“The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those who speak it.” ~ George Orwell
Greetings my fellow Americans (and Earthlings)!
For those who are old enough to remember when those of us in the western hemisphere enjoyed much of the freedom, and/or the cultural and economic side effects thereof, espoused and encapsulated by the Constitution of the United States, you’ve no doubt noticed an acceleration in the intolerance and punitive action of those with the power and the mouthpieces to force people to conform to their so-called utopian worldview. Said paradisical universe includes only those human behaviors which they deem to be non-threatening or otherwise cause no discomfort or undue effort to avoid. For those who hail from other places, especially in “the East,” as well as those younger than 30 or so in the West, this may seem a more natural way of being, inasmuch as this paradigm reflects what you have lived for most, if not all, of your lives, but may be evidencing its increasingly restrictive stripes to you nonetheless.
What is particularly ironic about this is that many of those now appearing to be at the helm of this great reset of humanity, especially in the West, are also who rose to power on messages of tolerance and inclusion (you know, free love and all that), and claimed to be the most enlightened of all when it came to understanding what it means to be human. What is particularly demonic about it is that the threshold for what they consider to be acceptable, not only in behavior but also in appearance of other humans, continues to narrow with each passing day.
The peaceniks, tree huggers, planet-savers, DEI and ESG advocates, and their ilk, who insist that everyone else causes all which ails them in their earthly existence continue to find more and more reasons—and people—to criticize, and punish, for not agreeing with them about, well, everything. Fewer and fewer of the world population at-large are being deemed worthy of breathing the air and consuming the scarce resources of a planet already on life support (according to them); even if guilty of no direct offense to their ”sensibilities,” more and more are being held accountable for what someone from whom they descended allegedly did decades or centuries ago.
The purported grand solution to all of this is the rectification of humanity, i.e., the unteaching of anything deemed to breed exclusivity, discrimination, and/or inequity in people’s ability to “be who they are born to be,” or the non-teaching to those otherwise pristinely newborn and otherwise inherently good at the time they first emerge from their “birthing parent,” and only become evil through exposure to those who have yet to be untaught. Of course, if it is decided that such an environment is impossible to produce for this person, then ending its life is deemed merciful, as he or she would only become one of those to be reviled and in need of unteaching, so why bother?
The reality of this path to earthly paradise should be obvious to anyone of the Judeo-Christian worldview, i.e., its ultimate failure at the hands of people who cannot accept that they are no (and never have been nor will be) more “perfect” than those on whom they have passed the judgment of needed correction (or eradication). The standards for human behavior they have already set, and which continue to be raised, are unachievable, and as they continue to drift farther and farther in their shared delusion of reshaping humanity to suit their vision, the “merciful” killing of those who do not, and cannot, conform will spread to those who have already emerged from the womb (Spoiler: this is already happening).
At the very least, those deemed incapable of fitting through their narrow gateway of tolerance and inclusion will be rendered incapable of reproducing (Spoiler 2: this is also already in motion), in their effort to finally produce that master race of humans (of which they will be the progenitors, no doubt) who will have eliminated all human imperfection, and will be incapable of ever producing or promulgating it again (yeah, right). Yet, there will continue to be a need for a permanent subclass to perform all of the menial tasks deemed too repugnant or lowly for those who have been included, so there will need to be some controlled breeding of eunuchs and mindless grunts to address these (unless they either reset Nature or create robots to do all of this work). Either way, fewer people will be easier to control, and consume far less of the resources needed to sustain the lives of the elite.
And so it goes on the Road to Utopia (my apologies to the Bing Crosby/Bob Hope movie fans out there).
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