Who are these Democrats, these partners in crime with the mainstream media that reject truth and revel in lies, deceit, and vulgarity? They act shocked, shocked that Biden hid from them his mental state and his inability to carry out even a normal work day. He walks around in public in a sort of trance, trying to understand where he is and what he is supposed to do, and they act as if everything is normal. We have a president who invited a transgender three-ring circus to the White House grounds, where they pranced about nearly naked. Our president is unable to accept the dreaded 3 a.m. phone call because he is cognitively impaired. Neither can the vice president, as she is more unqualified than Biden, even with her faculties intact.
Nothing in this administration is real. Arranging the nominations of two totally unqualified people to the highest offices in the world is a testament to their antagonism and animosity toward America.
Where were the responsible public servants who refused to answer any questions or inquiries about Joe Biden’s mental state? I know where they were. They were making political decisions, and political decisions only. The country’s benefit never crossed their minds.
Biden himself has uncovered his own scandal. Even with the help of the Democrat Party, he couldn’t hide his mental deficiencies anymore, being led off stages like a child and reading the teleprompter’s instructions along with the message. For years, they gave us excuses for his obvious mental deficiencies, whether it be a head cold or a mysterious prolonged jet lag from a trip two weeks earlier. And don’t forget the lectures we received when so-called ‘cheap fake videos’ appeared, demonstrating his lack of cognitive acuity. Obama, with his usual ‘I know more than you’ smile, grabbed Biden by the arm, physically leading him off the stage in Los Angeles. Heck, the entire world had a ringside seat.
Biden embarrassed himself, his family, and our country. How many foreign leaders all these years must have been laughing at us for our stupidity as well as Biden’s?
The Democrat Party knew of Biden. They knew he didn’t have the intellect to be president, think on his feet, or even have anything close to a reputation as a great senator. Biden was only concerned about Biden. He would make up any lie for anyone to win an argument. The truth had nothing to do with it. As he assumed the role of Vice President, we observed him uttering highly inappropriate statements that persisted throughout his presidency. We watched as his behavior toward young girls and women was totally inappropriate. The press continued the charade.
The Democrats cheated and lied from the get-go. They kept Biden in the basement with a coloring book. Biden has now admitted that he can’t work more than six hours a day. Who’s making the decisions the other 18 hours of the day? Obama and his people were probably making most of the difficult decisions. Why else would a former president buy a home in Washington, DC, after his term expired? In many of the executive orders he signed, he said he didn’t know what he was signing.
Biden was supposed to have been a transitional president—a leader who would unite the nation and fix what Trump broke. What did President Trump break? The border, the energy independence, the booming economy, the low unemployment, the peace in the Middle East. Were our enemies keeping their heads down? In just over three and a half years, the Mexican cartels are now more powerful than many nations. In just a few years, they have murdered over 175,000 people. Another 100,000 fentanyl deaths a year in the U.S. The cartels have set up shop on our northern border as well, supplying illicit drugs to Canadians as well as Americans.
We are creeping toward a world war, no peace anywhere in the Mid East, tens of millions of illegal migrants at a staggering cost in crime, lives, and treasure, and hundreds of thousands of military-age illegals probably waiting for orders from the countries that sent them. We see an economy that is in quicksand, slowly sinking. Because of Biden’s inflation, we are approaching a housing collapse, mortgage interest that is unaffordable, apartment rent the size of a house payment, veterans living on the street while migrants reside in hotels, all paid for by taxpayers. We have growing unemployment, and a car and truck market that is also collapsing. $40,000, $50,000, $70,000, and up for cars and trucks sitting on dealers’ lots gathering dust. It will happen slowly, but it is happening.
Remember Obama’s famous quote, “Never underestimate Biden’s ability to f**k things up?” This is the person they chose to be president of the United States.
Give Biden power and high office, he’ll agree to anything. I can almost imagine a staffer informing Biden about their ‘after hours’ decisions, and Biden just nods as he passes by.
Why are so many people listening to George Clooney? George Clooney said this, and he said that. Who the heck is George Clooney that we should listen to him? Hollywood is teeming with ‘entertainers’ eager for our attention, dying to be taken seriously. A man-on-the-street said it well on Fox… “Celebrities are for entertainment, not for political advice.”
This scandal stands as one of the most significant in American history. It depicts a political party devoid of morality, integrity, and love of country. Because of them, the greatest nation on earth is sinking. 2007 and 2008 all over again. You won’t notice it today or tomorrow, but it is coming very soon.
As Churchill once said about Americans and their country, “Americans can always be trusted to do the right thing, once all other possibilities have been exhausted.” “Everything is eminently practical, and things are judged from a matter-of-fact standpoint.
As a matter of fact, all other possibilities have indeed been exhausted. America has become a nation ruled by emotion—the loss of common sense. The Democrats are demonstrating for all to see their deep concern, not for their country but for the power they are about to lose. They are getting rid of Biden because they have been caught. Now they’re all just playing stupid.
Who got us into this mess that threatens the lives of over 300 million people and much of the world that depends on the US? I will tell you. What got us into this is a far-left elitist cabal of corrupt warmongers, socialists, and atheists, determined to bring America down by diluting our nation and culture with illegal immigration, destroying our society by refusing to enforce law, and creating chaos with a series of manufactured pandemics and economic downfalls. I’ll give kudos to the Communist Party USA. At least they’re honest about their agenda.
We are better than this. I pray we are sick and tired of our country being dragged through the dirt. Well, we will do the right thing in November. The Democrats have gambled with the well-being and security of our country.
The Democrats have shown themselves incapable of leadership and competent governance. Biden’s entire administration, along with their operatives, are cheap fakes that we are paying dearly for.
They have lost the confidence of the voters. Now it’s our turn to set things straight. It’s our last chance.
This article originally appeared on Stand Up America US. Reprinted here with permission.
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