The “identity politics” tribal coalition of the Left, who are ideologically Human Secularist Totalitarians, speak “Woke” vs. Conservatives’ American English. They see Constitutional “Rights” where they aren’t written and deny the ones actually enumerated exist. There’s no common ground, no basis for compromise, no place for appeasement, no accommodation across our American political divide. The Great U.S. Culture War has arrived at irreconcilable differences. Four Judicial cases show and tell how far apart we are.
Three recent court decisions and one injunction illustrate the unbridgeable divide between Conservatives and the Left’s Human Secularist Totalitarians. Conservatives celebrate the restoration of Constitutional Rights, even as they’re astounded that obvious truths are ever challenged and need explanation in judicial opinions. The Human Secularist Totalitarians – Commies for short – claim that Constitutional Rights have been violated.
Where’s a Constitutional Right to force someone to work against their religious beliefs or make (or create?) something that violates their free exercise of religion?
Where’s the Constitutional Right to accept or reject college students based on their race?
What’s the Constitutional Right for the government and media to censor free speech – even if they believe that speech is false and demonstrably dangerous?
Ideas have consequences. Words have meaning.
The ideas and words of Human Secularist Totalitarianism led directly to the murder of over 100 million human beings. Actually, the numbers get so high there’s no accurate assessment of the incalculable suffering the Socialists, National Socialists, Fascists, Communists, Progressives, Greens, BLM and Antifa, LGBTQIA+, Woke, and Democrats caused in the past. Nor inflict today. Nor is there a limit to the hardship and suffering which will follow the destruction of American and Western Civilization – if their policies are implemented.
Yet, the import of Federal District Court Judge Terry A. Doughty’s 155 page injunction’s finding – “if the allegations of the Plaintiffs are true, the present case arguably involves the most massive attack against free speech in United States’ history” – is completely lost on America’s Commies. It might as well be written in Chinese.
Furthermore, the guilty parties in the government and media actually believe they should censor disinformation, misinformation, and malinformation. They aren’t satisfied with the existing, long-established limits on freedom of speech. Libel, slander, incitement to riot or the violent overthrow of the government, or treason aren’t a high enough standard. They want to stop speech they think is wrong, simply because they think they are right. No, because they think, they alone, know the truth, as well as what is right and good.
It takes real religious zeal to have such certainty in all things. Hence, they are observant Human Secularist Totalitarians. They are rabid about their religion of self and worship of state. Unless, someone in authority in government rules against their trinity of race, class (or privilege), and genders. Which is precisely what Judge Doughty and a majority of the Supreme Court did.
The majority of Americans agree with the judges. But, majority rule and the Rule of Law doesn’t matter to Bolsheviks, Nazis, or Democrats. Their agenda is their sole true allegiance. They mouth the same words – freedom, rights, Constitution, etc. – but they breath their hatreds of tribal identity politics, permanent victimhood, fear-mongering boogey men of racism and White Superiority, every “dash” phobe, imagined evil of Western Civilization and the American Great Experiment, utter contempt and loathing for Christianity.
What could possibly be the Constitutional argument that race should be counted in college admissions? Past grievances, bias, prejudices, and discrimination are grounds for new grievances, bias, prejudice, and discrimination?
Since colleges are havens for Human Secularist Totalitarians, they are likely to continue to discriminate innovatively. They’ll drop empirical, national standardized tests – the SAT and ACT. Then, what? The victims of new discrimination will have to prove their loss in court. It’ll take years.
What should be a simple, clear, win, hard stop and national detour is just a speed bump for the mass of lemmings waddling Left.
It’s wonderful for Conservatives and the majority of Americans to get the wins. A “W” is a “W.” But, the rabid reaction of the Commies is indicative of how far apart we are and how deeply into the Great U.S. Culture War we’ve come. We’re in this race to win it. Press on.
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