Antifa can’t cope a banana

As they side with the people who raped, tortured, murdered and then mutilated the bodies of young Israelis on October 7, the intifada antifas at UCLA are crying because people are bringing bananas to their demonstration at UCLA.

Linda Mamoun posted a video of a woman eating a banana and taunting the crowd.

Mamoun tweeted, “There was a protestor in the liberated zone at UCLA with a potentially fatal banana allergy. Counterprotestors invaded the encampment and saw all the no bananas warnings. The next day they came back waving bananas like settlers waving machine guns & smeared bananas everywhere.”

Like settlers waving machine guns, so go the Days Of Our Lives.

The reaction on Twitter was as one might expect. Cam posted a picture of a man in a banana suit and said, “But I identify as a banana. That’s not very inclusive of you.”

And of course, there is a clip of a banana skit by Monty Python that’s appropriate for the occasion.

Bleu Cheque tweeted, “Oh no, not a banana! That’s totally the same as 10/7.”

And therein lies why these protesters deserve absolutely nothing but disrespect and harassment. The protesters deliberately ignore what began this war. Palestinian soldiers invaded Israel unprovoked and not in uniforms and proceeded to violate most of the rest of the rules of war in their bid to destroy Israel (Jewish and Muslim citizens alike).

The LA Times ran a both-sides-have-fine-people story. The media’s inability to fully side with the anti-Semitic left is a sign that the left has yet to push the American public into the George Floyd end zone.

LAT said, “Dueling Gaza protests at UCLA draw hundreds as USC sees peaceful demonstration.”

The story said:

A young woman sat shaded by an Israeli flag, blood visible on her scalp, awaiting medical attention after she said she was shoved to the ground by another demonstrator while attempting to retrieve her fallen flag. Private security guards, meanwhile, attempted to restrict access to the pro-Israel rally.

Across the lawn, demonstrators carried signs that ranged from a handmade “Free Hugs Jewish Students” to pre-printed “I go bananas for Israel” — a taunt aimed at reports of someone with a banana allergy in the pro-Palestinian encampment, now encircled by a protective wall of plywood. Through gaps in the wood, a person waved a large Palestinian flag.

When one demonstrator began throwing peanuts at others, UCLA alum Randy Fried stepped in.

Fried said, “We make peace when we find the ability to talk to one another. If we want them to listen to us, even if they’re wrong, we have to at least find a way to listen to them.”

Nobody wants to listen because nobody wants to be heard. It is spring, the weather is nice and if the Antifa fairies play it right, there won’t be finals this year. Yay!

On his weekly show, Bill Maher said, “We started out with this with ‘Okay, we’re for Hamas.’ That was the beginning of it and a lot of people were unapologetic about that.

“Then it went to, you know, the kids, they dug up some of Bin Laden’s old books. And they were like, ‘Oh, this dude. He’s got some good things to say. He hates America too. Because you know . . . everybody knows we’re the worst country ever.’ I mean, okay. Now we’re at the place where they’re chanting some places ‘Death to America.’ And now, we’re for the Houthis. Now with the Iran attack, they’re for Hezbollah! Do they know what goes on in Iran?”

Mind you, Maher doesn’t care about the cause, either. He fears not the lunacy but the backlash to the lunacy.

He said, “I want to win an election.”

Conservatives please note, we need this attitude. This moral high-road BS leads to losing.

Maher later said, “I think you have to address the part that they’re not getting, they’re not seeing. And that doesn’t happen by, you know, academically, saying, ‘Well, you know, according to the Constitution.’ They want you to address this kind of stuff. And I think it begins with admitting yes, some of it is crazy. Some of it just strikes me as crazy too. And it is counterproductive. And I don’t like it when I see college kids who don’t understand anything about history and somehow now the Jews are the Nazis?!? I know kids love to switch things up.”

That was before UCLA went bananas.

LAT said:

Banners hung along the Palestine encampment read “Jews say no to genocide.” On the Palestinian side, a woman in an abaya, mask and keffiyeh on the steps of Royce Hall held up a sign that said, “You cannot defeat people who are not afraid to die.”

Unless you pull a banana on them — and yell, “Stop or I’ll fruit.”

As for the banana eater, they tried to catch her but she dropped her peel and gave them the slip.

These demonstrations are an excuse to get out of class that likely is funded by some George Soros group.

College administrators and faculty don’t mind. Fewer tests to grade. Never underestimate the lethargy of American leftists.

This article first appeared on Don Surber’s Substack. Reprinted here with permission.

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