Choice, The Best and Worst Gift? Choice – at its most basic, life is really about choice, choices. Having a choice sounds great, right? We have this ‘wonderful opportunity’ in the Land of the Free to make whatever choices about our lives make sense to us. While the government continues to take more and more freedoms away from us, telling us that it’s for our ‘own good’. (Barry’s Hussain’s promise that the choices of ‘you can keep you doctor if you like your doctor’ and ‘you can keep you plan if you like your plan’ didn’t turn out so wonderfully, but you get the idea. CA’s choosing to abolish fossil fuel propelled vehicles in the near future…. I could go on, but…) Even so, we still have many basic choices available to us that many peoples on this earth do not. Can it get any better than this?
Well, it can get better than it is (can we bring back 2016 and those four wonderful years?), but that would mean we have to knowingly choose a solid place to stand and know how to operate the levers we have been given that could move our world (Archimedes, we hardly knew ye).
Okay, enough vague philosophic / math references. We have been blessed with free will. Yes, the ultimate ability to make a choice in our daily lives. But is this really cool, or is it just cold? Is this free will a great gift or one that we keep the sales tag for so we can return it at our first opportunity?
Papa, in His infinite wisdom, gave us this pesky ‘free will’ thing…. “Yes ego, I am in control of my own destiny, I am the personal god of my fate”; my ego is always just fine until the ramifications of my decisions begin to be experienced.
Papa certainly knew what He was doing. We were given the ultimate freedom to choose eternal life if that made sense to us, or something less than salvation if we became so inclined.
Imagine if you will, a discussion in Heaven during (or right before) creation:
The Father (Papa): Hey, let’s give them free will. What say you?
The Son: Hmmm…. this will mean that I will sacrifice myself for their sins resulting from their bad choices; but their immortal souls are worth my giving, and I am willing to do so. In the interim, the 33 years or so I’ll spend walking amongst them will go by reasonably fast. Sounds good to me and it’s the right thing to do.
The Holy Spirit: I think you two are right. In addition, they will need someone ongoing to guide them in their choices and to comfort them when they make lousy ones. I see some anguish in the future of men as they come to realize the ramifications of their unimpeded decisions and what it means to their salvation. Their guidance and comfort is something worth doing and I am more than willing to provide that.
The Father (Papa): Outside of eternal life and our unqualified love, I think it’s the best gift we can give. They can make up their own minds, believe what we have told them, can think and intuit what is true. Their faith will be the key. If they believe and keep their faith, they will have an eternity of blessing, as promised. Everything is up to them. Can we be more fair than that? No coercion, no subliminal or false advertising, just the freedom in choice.
So, there it is. The end of the road for every individual is the result of the choices we all make along the way. Okay, some other folks’ choices can impact us. Yes, they can, and do. So, it turns out your mom was right after all – be careful of the friends you make and who you hang out with….
Remember too, it’s how you react (choices) to circumstance that makes all the difference.
Will I live eternal life with Papa or spend eternity in hell? It’s my choice and really, it’s nobody’s fault but mine, either way.
Will you live a life of joy or live a life of misery? Well, nobody promised you a rose garden (and we have been told that we will be persecuted for His name’s sake). Even in the roughest of lives, that doesn’t mean that we can’t make choices that improve our lives; even as we acknowledge Him, we can expect a life with some challenges; ones that Papa may want us to try to overcome. (To whom much is given, much will be required…).
Imagine, if you will, a life without free will… a life without freedom of choice in even the most trivial of things…. No choice in what to eat for breakfast, to turn right or left at the next intersection…. Every decision made in advance, no autonomy…. The Matrix, but without any hope of escape. (Ugh, sounds like a democrat run America.)
Now, think about life as it is. In every step every day of your life, you can decide whatever you will. Legal or not. Moral or not. Harmful or helpful. Kind or evil.
To all the race hustlers and ‘equity’ pushers in the world – I posit that no one is without power, no one is ever completely subjugated. Papa has given each one of us the ultimate choice of our life’s outcomes. Stop preaching helplessness and start acknowledging self-reliance, responsibility for one’s actions and divine grace for those who act in accordance with Papa’s will.
Do you want to stand up to the oppression of the slave masters? Yes, you can. It may be at great personal cost, but you have that choice. You want to stand up against the modern cabals that control economies you live under, the laws you live under, the governments that control your environment? You can. The cost may seem like everything, but it won’t be everything, because of that one gift that no one can take away from you – your free will. The choice is yours. Is that the best or worst gift we have ever been given? That too, is for you to decide.
Next month, we are presented with yet another choice, voting for the candidates you think will govern best. No perfect choices? I get it. Some are better than others; but consider choosing, at minimum, the least objectional alternative and cast your ballot.
May all your choices result in blessings!
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