USA Foreign Policy-Hatred for Christians

About a dozen years ago, I was having a conversation with the science advisor to the US Army Forces Command commander. I asserted that US foreign policy has been consistent in one area since the end of World War II, and it wasn’t anti-Communism. Rather, it was anti-Christian. He mocked me.

Fast forward to today. Salafist hardcore Muslims are going to take over Syria. Christians, who fled Iraq for Syria after the US Army ousted Saddam Hussein, now have to flee again. But to where?

Prior to the overthrow of Hussein, Christians could live in peace in Iraq. Indeed, Hussein’s foreign minister, Tariq Aziz, was a Maronite Christian (equivalent of Catholicism). But once the US Army arrived, Muslims were allowed to attack Christians, and well over 3 million fled Iraq for Syria. While Syria was largely Sunni Muslim, the country was run by a form of Shi’ism. And under Bashir al-Assad, Christians, as well as Sunnis and Shi’ites, could live in peace. This is not to imply that Hussein or Assad were wonderful, nice people. But then again, would we say that Uncle Joe and Aunt Kamala are wonderful, nice people? The point is that Christians, and most others, could live in peace, raise families and earn a living in pre-Western dominated Iraq and Syria.

And then came the United States… again. We have done everything we can to overthrow Assad’s government in Syria, and we finally succeeded. The Jihadi group overthrowing Assad is Hayat Tahir al-Sham (HTS), led by Abu Mohammad al-Jolani. They are a branch of al-Qaeda and are classified a terrorist group by the United States. Moreover, al-Jolani has a multimillion-dollar bounty on his head.[1] And yet, HTS is almost certainly receiving support from Western governments. After all, their safe-haven was in southeast Turkey, a NATO country and ally of the United States.[2] Moreover, there are reports that Ukrainian special forces personnel were sent to HTS to help train them.[3] And remember… the US funds Ukraine to the point that Ukraine is virtually our 51st state.

Al-Jolani has been working to get his group off the US terror list for the last two years, and claims have been made that HTS supports “diversity.”[4] Never mind that HTS in English stands for “Pure Life in al-Sham” (al-Sham is northern Syria). “Pure life” in authentic Islam is just that… authentic Islam. It has nothing to do with “diversity.” Now those Christians that fled Iraq will have to flee once more.[5]

But to where?

Turkey has a history of genocide against Christians. And Israel, Lebanon and Jordon also have a track record of being hostile towards Christians, and it would be very unlikely that any of these nations would want to serve as a future home for Christians fleeing Syria.[6]

Once more, the United States has supported a policy that destroys Christian communities in foreign lands.


Russ Rodgers has several books published on Amazon.

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[2] Some will say that HTS operates in Idlib, a Syrian province, but fail to appreciate that it borders on Turkey, which serves as the HTS supply base. Insurgency groups, just like any other army, always need logistical support and funding, and when in trouble fall back on their supply base.

[3] Of course, this raises the question as to why Ukraine, in desperate need of troops on their own front lines, would send special forces personnel to Syria to train Muslim insurgency fighters.



[6] Many in the West do not realize that less than 2% of Israel’s population are classified as Christians.

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