Ignorance Kills

Never talk down to voters.  Never blame the voters.  Never criticize your base.  Got it.  So, this admonition is a general plea for more education.  It’s a clarion call for less ignorance wherever possible.  Call it a list of subjects that really must be taught because ignorance kills.

  • Ignorance of Economics will kill the economy. National debt bankrupts a country with fiat paper currency.  It’s not a theory, but an economic fact. Bankruptcy is a fact provable in the dismal science, that is a science with laws as immutable and unforgiving as gravity.  Ask survivors in Greece, Argentina, and Zimbabwe.  

Spending must be cut.  Not slowed.  Cut.  Every penny spent on illegal aliens must be stopped.  Laws need to be changed to stop funding college loans.  Stop allowing chain migrants to cash in on Social Security and Medicare which they never paid for.  Wipe out most federal discretionary spending.

Cut taxes and regulation.  It grows capital.  Capital creates jobs.  Every $5 billion of economic growth results in about $1 billion in federal taxes = and reduces the debt.

Expand energy production.  Increasing energy supply leads to lower prices at home and new income from exports.  It grows the economy which raises more taxes and reduces the debt.

Ignorance of this basic “Economics 10” elects Democrats and Establishment Republicans at the local, state, and federal level who will – literally – kill the economy with their spending, taxes, and regulations.

  • Ignorance of the Constitution will kill our freedom. The Federalist Papers were written for farmers to read and decide on voting to ratify our 1787 Constitution.  Few Americans are capable of understanding them today.  The incessant blather about “democracy” demonstrates the abject ignorance of public discourse.  Ignorance about the structure of government and a bill of rights insures neither the protections of good government in a federal system of checks and balances nor the individual freedoms are safe.  If Covid tyranny doesn’t illustrate it for you, the lawfare and two-tiered justice system should be sufficient evidence of how government fails when people are to ignorant and unwilling to hold it accountable.  
  • Ignorance of History will kill our future. The ridiculous assertions that America is stolen land or Blacks deserve reparations are evidence of appalling and, often, willful ignorance.  Demeaning all things Confederate is a perfect example of ignorance on steroids.  Destroying monuments is a testimony to blind, stupid rage.  All of history teaches the evil in humankind and the manifold accomplishments of the same imperfect people.  When national survival is at stake, there’ll be no future worth saving is there’s no heritage worth honoring.  Supporting barbarian Hamas over Israel indicates historical ignorance or deep bias or both.    
  • Ignorance of Education will kill our Civilization. Higher Education suppresses free speech and teaches demonstrable falsehoods.  Men can’t become women.  Carbon produced by humans isn’t an environmental crisis.  Race-based admissions is racism.  DEI and CRT is Cultural Marxism – nothing more.  Ignoring the canon of Western Civilization is a descent into a new Dark Ages.
  • Ignorance of the Bible will kill our culture. You must know the King James Bible to know America.  Every step Americans take away from our Judeo-Christian moral-ethical system and from the teachings of the Bible coarsens, cheapens, diminishes our American society.    

This list of ignorance to be overcome is just the top level list.  The details below are too numerous for this piece. 

The ignorance really will kill Americans.  The ignorance may kill America all together.

Let’s stomp out ignorance together.

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