We are apparantly facing an epidemic – of Child Birth…Here we go again. According to Axios, the Biden administration is actually considering declaring another medical emergency – this time for abortion. We’re in the trial balloon stage right now. That’s where administration officials drop the idea on a few people in the press to see how the public reacts. But in Joe Biden’s case, it means he’ll almost certainly do it. The man doesn’t know how to say “no” to the left, and he doesn’t much care about the reaction of the public anyway. Besides, he needs to distract everyone from his Chinese Balloon fiasco.
But “abortion emergency” seems like a misnomer. An abortion is a procedure – a tool. Joe should be talking about what emergency is requiring expanded use of that tool. Given what an abortion does, Joe must think there are too many babies being born, and we need a federal mobilization to stop it. I can see how he’d think that, given his son’s “fast and loose” sexual proclivities. Joe’s got unwanted grandkids popping up all over the place. So, he’s going to declare and emergency and call it an “abortion” emergency, because calling it a “too many children” emergency might not sound reasonable to a lot of Americans.
Or maybe the real “emergency” isn’t too many kids being born. Maybe the real problem is that the left’s narrative is being threatened. The Dems and the MSM have been pushing the propaganda that Republicans want to turn America into some version of The Handmaiden’s Tale ever since Roe v Wade was overturned. But if a bunch of women (and I do mean women) discover that they still do have reproductive choices, that narrative will collapse. They can’t have women learning that the court decision didn’t make abortion illegal, it just left it in hands of the states. They definitely can’t have women learning that abstinence, contraception, and adoption are alternatives to abortion. They’d better kill some kids to protect the narrative.
Besides, adherence to the rule of law is for chumps anyway. An executive simply needs to wave that “emergency declaration” magic wand and then do whatever he wants. The COVID pandemic proved it.
So now the left is using emergency powers for political purposes – rather than to actually protect the welfare of Americans. And no, insisting that women take responsibility for their decisions is not a threat to their welfare.
COVID gave our wannabe dictators a chance to play with their shiny emergency powers, and they liked it. It worked so well at destroying our economy, children’s education, supply chains, and social graces that the left thinks it may work for some other stuff too. In fact, they’ve been talking about emergency declarations for gun control, climate change, suspension of freedom of speech, and even elimination of gas stoves (per our bartender from Brooklyn). But first up, it’s going to be expansion of the practice of abortion.
When (not if) Joe does this, HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra says the government may be able to:
- Provide travel assistance so that women infected with pregnancy can travel to states where “reproductive healthcare” can treat this serious affliction.
- Provide abortion medications that poison those unwanted clumps of cells – even in locations where such medication may be illegal.
- Provide liability protection to medical practitioners who choose to break local laws by
killing babiesproviding reproductive healthcare.
According to Mary Ziegler, a professor of law at the University of California:
It would be hard to imagine a federal court challenge to that … ending well for the administration …
She thinks the abortion pandemic emergency declaration will go down in flames when it gets to the courts. She then reminded us why the legal profession is detested by most Americans. She added:
it might have some value in the short term.
Translation: We know it’s illegal, but the left will be able to kill a bunch of babies before it’s stopped – and that’s a good thing. She considers it a net positive for the Biden administration to break the law as much as possible before the courts stop it. That’s what constitutes her sound legal advice. No wonder our legal system is in such sorry shape.
But the Dems are being strategically stupid. They keep setting precedents that come back to haunt them – and this one may be the Grand Poohbah of precedent setting idiocy.
Harry Reid changed the Senate rules when he nuked the filibuster for judicial appointments. That allowed Barack Obama to pack the lower courts with a bunch of “legislate from the bench” leftists. But it also allowed Donald Trump to set the stage for the overturn of Roe v Wade.
San Fran Nan set the precedent that it’s okay to remove opposition members from their committee assignments when she booted Marjorie Taylor Greene and Paul Gosar for petty political reasons. Now Greene and Gosar are back, but Adam Schiff, Eric Swalwell, and Ilhan Omar are out.
Nance also violated the long-standing custom of allowing the opposition to appoint members to participate on investigations. It allowed her to turn the January 6 “insurrection” into a kangaroo court fit for prime time television – well, CNN anyway. But now Republicans are free to investigate Joe Biden, unimpeded by opposition shenanigans. I’m guessing that when details of the Biden family corruption start coming out, the Dems are going to wish they’d retained the ability to play some of those shenanigans.
Now Joe is about to set the precedent that emergency declarations can also be applied to political emergencies. What could possibly go wrong?
Will a future President DeSantis use an emergency declaration to shut down the legal marijuana dispensaries in California, Oregon, Washington, Alaska, Maine, and Massachusetts – just as the Dems shuttered businesses during COVID? Deaths from drug overdoses are an actual emergency, and pot is a gateway drug introducing our youth to the joys of mind-altering chemical consciousness. I suspect closing pot stores will do more to reduce fatal overdoses than closing the neighborhood hardware store did to prevent the spread of a virus.
Just think of what President Trump could do for illegal immigration or energy independence with emergency powers. And those would also be actual emergencies, not made-up crises like excess child birth.
You can see where this can go if the Dems normalize the use of emergency powers to get something done without selling it to the American people.
I’m not a fan of increasing government powers – especially through executive declarations. But I’m also not a fan of playing on an unlevel field. Agreeing to do so only guarantees that we will eventually reach the socialist utopia that the left has in mind. If Joe Biden really wants to increase his executive powers on his way out of office, the next Republican president may just make the Democrats pay for it. The Dems didn’t learn anything from their Reid and Pelosi blunders, because they’re very slow learners. We don’t know what it will take for them to realize that Karma is a cold hard mistress. But they seem determined to give themselves another lesson.
Author Bio: John Green is a political refugee from Minnesota, now residing in Idaho. He has written for American Thinker, and American Free News Network. He can be followed on Facebook or reached at greenjeg@gmail.com.
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The president has no such power. If the president declares an emergency, it has to be in a very narrow range, like an attack against our country, and births don’t qualify. He has no authority to make any order that falls outside his stated authority, else he would have tried this stunt on guns, and you can guess what that would lead to.
FDR got away with making gold illegal to hold, until Gerald Ford repealed FDR’s order. FDR’s EO was unconstitutional. I still don’t know why it was never challenged in the courts.
“It might have value in the short term.” Yes, and so might the killing of those lawyers and abortionists who perceive this value, and allow this unconstitutional act.
The only power Biden, or any president can ‘increase’ is that which is in a bill that passes Congress. The rest is just an abuse or usurpation, which is an unlawful act.