Big Tent Includes Amber Rose Reagan

Big tent includes Amber Rose Reagan: “It is not your duty or privilege to destroy others in the tent.”

Pundit Matt Walsh tweeted, “The RNC gives a primetime speaking slot to a pro-abortion feminist and self-proclaimed slut with a face tattoo whose only claim to fame is having sex with rappers. Truly an embarrassment. Not a single voter will be mobilized by this person.”

Digital Marketing Strategist Joey Mannarino tweeted, “She’s revered in Philadelphia.

“You do realize no tax on tips is also huge for strippers right?

“We need that message out to all the strippers.

“That’s where Amber Rose started her career.

“Now she’s an entrepreneur. She MADE IT all the way to the top, but she remembers and isn’t ashamed of where she came from.

“And you better believe all those girls who are working hard on those poles still are listening loud and clear and they’ll be heading from the poles to the polls on November 5th.”

I am not a fan of her OnlyFans work but that’s between her and the Lord. I have more than enough sins of my own to worry about.

Trump is winning the black vote — slowly but surely — simply by being a Republican. He is showing people of all races that they benefit better from Republican policies than they do Democrat pandering.

His call to stop taxing tips is as Republican as it gets because tips are a reward for good service. Republicans tip. Democrats don’t. They demand a higher minimum wage so that lazy waiters get as much money as the good ones do. The end of this tax will help people of all races and in many occupations in which you keep your clothes on.

Trump won’t get a majority of the black vote this year, but he is in it for the long haul. He is doing like Eisenhower did in 1952 when he took 5 of the 11 confederate states. No Republican had taken a confederate state since 1928.

Republicans built on Ike’s efforts. In 1972, Nixon took all 11 confederate states as part of his 49-state landslide.

Trump’s plan for the black vote by being Republican began on August 19, 2016, in Diamondale, Michigan. He literally was trying that in a small town. Diamondale is small enough to qualify for a “Sal-lute” on Hee Haw. It also is 93% white and less than 1% black.

NBC reported at the time:

Citing poverty, high unemployment and broken education systems, Donald Trump on Friday continued to court African-American voters with the simple question: “What do you have to lose?

“Look at how much African-American communities have suffered under Democratic control. To those hurting, I say: What do you have to lose by trying something new like Trump?” he read from a teleprompter at a Michigan rally.

“You’re living in poverty, your schools are no good. You have no jobs, 58% of your youth is unemployed, what the hell do you have to lose?” he added in the overwhelmingly white town of Diamondale.

Donna Brazile whose claim to fame is she was the first black woman to manage a presidential campaign (Al Gore, who lost) wrote, “For over 40 years, the Democrat Party has been my home. And it has been home to the vast majority of black voters in increasing numbers since the struggles of the Civil Rights Movement in the 1950s and 1960s, and going back even further to the New Deal and earlier.

“This despite the fact that the GOP was the party of Lincoln. The Republican Party would have been the natural home of black voters, but it was the GOP that turned away from us. And at the height of the civil rights struggle, President Lyndon Johnson made a conscious decision to fully commit the Democrat Party to the cause of equality for African Americans, even though he knew that would cost the Democrats the South — and many elections — for at least a generation.”

Without 27 of the 33 Republicans in the Senate, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 would have failed as 22 Democrats voted against it.

But, whatever.

Trump carried his message to slightly larger but still largely white towns until he got to Des Moines, Iowa. Only then was he ready for the obligatory presidential candidate speech at a black church. He gave the same message. He didn’t drop his G’s, unlike his equally white opponent.

Oh, he didn’t carry the black vote. But he gave the same speech in Detroit that he gave in Diamondale and carried Michigan. He was the first Republican in 28 years to carry the state.

You see, in seeking the black vote without pandering, Trump also reassured voters of other races that it isn’t deplorable or racist to be openly MAGA.

Eight years later, as Trump seeks re-election, the Jeff Bezos-owned Washington Post reported, “Democrats worry that black voters won’t turn out for Biden in 2024.”

Earlier, USA Today tried to spin its own poll as Trump not gaining votes among black people, but Paragraph 7 said, “In 2016, Trump received the support of 8% of Black voters, according to exit polls. That support increased to 12% in 2020. The USA TODAY/Suffolk poll from January found that Trump’s support among black voters has stayed the same at 12%. Meanwhile, President Joe Biden’s support has slipped from 87% in 2020, according to the Roper Center, to 63%.”

Wait a second. 87 minus 63 is 24.

If 24% of black voters vote for someone else (Cornel West got 7% in the poll and RFK Jr. got 6%), FJB is a one-term president.

Those numbers are before what AP on Saturday called “loud noises.”

Rapper Fifty Cent that night paid tribute after the shooting to Trump with a remix of Many Men (Wish Death).

All I know about Fi’ty is he was my late son Michael’s favorite rapper.

I don’t know if Trump can win the black vote, but I do know that he is showing Republicans how to win black votes eventually.

A few people don’t like all these new people, both black and white, signing up. They have tattoos! I will let a newcomer speak for them.

Denise Aguilar responded, tweeting, “I’ve been told I don’t look conservative enough and I don’t look Christian enough. If people continue to shun those who are becoming aware of what the Democrat Party has become we will never win. Embracing people like me doesn’t compromise your values, they are only compromised when you’re not solid in those values.

“Like it or not we may not look like people you’re used to but we are bringing in people who feel politically homeless.

“Btw. I’m running for California Assembly with the highest turnout for a Republican since 2012. Buckle up.”

Don’t worry, honey. MAGA is for everyone. As Catturd tweeted, “Amber Rose and all her followers are 100% welcome in the MAGA movement.

“So is anyone who wants to Make America Great Again.

“And BTW — Her speech was fantastic.

“When people see the light and change — you welcome them with open arms.

“These egomaniacs who think they’re the judge and jury of conservatism, and they, and they alone, from high on their moral soapbox, get to anoint who gets in the movement according to their own purity test — are a laughable joke.”

Others don’t like J.D. Vance because he was a Never Trumper 8 years ago. So?

NYT got the dirt on him: “He had a fraught relationship with his mother, who was married five times.”

“He has espoused traditional views of marriage and the role of women in the workplace.”

“As a teenager, he loved Black Sabbath, Eric Clapton and Led Zeppelin.”

I’m 70. I like all 3. I quote Ozzy all the time.

These times they are a-changing as we seek to Make America Great Again.

Even Frank Luntz sees the change. He tweeted:

Last night, voters saw a Republican Party that they (and I) have never seen before.

A stage filled with hardworking taxpayers, African-Americans, working women, union members, and delegates dancing in the aisles. Speeches bashing Corporate America and the status quo.

We witnessed the realignment of American politics, Trump-style.

Reagan called for a Big Tent. He said, “And here is the challenge to you. It is the duty and responsibility of the volunteer Republican organizations, not to further divide, but to lead the way to unity. It is not your duty, responsibility of privilege to tear down, or attempt to destroy, others in the tent. As duly chartered Republican organizations, we can all advance our particular sectarianism or brand of candidates for the party to pass on openly and freely in a primary election.”

He said that 13 years before he became president.

If you don’t want to be inside the tent with Amber Rose, there’s the door.

This article first appeared on Don Surber’s Substack. Reprinted here with permission.

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