. Actions that were all kept from the public until after the election cycle was complete for “their guy” (which means we paid for a coverup-what else is new.)
Nobody is accusing Trump of driving to the warehouse and loading these pallets into his limo-although that may be coming in this Stasi State setup. If these documents were not transmitted in accordance with security regulations-that is a huge problem-but it’s not Trumps.
Did NARA have the list of documents on those pallets? The whole affair just stinks to high heaven.
And-OBTW-this was reported as pallets-does anybody think that Trump was sitting around waiting for these to arrive so he could go through them and make sure (1) they were his (2) that none were classified (3) or that they were the ones he specifically declassified?
If I received documents from the government to my house, the last thing I would worry about is that they are classified. Who does that?
Everything really stinks about this story.
Remember the movie the Sting? This has the feel of a government equivalent.
A fascinating conspiracy theory based on 42 years in government watching this type of crap go on is that NARA did know about the GSA documents but was feigning impatience with the PRA negotiations because they “winky, winky” knew there were a lot more “somewhere:” Like-“winky, winky,” GSA.
So when the NARA Director was sending information through his lead counsel on the matter yakking it up with the WH and DOJ, expressing impatience about the pace, the GSA was simultaneously “smoothly” slow rolling and working the transfer of the remaining Trump documents (witting or unwitting to some WH-DOJ-NARA scheme.)
NARA was insinuating to DOJ and the WH that Trump-his PRA (Mark Meadows)-was playing hide the sausage with unaccounted for presidential papers-for some nefarious “winky, winky” action-like selling nuclear secrets.
GSA got the signal (from NARA) and the documents then arrived without fanfare in the latter part of the year-Trump’s team eventually turned them over-but they stored them in a bathroom when they first arrived-cause-who cares-history-just in time for the visit by the crafty team negotiating with the PRA-they got some good-indicting pictures-recommended the boxes be moved and an additional lock added: my guess is they never looked into the boxes-likely because they knew there was (1) classified (2) or it was to be added later and they did not want to be witnesses either way.
When the crafty team reported back-NARA was shocked–shocked I tell you-that Trump had been withholding information about how many boxes were actually there-and that BOM only “fessed up” when the law made an appearance and smoked him out-too clever by half these people.
Anybody remember there was somewhat of a context in the LSMBTGA slimers that “Trump showed them a lot more boxes than they were expecting, and they were stored in a bathroom, so they recommended…”
It was a lot more boxes than the PRA had been discussing with NARA-when you now included the GSA addition (“ohhh, winky, winky”)—obvious evidence of bad faith on the part of Trump’s team: those basswich’s can’t be trusted!
And of course it was (more boxes) in consideration that the discussion with NARA’s Chief Counsel and the PRA that was updated in May- according to the unsealed documents-led to the expression of losing patience from the NARA officials in June-who later professed not to know about the GSA boxes-that would have first seen the light of day at Mar-a-Lago several months later shortly before the “sense of urgency” visit by the crafty team.
The boxes also being somewhat of a surprise to most involved in the discussions if the coordination with GSA for the shipping had been with Trumps’s supply and custodial team and not his PRA.
But NARA would have known about the GSA boxes because the WH inventory of what was contained in the pallets/boxes would have been sent to NARA when they left the WH for the GSA to hold and ship.
How do we know that? Because NARA would have been whining about the lack of records compliance and not about missing records-which they could only have known were missing if they had the inventory already-or concocted the scheme to delay the GSA shipping while they set the hook for the WH and DOJ-lying about the PRA not being forthright about the documents-before giving GSA the nod to ship…
What would have been the hurry on GSA’s part to ship the records???? It was the timing-once NARA set the hook with the WH and the insinuations leaked to the press that Trump was hiding sensitive intelligence information records, then things had to be synchronized: by GSA expedited shipping of the documents to be found by the Crafty Team…
Do you get what the Max is cooking here? You know who “pilfered” (purloined is more appropriate for classified) records and had a purpose for it-Biden-for his book. Was he projecting-or did the DOJ get the idea for this scheme from the trouble they went through with Biden (that’s a fascinating proposition-at least it was a credible scam.)
What a devious, Machiavellian plot this was by the swamp.
Trump likely never messed with those boxes except to have them stored and then moved-he would already have anything he deemed necessary put in a safe place-he is not a rookie. NARA gets the records back- basically straight from GSA-via Trump-and “oh my panties, there is classified in here!” They now sound the bigly alarm because there is classified in the boxes-that Trump likely never even saw.
And I do have news for you-from the sound of it-his box guys were not government-and the classified stuff is just brain drain for people not in the business and they probably knew better than to look (it says secret! Who cares…)
The only “fly in this ointment” is that if DOJ, the IC, WH ORM/chief counsel or NARA Archivist-to help the NARA IG report-wanted to plant classified documents to be found in the boxes-nobody was going to be or is the wiser.
Which is why these documents are sent with a transmittal list-as a safeguard that 50 documents sent = 50 documents received. We band weapons and sign the seal when weapons are shipped for the same reason…
The above is not -as the LSMBTGA is desperate to convince you-evidence of the inevitability of this effort-certain of the evidence that Trump is going down. The left-and most democrats-and it is difficult to separate the two these days-have a new calling-a religion of sorts-or a mission statement and it is simply the quest to get BOM at all costs: money, integrity, reputation, undoing of our system, all be damned in pursuit of democrat public enemy number 1.
A previous analogy talked about Wiley Coyote and endless ACME schemes destined to fail in pain and mortification. The list of “can’t fail,” we got him this time efforts over the past near decade are noteworthy not so much for failing to perform, but for the indefatigable cockiness and stupidity that characterized each new effort as it played out.
With the unsealing in Florida, it looks like Coyote forgot whether the X was the safe spot or the anvil catch point: again!
2 May 2024
LSMBTGA: Lamestream media echo chamber (LMEC-L) social media (SM) big tech tyrants (BT,) government (G) and academia (A)
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