Attorney Joseph McBride, who represents several Jan. 6 protestors, spoke to Fox News’ Tucker Carlson on Monday night.
McBride has seen video footage taken inside the U.S. Capitol tunnel on that fateful day which has not been publicly released. He is angry that nearly one year later, the government continues to withhold critical video from the public.
McBride has been looking for several individuals whom he and many others believe are federal operatives. In the clip below, McBride accuses one agent, dubbed “Red-Faced 45,” of entrapment.
Let me just call one of these people out. Someone who was tagged on the internet by “Sedition Hunters” as Red-Faced 45. This is someone who is dressed in Trump gear, in MAGA gear. He’s covered in gear from head to toe. His face is painted MAGA red. He has a Trump hat on a Make America Great Again hat. Yet, he is clearly a law enforcement officer. He interacts with uniformed personnel. He interacts with agents in the crowd. He passes out weapons, sledgehammers, poles, mace.
Some of those things come into contact with some of the other protesters who have subsequently been charged with possessing dangerous weapons and/or using dangerous weapons at the Capitol. That is clearly entrapment. That is clearly the government creating conditions of dangerousness and entrapping members of the crowd to possess weapons and possibly use them for reasons that we cannot comprehend.
Carlson asks why it’s so difficult in an “age of facial recognition technology – it’s the largest dragnet in American justice – for one Republican member of Congress to force an answer? Who is this person? Why hasn’t he been charged? That’s a very simple ask.”
McBride said that, last week, he filed a motion in court “asking for the unmasking of these videos.”
This motion, he explained, was “joined by The New York Times and a 16-point press conglomerate. They signed on” because they “want to see the truth about what happened as well.”
It is, of course, ludicrous that Democrats have denied public access to this video. Obviously, they know this footage does not support their narrative; nor does it warrant the inhumane treatment these political prisoners have been subjected to.
They don’t care. They know they have this one brief moment in history where they control the White House and both chambers of Congress. Fairness, freedom, civil liberties, laws be damned.
This is a hoax, just like Trump/Russia collusion, Trump’s “quid pro quo” phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, and the Russian bounty hoax.
Attorney for defendants calls for release of all 1/6 footage from Capitol https://t.co/QlmVvVuOEC
— Elizabeth Stauffer (@stauffervaughn) December 7, 2021
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