Ray DiLorenzo: It’s Not About Trump

It’s not about Trump.

“Make no mistake:  They’re not after me, they are after you; your guns, your Christian values, your freedom.  I’m just in their way.”

-Donald Trump

Did you ever wonder how it was possible for Trump to accomplish what he did in such a short time…low gas prices, low unemployment, especially for minorities, home ownership across the board at an all-time high, a renewed international respect for America, energy independence, a return of manufacturing, a rebuilt military, actual border security?  Even China and North Korea took several steps back. 

Did you ever ask yourself how he did it in spite of the constant attacks, impeachments, harassment, and bad press by the main stream media 24/7? 

It’s simple really.  Trump released the potential built into our system of government, long ignored.  He took seriously what many other politicians tossed to the side…We The People!   Trump’s presidency was about America, not his party, his friends, his donors, or any favors some may think he owed.

Why does the Left, the Deep state, and the establishment on both sides of the aisle hate Trump so much?

Trump’s persona is everything the Left hates about America…strong, sure, confident. Like the Wall Street Journal said a few years ago, “Trump is the average American in exaggerated form.”

Trump is rich.  He didn’t steal it.  He didn’t sell influence or favors.  He owes no one. He can’t be bought.  He didn’t take a salary for his term in office, but gave it away.  The presidency cost him $2 billion in personal wealth but doesn’t whine about it.  The response most opposition produces from Trump is jealousy and fear, which begets hatred.  For many people, the Trump derangement syndrome comes from nothing more than his personality…his bluntness, his vulgarity, his aversion to walking away from a fight. When the Left displays their phony morality, Trump is supposed to back off…he doesn’t.  Punch him, he punches back…hard.

Trump does not play by the rules of politics… rules established by seasoned politicians of many years… the grifting, the cheating, the maneuvering, calling in favors, payoffs, lots of payoffs.   He didn’t go to big corporate, big tech, big donors, or kiss the media’s butt.  He only goes to the people.  His rallies bring in 10,000 people, while Biden’s appearances bring in maybe 30 curious bystanders.  Trump’s audience is America.  Biden’s audience is anyone they think can do him some good.  They don’t.

In comparison, Hillary Clinton bought the Democratic Party which was broke.  She convinced the DNC to give her all the super delegates (whatever that is), cheating Bernie Sanders out of the nomination.  The media whitewashed her miserable record before and after being Secretary of State.  She left Benghazi to their own devices, a disgustingly callous display, because she didn’t want the world to know she and Obama were operating a gun-running operation. 

She approved a sale of much of our uranium to Russia and got a nice spiff of $2 million (undisclosed) and $500,000 for Bill just for a speech. She was fired off the Nixon (Watergate) case by her boss, Jerry Zeifman,  because she was impeding the investigation and undermining Nixon’s defense.  She actually didn’t want Nixon represented by counsel.  When asked later why he fired Clinton, Zeifman said, “Because she is a liar.” 

Hillary’s lies and unethical behavior go way back.  Believe nothing the woman says, especially when she says she’s not running for president.  Did you hear that, Newsom?

Sure, Trump has his faults.  His bad habit of hiring RINOS and then complaining about them later, lousy tweets, occasionally thinking out loud.  His treatment of women sometimes got the better of him as did JFK, Clinton, and Biden.  He is a  ‘What you see is what you get’ guy.  Trump is probably the most externally honest president in our history.  His outspoken behavior is not a curse, it’s a virtue. The Germans were recently reminded of that.   They laughed at Trump in front of the world when they were told that they were relying too heavily on the Russians for gas.  Now they will have a cold winter.  He is the man for our time and the times directly ahead. 

Internally, no one knows much of anything about anyone, except God.

Trump’s thinking out loud gets some people nervous…’Hey, suppose we launch cruise missiles on the Mexican cartels?’   A wise person would know the difference, not Mark Esper.  Defense Sec. Esper was the kind of guy that thinks we should reach across the aisle and compromise with people that want to destroy our country.  Frankly, raining missiles on Mexico is not a bad idea. He even spoke to the Mexican president about it. 

Every president for as long as I can remember has gotten nowhere with their ‘War On Drugs.’  Over 100,000+ Americans die every year from opioids and/or cocaine, about 60,000 people a year vanish in Mexico, another 30,000 are murdered.  The added murders, rapes, sex slavery, and accidental drownings from the illegal immigrant industry run by the cartels numbers into the hundreds of thousands.  That doesn’t include the same crimes committed by some of the unvetted illegal aliens.

The most important reason for this hatred is what Trump talked about many times…”The Left doesn’t want me, they want you.  I’m just in the way.” The Democrat Party has bought into the globalist goal of a one-party socialist world order…Communism with a limited population, and a tightly-controlled capitalist system…a system for only the big players…a giant step backward to feudal times.  And Donald Trump was indeed in the way. Because he’s unpredictable he instills fear in our enemies.  And we have enemies, both here and abroad. 

The globalist design is more fascism than Communism, but the Left doesn’t want to use that label. It’s been reserved to pin on the Right.

Limited population you say?  Yes, the globalists have said it and written about it numerous times.  This is not made up fantasy.  We have a world population of around 8 billion people.  They want anywhere between 500,000 – 1 billion people max.  So, why are they letting in millions of illegal immigrants to cross our borders?  Because they will be the worker bees for the elite.  Notice, they don’t need to be vaccinated (they don’t want them to get hurt) and most of them come from countries with no tradition of freedom or democracy.   Trump sees it clearly.

Trump released the potential of every American to experience the American dream.  He told the world that “America will never be a socialist nation,” as the Left and Davos seethed with anger.   While Democrats like to talk about additional benefits to illegal immigrants, Trump was building a border wall and giving tax breaks to Americans.  Hey Democrats, remember them?

Trump began dismantling the socialist entitlement system Obama started to build.  When Biden became president the Left made up for lost time and accelerated their program, destroying the economy, putting as many Americans on the dole as possible, the secret to their power and control of Americans.  Our economic woes are manufactured by a government in the process of eliminating the middle-class.  You can see it clearly in California. Destroy the middle-class, destroy the nation. 

While Democrats were preaching democracy and the rule of law, they were simultaneously releasing hardened criminals onto our streets, taking donations to bail out leftist rioters who murdered our citizens and burned down many of our cities. 

Donald Trump has been a bane to those both here and abroad that demand America come down to a much lower level, economically, militarily, culturally  and spiritually.  How can any clear-minded person believe that the MAGA movement, Make America Great Again, is hateful or extreme?  

Some people don’t like his brash, bold personality, but they are not seeing him correctly.  When I see brash, I see strength. And we are going to need strength in the months and years ahead.  You may not like his demeanor, his tweets, or even his confidence, but I will take Trump any day over a handshake with a phony smile and a knife in the back.

This article originally appeared at Stand Up America US Foundation. Reprinted here with permission.

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