It was just a matter of time before an enterprising realtor, businessman or website designer would come up with an app or a website that helps potential homebuyers to avoid moving into a hateful Liberal neighborhood. Or, put another way, after years of being treated like the ugly stepsister by their current neighbors, Conservatives can take control of their environments by finding out, before they purchase, the political leanings of their potential neighbors.
Yes, yes, I know. Liberals can use the same technology to avoid buying in a Conservative neighborhood. But, there is one big difference: Conservatives have a live and let live attitude and do not bully their Liberal neighbors, nor do Conservatives promote political violence. The same cannot be said for Liberals. Indeed, some Liberals go out of their way to abuse the neighbors who do not spout Woke ideology. Indeed, a Pew Survey found that 70% of Democrats want Republicans, et al, censored by Big Government.
Two events in the last decade provided the “final crack” between Right wing neighbors and Left wing neighbors: 1) Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton in November, 2016; and 2) George Floyd died of a fentanyl overdose while in the custody of Minneapolis police. Yes, there were little cracks along the way, but there were not enough angry Democrats who turned on friends, neighbors, co-workers & relatives that it became a movement. The Democrat voters who did not participate in the months long riots, promoted them, cheered them on, put flags & signs in their front yards and strutted around pretending they were superior & righteous.
A new real estate platform lets buyers see the political affiliations of their future neighbors. The tech startup Oyssey believes social data such as age, education and income demographics, is influencing buyers more than the physical conditions of a home. The company developed a website that lets buyers search for homes as well as a tool that streamlines contract negotiations. Oyssey is soft launching in South Florida and New York City this month.
It’s an attempt to simplify how buyers work with real estate agents following a big shakeup in the industry. The recent settlement of a class action lawsuit against the National Association of Realtors means buyers are now required to sign contracts with agents to tour homes and negotiate commission payments.
Oyssey markets a monthly subscription service to agents & brokers, and homebuyers can use Oyssey for free after receiving an invitation from their agent. Homebuyers can view block-by-block consumer and political data which has been pulled from election results, campaign contributions and licensable commercial data, alongside average housing trends.
CEO Huw Nierenberg said that it is a win-win for buyers and agents: Buyers can access “never before available” data and agents can negotiate higher commissions. A former Boston real estate agent, Nierenberg says that during the course of a house tour, buyers often shift from asking whether the water heater is leaking to wondering if their neighbors are folks they’d like to invite to dinner some day.
Oyssey is in it’s infancy. I want to give them some advice. The data they are currently collecting is not enough. If I were a homebuyer in 2024-2025 America I would want to know a great deal more about those I will be living next to. Off the top of my head I would want to know:
1) Do they donate to and/or are they involved with the following organizations who hate America and are trying to destroy our country and our precious Bill of Rights: The ACLU, Southern Poverty Law Center, BLM, Antifa, CAIR, Hamas, NAACP, and every Leftist organization that promotes the demise of America. I do not want to buy a home in that neighborhood.
2) Do they donate to and/or are they involved with the following organizations who love America, promote the US Constitution & the Bill of Rights and love America: NRA, John Birch Society, Hillsdale College, Judicial Watch, The Federalist Society, Center for American Liberty, and every freedom-promoting organization. If I was moving, I would want to buy a home in this neighborhood.
We don’t want to be forced out of our home again. In 1988 we escaped Portland’s crime wave.^ In 2020 we escaped the BLM rioting in our Portland suburb^ and moved to our beach house on the Washington Coast, at the mouth of the mighty Columbia River. Yes, Washington State was and is in the vice grip of Democrat/Progressive/Marxist tyrants; BUT, on our little peninsula, the Democrats/Liberals have not yet turned into vandals & thugs.
Then, in 2022 our next door neighbor decided they could no longer stand living in Marxist Washington. They were moving to Montana. After we and a neighbor couple gave up on the idea of buying the place ourselves (to turn into a vacation rental), several of us decided to put up five or six Trump signs on the road homebuyers would have to drive on to view the house. It worked! We got a Conservative neighbor.
Then, in 2024 another neighbor put their home on the market. It worked again! You can read about our “brilliant” idea here:
Keeping The “Wrong” People Out Of Your Neighborhood
^To escape the crime in Portland, Oregon (we suffered three crime events within just a few months) and to acquire a bigger yard, in 1986 we bought an empty lot in an upscale suburb, West Linn, southeast of Portland and built our dream house two years later. Over half of the 105 lots in that subdivision did not yet have homes; but, by 1994, all the lots had homes and we had neighbors. We expected to live there the rest of our lives. The political ideology of our neighbors never entered our minds. We never asked. It was not important. And we witnessed no animosity between neighbors.
Fast forward to 2016. When Donald beat Hillary, Democrats in our suburb, including our neighborhood, started looking around to find someone to blame. By the way, long before 2016, Republicans in the Portland Area stopped putting election signs in their yards for fear of vandalism; therefore, unless you were well acquainted with a neighbor, you did not know which candidates they voted for.
By 2020 the hatred was so intense, we could no longer live in our beautiful burb nor in the State of Oregon. As we determined where to move, the political ideology of the new neighborhood was foremost in our thoughts. We didn’t want to live around people who supported political violence and spewed hatred for their fellow Americans.
The author, Diane L. Gruber, is a First Amendment advocate who writes for Substack. She calls her Substack newsletter America First Re-Ignited.
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