New York magazine is suddenly realizing that the Republicans led by the conservatives, will likely retake the House of Representatives in the midterm election. They are not happy. They just ran a piece titled: The MAGA House Will Make the Tea Party Look Tame. The article included this little beauty:
If the tea party was rightfully derided as a hard-right, recalcitrant bloc with no serious interest in governing, the 2023 House Republican majority could make that era of instability seem almost quaint in comparison.
Panic much? The title is correct, and the quote even illustrates how we got here. It reeks with their utter disdain for Republicans. But the article didn’t ask the most important question. If conservatives are getting less tame, why is that?
It’s because our bureaucratic overlords and their Democrat sponsors are still not listening to the grievances of a large, and growing, number of Americans.
Barack Obama was supposed to be our first post racial president. His election should have proven that we were moving past our racist history. He even promised us a unifying administration if elected. We took the bait and gave him a chance. He delivered divisiveness, uncontrolled boarders, apologized to the world for America, and started us down the path of annual trillion-dollar deficits.
We had concerns and wanted to talk. The Light Giver’s response: “The election is over.” In other words: I won, you lost, no more discussion is necessary, deal with it. And with that, Barack Obama triggered the formation of the Tea Party.
The Tea Party started as a grass-roots movement to push back against the leftist fiscal policies that would enslave our children to a mountain of debt. It was a peaceful movement. They held rallies and protests all over America. Everyone was welcome. There was no violence or vandalism. Rally goers even picked up their trash at the end of every gathering. They unapologetically loved America and would do nothing to sully her.
Did Obama and his leftist elites bother to talk to the Tea Party about its grievances? Absolutely not. Instead, they called the Tea Party racist. It wasn’t. They claimed the Tea Party was a bunch of radical extremists. They weren’t. Then President Obama weaponized the IRS to attack the Tea Party supporters with abusive audits and denied their organizations the non-profit status the tax code said they were entitled to.
The Constitutional rights of the Tea Party supporters were under assault. As the attacks escalated, the Tea Party morphed into a movement for Constitutional adherence, government accountability, and America first. MAGA was born — though it wasn’t named yet.
And then Donald Trump came down the golden escalator. He didn’t create MAGA. MAGA drafted him. He agreed to fight for constitutional conservatives and gave their movement a name — Make America Great Again. How very radical.
The movement needed an unapologetic standard bearer to represent them — its own George Patton. Donald Trump became that guy.
Did the Dems and our bureaucratic overlords bother to hear their grievances then? Nope. They weaponized the DOJ, FBI, CIA, CDC, and NIH. They used swamp operatives to taint an election. They accused anyone with concerns about the election of being seditious and insisted that they be punished. They not only remained unwilling to talk to conservatives, but they also worked to use the power of government to crush all dissenting speech.
Now we have President “Return to Normalcy” in the Oval Office. Unfortunately, normalcy turns out to be American hostages sacrificed to the Taliban, inflation at a 40 year high, recession, and open borders.
Our own government has been further weaponized against its own citizens and is attacking our freedom of speech, right to assembly, right to self-defense, freedom from unreasonable search, right to due process, and freedom from cruel and unusual punishment. Has that tamed conservatives? No way. The list of grievances is growing by the day.
Are the leftists and their Democrat enablers ready to talk yet? Nope, not in the least. Instead, our President is now calling anyone with whom he disagrees fascists — sorry, semi-fascists.
The DOJ is using extra-legal intimidation to silence dissent. The FBI is investigating US citizens as threats to national security — because they dare to disagree with the government approved narrative.
Does the left expect any of this to tame the MAGA movement? If so, they aren’t as smart as they think they are. Those opposing a socialist takeover of America are becoming less tame every day. And it’s all the fault of the Democrat party and the leftists it has aligned itself with.
We wanted to talk politely when Barack Obama broke every campaign promise he had made. We were told to shut up.
We raised our voices with the Tea Party. Rather than hear us, the left called us every vile name they could think of.
Now we’re peacefully shouting with our MAGA megaphone. Is the left willing to talk yet? Nope. Instead, they’ve sent our “public servants” from the government to attack our freedom, prosperity, and civil liberties.
And yet New York Magazine has the chutzpa to complain that we’re becoming less tame. And they don’t even see the irony.
So, will a MAGA House of Representatives be less tame than a Tea Party House? I sure hope so.
We need a full accounting of the Americans left behind in Afghanistan, and what is being done to get them back.
We need to know who in the CDC and NIH were complicit in the lies about COVID. Every single one of them needs to learn what an unemployment line looks like.
Justice is no longer the business of the Department of Justice. The FBI needs to be dissolved and the DOJ radically overhauled.
We need a return to fiscal sanity and an overreaching federal government brought to heal.
We’re still shouting — louder every day. Our discontent hasn’t turned into a brawl yet — and it doesn’t need to. But the time for “tame” is long past.
This article appeared previously on American Thinker.
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The left will never want to talk with us, until the day comes when the left is driven from any chance of having power, again. They don’t think, act, govern, worship, or any other measure, like we do.
The only way they would consider talking, is lying to the media, never a thing as truth when face to face with the leftist.
Supposing we win the House and senate, it will have to only be a starting point that is built on, until the last leftist is driven from those halls, and the presidency. So, can that ever happen? As far as I’m concerned, there is no room for us to be talking with the left, about anything, except their departure from the levers of power. They have already proven to be untrustworthy.
We have enough problems dealing with our own set of so-called conservatives. And I, for one, am done with compromising with anyone. One should never have to compromise with another, when it comes to governance. This is a matter of compromising between good and evil, and there is no room for that.
American principles require one to be radical. That’s lowercase radical, as in Patriot / Citizen. Conservatives should embrace this if they want a constitutional Republic.
Not one to claim being a conservative – I neither wave the flag or pledge allegiance to a flag, but steadfastly am American Patriot / Citizen ( radical ). Others choose their own nomenclature and follow their own set of requirements. Offering openness of self helps others, or should, in their own determinations.
Being less tame is a good choice, very good choice, and, I say, needed more than ever. Confronting the Regime is NOW. The Regime must be removed. Aberration describes the Regime.
Peaceful force of will through strong actions, mass actions, is a must. Some will fall, but others must replace them. It’s the time for determination, and with that being used, confidence will grow. History is on this, along with being right, just, and proper.