Why Pundits Keep Pitting DeSantis Against Trump

There has been an ongoing trend on Twitter for the better part of a year where random political pundits will pit Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis against one another as if either has declared their intentions for 2024, and devoid of any consideration that there is a primary process involved in selecting the Republican nominee for the White House. Much of this is driven by people who want to see Donald Trump excommunicated from the Republican party even though he received the most votes of any Republican candidate for President in history. There is a constant itch from the GOP establishment to go back to the business-as-usual days they celebrated in the early to mid-2000’s.

The populism that was inspired by Donald Trump’s candidacy and his subsequent presidential administration threatened something very dear to people. Money. You have to understand that populism is a difficult thing to sell million-dollar consulting contracts on, and Washington D.C. think tanks would have to do the dirty work of talking to regular Americans instead of having a steak dinner at Morton’s with lobbyists if they were ever going to understand the America first movement so there is only one strategy that will keep these folks getting those fat paychecks: kill America first.

Their target is of course Donald Trump, but they have another target in mind as well: Ron DeSantis.

Following the mid-term election there is the standard scapegoating we’ve come to expect from the GOP establishment, and their favorite person to blame is President Trump, even though he doesn’t have a role in the Republican party aside from being a former President and, if we’re honest, people trust him more than a Romney or McConnel. The interesting part about this blame game the GOP establishment is playing is that they are simultaneously praising Ron DeSantis, furthering the idea that Trump and DeSantis are diametrically opposed, which they are not. The reality is, this comparison isn’t being made to incite regular Twitter users, it’s to catch the eye of the upcoming DeSantis presidential campaign.

I believe that the GOP establishment is trying to convince Ron DeSantis that his success in Florida was somehow due to some sort of difference between him and Trump, and there are plenty of pudgy, bourbon-soaked consultants who would be happy to explain to Governor DeSantis what those differences are, for a fee of course. DeSantis’ rocketing popularity is not because he’s in opposition to Trump or America first, he’s in fact, the heir apparent due to his embracing of directly engaging the media in hand-to-hand combat. If Governor DeSantis isn’t brought to heel by the GOP establishment, then an awful lot of people are going to lose their mansions in Georgetown, therefore, they need to get their tentacles into the DeSantis campaign early.

The only candidates anyone talks about for the GOP in 2024 are DeSantis and Trump, the GOP establishment doesn’t even have anyone on the bench. Who would it even be? They were probably going to run Rubio but he wouldn’t even survive his own state’s primary with DeSantis on the ticket, and the other GOP stars are solidly America first: Gaetz, Greene, Roy, just to name a few. This means the D.C. grift needs to try and infiltrate a campaign early and the obvious target would be Ron DeSantis.

I hope that DeSantis is too smart to fall for it, but a presidential campaign takes a lot of people and you can’t waterboard every employee to find out whether or not they subscribe to the Bulwark and think Adam Kinzinger is “one of the good ones”. Instead of fighting about whether Trump or DeSantis is better, I highly recommend people highlight what they like about each candidate, show both men what their strengths are, and more important than anything else in this piece, understand that your vote is worth everything, and require ANY Republican candidate to earn it, and let them know they must. Much of the GOP considers your vote to be a given, and that needs to change if we are going to win.

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2 thoughts on “Why Pundits Keep Pitting DeSantis Against Trump”

  1. This is 100% Dead On Target.

    The pundits are looking to generate clicks while the consultants are trying to engineer a new grift. A plague on BOTH their houses.

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