In a speech that really needed to move the needle on President Joe Biden’s tanking approval numbers, his Adderall-fueled State of the Union address was filled with gaffes, lies and most significantly, his stubborn refusal to abandon his administration’s dangerous policies.
One of his most obvious gaffes was his declaration that, “Putin may circle Kiev with tanks, but he’ll never gain the hearts and souls of the ‘Iranian’ people.”
WATCH: Kamala corrects Biden under her breath when Biden refers to “Ukrainians” as “Iranians.”
— (@townhallcom) March 2, 2022
But it was also filled with lies. He introduced a 13-year-old boy with diabetes and called for a cap on the price of insulin of $35 per month “so everyone can afford it.” I guess he forgot that the Trump Administration had already implemented an insulin pricing rule which Biden froze twice last year before completely rescinding in October.
His talk of funding the police was great, but I suppose it slipped his mind that his party was responsible for originating the “defund the police” movement.
Similarly, he said we must address the opioid crisis in the U.S., forgetting the direct correlation between his administration’s open border policy and the massive quantities of fentanyl flowing into the country that are exacerbating this tragedy.
He discussed the Russian invasion of Ukraine at length. His support for the Ukrainian people is commendable. However, it’s the policies of his administration that have provided the Russian dictator with the funds and the leverage he needed to even contemplate this action. And Biden is unwilling to buck progressives and reverse those policies.
It is critical that the Biden Administration open up energy production in the US. For starters, that means allowing the Keystone XL pipeline to operate, opening up ANWR, and eliminating the barriers he’s erected to kill the fossil fuel industry.
Ramping up oil and gas production in the U.S. would bring us back to energy independence, it would help our European allies to reduce their dependence of Russian oil, and it would devastate the Russian economy even further.
Biden is far too beholden to the far left fringe of his party to do the right thing. Instead, he will continue to appease them.
This delusional president said, let’s “cut energy costs for families an average of $500 a year by combating climate change.”
As always, Biden called for tax increases, repeating his claims that corporations and wealthy individuals are not paying their fair shares. He blamed our rising national debt on Trump’s tax cuts.
Biden blames across-the-board tax cuts for increasing deficits. Tax revenues ROSE after taxes were CUT:
Corporate taxes were cut. Corporate tax revenues just hit an all time high:
— Guy Benson (@guypbenson) March 2, 2022
The Wall Street Journal editorial board wrote that Biden’s SOTU speech “missed the moment.”
The President remained on the same policy course of his first year, albeit dressed up in new anti-inflation packaging.
More defense spending to meet the threats from autocrats? No. A new appreciation for the contribution of fossil fuels to American and European security?
A note that government spending contributed to the highest inflation in 40 years? Nope. A word of praise for the private Pharma innovation that developed Covid therapies and vaccines? He proposed government price controls instead.
On his domestic agenda, Mr. Biden acknowledged inflation, as he had to given the polls. But he blamed rising prices on the pandemic and greedy businesses, and his solutions are to unleash prosecutors and antitrust cops, and to spend even more money on social welfare and entitlements.
The Journal editors gave Biden credit “for helping to rally Europe and other nations to impose sanctions and provide more military aid” and for “properly condemning” Putin. But they went on to say Biden “ignored the failure to deter” Putin from going through with the invasion.
What we also didn’t hear was a vow that Russia will not be allowed to conquer and hold Ukraine. There was no warning to Mr. Putin not to launch missiles into residential neighborhoods or surround and starve cities into submission like a medieval siege. This was not Harry Truman at the dawn of the Cold War calling the world to meet a new danger.
The editors concluded:
An anxious world is looking for American leadership in a dangerous new era. Instead Mr. Biden offered a rehash of his first-year domestic agenda that has brought him to his low political ebb. It’s dispiriting that a White House facing so many daunting challenges could come up with so little.
The best thing Biden could have done for his party’s chances in the upcoming mid-terms was signal his administration’s willingness to put the brakes on their aggressive climate change agenda. Yet, as millions of Ukrainians cower in bomb shelters, the U.S. commander in chief told the world that the war to defeat the phantom menace of climate change is more important.
All in all, Biden had the opportunity to reset his dumpster fire of a presidency with this speech, but failed to do so.
It is no longer news that Joey lied.
It would be news if Joey told the truth, and did something or anything to benefit the USA.
The Republicans had better not miss this opportunity to let America know the facts you shared!