SCOTUS Strikes Down Affirmative Action-Almost.

The United States Supreme Court on June 29th, ruled in a 6-3 majority to strike down the affirmative action admission policies at Harvard and the University of North Carolina. Sounds like a win for actual equality. Not so much.

The SCOTUS in their infinite wisdom failed to hold all institutions of higher learning to this righteous new standard. Interestingly, no, surprisingly, the military academies were specifically exempted from this ruling. It seems as though an applicants race will still be a determining factor in admission policy to arguably THE most competitive institutions in America.

The Biden administration filed an amicus curiae, contending that affirmative action furthers the interests of the service academies to which the conservative majority agreed. The 3 dissenting liberal justices bit into this exclusion as an argument that affirmative action admission policies at the service academies are in fact no less important than at any other institution of higher learning.

This ruling is and the exception to it, is nothing less than a toddler trying to taking a step forward while being tied to a cinder block. Our service academies admit some of the brightest youngsters our nation has to offer but that’s not enough. The optics are more important than the outcome.

Why does political gerrymandering seem to have a stranglehold on these institutions which cannot even escape the SCOTUS? Why would the equal protection clause not apply here? The academies are publicly funded. The military officer Corps is augmented by countless ROTC programs throughout the country which come from institutions that will be held to this ruling.

African Americans have been granted admissions. Women have been accepted as well. Most recently sexual orientation was stricken as a reason for the denial of admission. Equal protection should be applied here. Historically the military has been where societal wrongs have been righted. Now though it seems that ones ancestry will continue to be weighted in favor above ones grades showing that equality still is an issue to be addressed.

Quit worrying about the “garden salad” of diversity in America. Competition brings out the best in people. All people. That is unless you want the game fixed. Which it apparently is

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