It wasn’t too long ago a U.S. senator might have hesitated before agreeing to participate in an event that was sponsored by members of the Communist Party. Not anymore.
Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) was introduced as a “special surprise guest” on Saturday night at the Connecticut People’s World Committee Amistad Awards, according to The Yankee Institute’s Marc Fitch. The CPWC is a “Communist Party affiliate political advocacy organization.” The Yankee Institute is a free market think tank based in Connecticut.
Blumenthal, one of the wealthiest members of the senate with a net worth of approximately $100 million, addressed the group and presented awards to the winners. The Washington Free Beacon reported that Blumenthal’s wealth “comes mostly from his wife, a member of a New York real estate dynasty.”
The senator from Connecticut told the group, “I’m here to honor the great tradition of activism and standing up for individual workers that is represented by the three honorees here.”
“There’s a lot to be working for in economic justice, in racial equity, in establishing a $15 minimum wage and holding corporations accountable for the basic treatment of the American people. We need to look at our entire tax system, beginning with Build Back Better,” he said, using the occasion to promote his party’s boondoggle of a bill.
The truth-challenged senator, best known for lying about his service in Vietnam, or I should say his non-service in Vietnam, also made the case for eliminating the filibuster which he said, “has been misused by Republicans again and again and again.” In a few years, he’ll be making the opposite argument.
Fitch reports that Blumenthal thanked the audience for “your help and support over many, many years.” Why was he thanking a bunch of communists?
The event was emceed by Communist Party members Lisa Bergmann and Ben McManus who both encouraged those present to join the Party.
“I’m a member of the Communist Party, I love it. I think it’s an amazing organization,” Bergman said. “If you are not already part of the Communist Party, we invite you to participate and contribute and join. There’s more and more people talking about socialism in this country as it becomes more and more clear that capitalism is not going to work for our future.”
According to the Free Beacon, Bergman blamed corporations for the “imperialism that exists in our world that is undermining the labor and environment.”
McManus, an Academic HR Support Specialist at Yale University, invited attendees “to join the Communist Party in this epic time as we make good trouble to uproot systemic racism, retool the war economy, tax the rich, address climate change, secure voting rights and create a new socialist system that puts people, peace and planet before profits.”
Am I the only one who finds Blumenthal’s enthusiastic presence at a communist party award ceremony to be a little disconcerting?
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