Hey Director Of National Intelligence-Any Leaders Around? Does This Political Hack John Brennan Speak For You? Part 2-It Gets Worse

Well it turns out there are some leaders at the DNI after all-but they are probably busy doing other stuff that I will cover below.

Now I have not seen evidence that DNI leadership has addressed the comments made by former CIA Director John Brennan that intelligence professionals-in spite of and in direct violation of their commitment to service to and abiding by the oath of office they take as taxpayer funded civil servants to this country-America-a constitutional republic-may decide not to share things with their potential Commander-In-Chief-the President of the United States (POTUS)-should that turn out to be a Bad Orange Man (BOM)…

I think it would be okay to share such information with current POTUS, as both Brennan and Clapper have been hired in by DHS Secretary Mayorkas to meet with and provide expertise and recommendations on a quarterly basis.

But it is apparently believed to be decisional by intelligence professionals. So it is not so much the information that is the key decision point or criterion, but the person-or maybe political party-or who knows, it could be the color or religion someday. But work with me just a bit on this point.

Let’s say-just for grins and giggles-that my business unit had both regional and functional analysis reporting requirements (for instance, terrorist training reporting criteria in Gaza, or military capabilities reporting in Lebanon, Gaza, Egypt, etc.)

And all of a sudden POTUS-in this case we’ll say it is Obama-levies via the State Department, CIA or Defense Intelligence Agency-a bunch of new reporting criteria on Israel forces and readiness, treating them like any other nickel and dime rogue or adversary nation that we-the IC-reports on because they tend to “do things.”

Our reporting requirements increase to cover Israel because-let’s say they took out a Syrian Nuclear Reactor somewhat contrary to another POTUS’ desires (Bush)-so despite Israel giving up Gaza under pressure from the US to appease and also being our only friend in the region-the only democracy-there is a general consensus in the US government that Israel has become “the impediment to peace.

Israel: Not PalestiniansHamas or Hezbollah-the terrorists routinely and randomly firing missiles into Israel-largely funded by US provided aid-with a “one state policy that advocates the elimination of Israel.” Necessitating or driving the development and deployment of the “Iron Dome” system to interdict missiles to protect Israel civilians.

Israel: Not the Iranians killing Americans in Iraq with Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs,) continuously refining them to improve lethality and to counter/avoid US detection techniques and exporting devices to Afghanistan, funding Hamas and Hezbollah as their “shock forces” while funding terror around the world.

Israel: Not the Syrian government meddling in Lebanon, assassinating Prime Minister Rafik-al Hariri in a horrific vehicle borne IED attack that took out nearly a city block. Both Nanny Peloozi and Hillary Clinton visited and said positive things about Syria: an example of a reformer that could be counted upon in the Middle East (Assad.)

Nope-the impediment to peace is Israel.

My lead analyst for the Israeli requirements is a youngish 27-year-old of Jewish faith who is in early stages of analyst proficiency: Israel has been somewhat of a “caretaker account” until recently, with our unit mainly monitoring a lot of sea-based activity for trafficking and maritime “meddling” by Iranians, terrorism observables, etc….There is a difference in emphasis between monitoring things and reporting against criteria…

We’ve added some analysts to the team because of the increased interest, but these analysts are increasingly concerned about sharing the reporting with the State Department-which historically is more comfortable releasing this type of information in the open than the IC (not INR-which is the intel directorate of State-but the political/policy side,) in particular.

The analysts are reticent to provide information about any Israel military fortifications, deployments or sensitive information because of commentary and leaks by state. Any agency input to the Presidential Daily Briefing (PDB) regarding Israel would come from this team.

Do we really want the members of this team to even consider the idea that they have the freedom to make decisions on what is and is not to be shared or reported? Or I as a supervisor/leader to think that I have that authority?

That is what is potentially set in motion “down range” with these comments by Brennan and his recent elevation-along with partner in Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) Clapper, perhaps the most prominent and well-known IC senior “hacks” other than Leon Panetta-who signed up to the Hunter Biden laptop lies (and yes-I know-they thought it was true at the time…they caveated their comments that they lacked any evidence-they made the comments that it was Russian disinformation anyway…)

The DNI hasn’t-to my knowledge (as an observer of life)- disavowed and condemned or even acknowledged how clearly inappropriate and frankly disqualifying these Brennan comments are, but that tracks with the fact that the only person who has been put through the ringer on any similar national security or IC related matters in this century-is that BOM.

In his press conference announcing the criminal charges against Trump, Smith declared, “We have one set of laws in this country, and they apply to everyone….Nothing more, nothing less.”

Were there other candidates for the national security “ringer?” Let me think here, well there is President Biden-who the DOJ and FBI knew had problems dating back to when he was a Senator, but somehow it never “leaked out” until after the election was settled. We are up to ~seven places Biden stored classified information, none of which was secure in any sense of the term. He is not going to be prosecuted because-despite what Smith declared above, we apply the rule of law differently depending on who the person is: and who the deep state or swamp supports.

The game is given away-and lets be honest here, the game is politics-power-the swampy deep state-and favoritism. There was and is a huge amount of hand wringing, Houdini-like pretzel escape discussions and Saturday Night Live Liar guy-like explanations about why no charge for Biden here. Quite often by the same swampy “crew”-the LSMBTG-who hearted and held Mueller’s words dear when he went to the extraordinary lengths of hackery to declare his “report did not exonerate Trump.”

One set of laws applied to everyone in America indeed. So Trump was guilty because he was not proven innocent? Hur went out of his way to explain the same about Biden…but pay no attention to those facts…

There was Hillary Clinton’s illegal email server and then all the classified emails she spilled into the public domain, including to Huma Abedin and the Wiener guy’s laptops, as well as any linked to her Blackberry account-like government officials-Obama, Biden, Clapper, Comey, Rogers, Rice, Podesta, Sullivan, Nuland…but…phfffft-pretty much no big deal.

She was never charged and an illegal usurpation of DOJ and insubordinate act by FBI Director Comey resulted in not only a total dismissal of any potential charges, but the FBI helped destroy the evidence of her guilt: at least twice (once 5 July 2016 when Comey cleared her-the day Obama joined her on the campaign trail-and again in Sep-Oct-Nov 2016 when the Abedin and Weiner laptop emails were discovered.) Clinton had original classification authority as State Department head, signed all the security clearance paperwork, with all the caveats that explain how violations would be punished. Phffft…

Of course you know that a mild protest is in order because there is obviously no deep state or swamp-that’s a “CONSPIRACY THEORY…” There was the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Security Chief James A Wolfe who was found to be unlawfully disclosing classified information to a journalist/reporter he was sleeping with that led-among other things-to a collaboration via Senator McCain that led to the Steele Dossier being leaked to her colleague and ultimately published to embarrass President-elect Trump.

That sounds pretty cut and dry but consider that Wolfe was (1) charged and sentenced for making a false statement to the FBI, not (2) unauthorized and unlawful release of classified information (3) his sentence was two months (4) the judge in the case was a relatively new name in the swampy mix-the Honorable and malleable Judge Katanji Brown Jackson.

One law applied to all in America-you, me, anyone.

Somebody should ask Former Trump administration Peter Navarro about this one law-thing, since the 74 year old reported to prison for four months while his appeal is pending for claiming Executive Privilege and not answering the subpoena to testify to the 6 Jan Insurrection liars Committee Charlatans.

One law applied to all in an America that would go after a 74-year-old for refusing to participate in a witch-hunt circus which resulted in no harm. Whereas somebody like Obama’s former DOJ Holder can defy congress, be held in contempt for withholding details on Fast and Furious that has resulted in dozens of deaths on both sides of our border with Mexico, and yet nothing happens to him because the WH eventually asserted executive privilege long after declaring they had no knowledge of this operation. Here we see another example that many might describe as an honorable and malleable judge ruling in this referenced case.

Be careful what you wish for with Presidential Immunity….

The DNI has apparently been too busy to address Brennan’s comments. And that is understandable, given that the last several years have been difficult in terms of how this >50-billion-dollar taxpayer funded organization has been performing.

Coming up on the 20th anniversary of the DNI, if pressed to tout the accomplishments and achievements, it is sad to report that any unbiased review of the record would be hard pressed not to consider the DNI as a canard on an already bloated elephant.

The latest headline is a great example. There is much to do and follow in the world given Ukraine, Yemen/Red Sea international shipping lanes, Gaza, China, North Korea, Syria, Iran, Iraq, with the cartels, Russians, South America, etc.

Was there a momentous capture, inside information operation that turned some key informant somewhere, captured piece of equipment, some type of noteworthy IC “coup” that we could tout to tell America what a great job our DNI and IC are doing for that >50B plus in taxpayer funds: that they are on the front-line, keeping watch??? In truth there are probably dozens, perhaps hundreds.

But this is as close as it gets for this week. The DNI DIE office released this story touting the laudatory benefits of cross dressing to intelligence: from the piece…

“I am an intelligence officer, and I am a man who likes to wear women’s clothes sometimes,” the article, titled “My Gender Identity and Expression Make Me a Better Intelligence Officer,” states in its opening line.

Frankly it makes me sick to my stomach to think through how the DNI came to have a DIE office in the first place, never mind publicly touting some aberrant cross-dressing freak as the type of publicity that is welcome or indicative of the average person in the IC. Or the type of message the majority of the public-the 99.999% of American taxpayers who don’t cross dress, nor talk publicly about such things, would be interested in or appreciates.

I should note this was in a For Official Use Only caveat publication, so meant for cleared spooks or government who are apparently interested in reading about the talents, exploits and lives of their fellow IC members…There are undoubtably thousands of feel good and worthwhile stories to tell about IC members, their challenges, successes and talents. It seriously makes my stomach queasy that this freak of nature is the story that was picked out to highlight.

There is something wrong with our society when we not only want to coddle and encourage deviancy, but promote, celebrate it, and project the attitude that it is “normal,” rather than a mental disorder that needs to be treated: count me out.

Some time decades ago I was contacted by social services at Ft. Ord and asked to attend a family counseling with one of my soldiers. The counselor did not want to discuss it over the phone. One of our SSGs was a cross dresser at home and his children were totally freaked out by it-and so was his wife. It had gone from an occasional strange kind of “joke” to an everyday uncomfortable new habit for the family. I felt like a “you know what” in church that day. I saw the SSG-everybody in our unit-every day for formations, physical training and our educational and training efforts.

One day he was an upstanding and outstanding soldier in my unit. The next day and each one thereafter were simply mortifying, judging by the look in his eye and demeanor. This was during the “don’t ask, don’t tell” era implemented as policy by President Clinton. It made sense to me because nobody needs to know such things and have knowledge of such trash and aberrant behavior-from my viewpoint-cluttering up thoughts of going about the business of the Army.

I would not discuss my preferences in the workplace because it can only lead to troubles. Knowledge of this type of aberrant behavior is environment changing and shocking to the system. I hope it is never otherwise…

On the DNI Employe Climate survey of a few years ago, questions started appearing about gender preferences. At first-I played the game-and wrote in, ”I like redheads” (my wife.) When it turned out to be a recurring question I answered by writing -this is none of anybody’s business…

What’s next, celebrate illegal aliens in government? Convicted felons or classified security violators?

What has the DNI/IC been up to lately? Well, peruse a few of these…

CIA on site with bomb detection dog team for 6 Jan 21. Either they were the only “other” ones not in on it, or _______.

7 October 2023 apparent total surprise terrorist attack by Hamas on Israel that included sophisticated intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance means such as drones, the takeout of the forward Israeli surveillance and border monitoring system, vehicle aided attacks with modern weapons systems, followed by hostage taking and dispersal actions that could only be addressed through direct Israeli assaults. It seems impossible for the DNI resources to be surprised in an area that is constantly reported on, or was it (being monitored) by this administration: this DNI???

Houthi operations out of Yemen threatening Red Sea and international waterway commerce, particularly oil. Did we have no warning/reporting on the Houthi’s gaining access to increasingly sophisticated means of attack in the region from Iranian sponsors: UAVs, tactical/theater ballistic missiles, extended range munitions of various types?

The fall in less than two weeks of an Afghanistan Government and security forces reported to be 300K strong and one of the most consistent investments made during the US operation. In an environment that we know was rife with disturbing metrics, not the least of which was the routine knowledge of the Taliban controlling 65% of the check points on the lines of communications leading into Kabul, as well as continued and consistent reports of the reconstitution of Taliban forces lording over tribal fiefdoms throughout Afghanistan.

CIA Director Burns somewhat spoke for the entirety of the IC/DNI when he declared the CIA to have been “much less wrong” than other agencies: about as low a bar as can be set in comparison to none.

The Clown Show of Austin and Milley testified to congress that should the Russians attack Ukraine it could well be over within 72 hours. Does anyone remember what the DNI or CIA testified? I personally don’t, but it strikes me we could do just as good (bad) for about 10B dollars a year and fund more foreign intelligence sourcing…

Reports of random UAVs in the US, the Chinese balloon, the flow of weapons and sophisticated assets and resources in use by the Cartels in Mexico-who in DNI-land is tracking this information? How is it benefitting US intelligence reporting?

Is all that additional manpower, money and concentrated political focal point reporting for the IC through the ODNI worth the squeeze? Has intelligence reporting improved over the last two decades? Or did taxpayers fund a bloated executive superstructure over an already ginormous entity that has significantly enhanced political intelligence reporting and woke/group think?

Max Dribbler

21 March 2024


LSMBTG: Lamestream media echo chamber (LMEC-L) social media (SM) big tech tyrants (BT) and government (G)

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