The Festivals Of Resistance: A transnational organized resistance to the freedom movement is happening. The target is the United States, and anywhere liberty exists.
When Kamala Harris appeared before the American people to concede the 2024 election to President-elect Trump, she attempted to come across as conciliatory, displaying a false desire to unite again as Americans. Instead, her real message was one of continued resistance to the Trump presidency – and We the People. When her speech’s soft, meaningless language is stripped away, the message of resistance becomes dominant and cannot fail to be recognized. Here are a few samples:
“…the light of America’s promise will always burn bright as long as we never give up and as long as we keep fighting.”
“I am here to say, while I concede this election, I do not concede the fightthat fueled this campaign.”
“…we will continue to wage this fight in the voting booth, in the courts, and in the public square.”
“On the campaign, I would often say when we fight, we win. But here’s the thing, here’s the thing: sometimes the fight takes a while. That doesn’t mean we won’t win. That doesn’t mean we won’t win. The important thing is don’t ever give up. Don’t ever give up.”
This speech is not unique in its use of language; it is the language of resistance heard worldwide.
This resistance takes many forms and names, but the substance of each is the same. They are all groups with communist, fascist, anarchist, and terroristic tendencies. Some are known terrorist groups like Hamas and ANTIFA, while some use the stated cause of others around which to organize.
Groups who do this look like student protestors at Columbia University in New York, where they pretend to care about the people living in the Gaza Strip but only use them as an excuse to riot. This is the same tactic used by many countries in the Middle East who only use the people of Gaza as a hammer against Israel. Because the substance is the same, what is the goal? It is the use of sheer anarchy, communism, fascism, and terrorism to achieve control over those who prefer liberty, peace, and prosperity. The rioters and protesters are the puppets; the puppet masters control the funders, who then pay the puppets to riot.
Simply put, the masters are the globalists who want to pretend they are the elite seated upon a throne wielding the scepter of control over the masses. “Palestinians,” climate crises, diversity, equity, inclusion, income inequality, gender manipulation, sexual deviance, you pick the excuse; they are all means to rally the stormtroopers on behalf of the emperor. It is pure evil, and you should expect it.
The resistance in the United States is no different. The labels are changing, but the people and their motivations are the same. Let us take a stroll through some websites so you can see some examples.
As you can see below, the Festivals of Resistance are all about resisting the Trump administration despite the landslide electoral victory American voters gave him.
Check out the language used by CrimethInc.
The website’s contact information lists Olympia, WA, and London, UK.
The next site is not markedly different. “It’s Going Down”
Check out the language.
Watch the video at the bottom of the “About” section.
The website’s contact information is below.
Here is their page dedicated to the Festivals of Resistance.
Below, you can see how this page is highlighted on the CrimethInc website using the same graphic. Note the date of the planned “festival.” (1/18/2025)
Not to be outdone, the “Anarchist Federation” joined in.
They are also international, and their contact information reflects this by listing multiple anarchist websites worldwide.
Again, the language is like that used on all the other sites.
Here is a Hamas front site—the main page links to tactical and security resources. also tied to
The tactical and security resource section is amateur, but there is a list of direct actions anarchists can employ.
Anyone can use the links in this article to ‘go down the rabbit hole’ and find more of these sites.
There’s a more significant point to all this, though. This world is filled with organizations ready to attack and defeat all who stand up for liberty and freedom. They are stormtroopers willingly engaged in activities that advance the causes of their emperors. Their primary target is the United States.
The calls for violent action in the United States revolve around the date of January 18, 2025, and Trump’s inauguration on January 20th. I have warned about this potential for years and argue that every American needs to be the eyes and ears this nation needs to root out evil. This was made harder over the last four years as America erased its borders and let in criminals and terrorists in large numbers.
If necessary, we must all be prepared to defend our nation from those who would see it burned to the ground so ‘they’ can rule over the ashes.
This article first appeared on Darin Gaub’s Substack. Reprinted here with permission.
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