The qualitative dimension of the 69 weeks.
This series of posts rests on what God says in Daniel 9 and is extracted from the texts of Revelation the Fair God, The Great Harvest of the Post-Allah World as well as The Rock Breaks the Globalists’ Empire and the biblical references therein.
Gabriel says that the appointed/anointed leader [Jesus] will stop the offerings and sacrifices…that He will appoint a most holy place [Himself]. And Jesus did this.
However, did sin vanish? No, every human being since Adam’s fall and to the end of time has been born and will still be born under his curse. So, while the quantitative timer stopped to identify Messiah, the qualitative type of these 69 weeks will continue…and war will continue until the end.
Why does it continue? The clue is in the trail of destruction: the 69 weeks are the weeks of the curse. The time when people are born where sin rules. This condition will not change…until the end.
So if this qualitative week continues; did it also precede the count down of the 483 years? Yes, indeed, the rule of sin began when Adam and Eve fell. The 69 weeks represent the human travails in a fallen state. There is nothing that differentiates the natural reprobate mind of 2,000 years before Jesus from the reprobate mind of today.
By marking 69 weeks (483 years) Gabriel simply puts the curser on the crux of history: that day, when Messiah dies, all things will become changeable, redeemable for those who choose to embrace Him. Some translations give these weeks as: 69 times 7. It exposes the imperfect aspect, the deeply flawed reality of this type of weeks. The seven days week is a perfect unit, it is God who gave us this standard. However, the 69 multiplier is divinely incomplete. It is imperfect, flawed; it is short of the mark! There is nothing as toilsome and depressing as constantly hitting short of the mark, as striving and missing, and missing again… It is a fitting attribute for the cursed life. We can all relate.
This perfect/imperfect contrast is also why God uses the symbol of the 70th week: God’s touch re-establishes the perfect order! The 70th week is perfect.
So if the 69th week began with Adam and perdures to the end; where does the 70th week fit? This is the central matter. Conceptually this week is different: 7 or 70th is a complete divine number. This is the week when everything can be turned to the good. Where everything can be redeemed. Where everything can work as it should.
So, the 70th week must be contemporary to the 69 imperfect weeks; it is not tacked on at the end. When we make Gabriel’s words in Daniel 9 the basis for a seven year tribulation period; we take the message out of its context and we misappropriate it.
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