Almost two years ago I wrote an article about seniors, and others, who could no longer feed themselves because the Biden Regime, from Day One, intentionally created massive inflation. It has only gotten worse since then as evidenced by “understocked” food banks and overstocked” animal shelters.
In Tennessee, Lilo’s owner was forced to give her away because she couldn’t feed her kids, much less a dog. Shelters all over the nation are seeing this heartbreaking scenario. The following note was attached to Lilo’s collar:
“MY NAME IS LILO: Please keep my name. Please love me. My mom can’t keep me and is homeless with 2 kids. She tried her best but can’t get help. I cost too much for her. She really loves me & I’m a great dog & love to be loved on. Please don’t abuse me.”
I thought the welfare state, which has been milking the earners, the workers in this country since Democrat Lyndon Johnson, along with a Democrat Senate and a Democrat House, created the massive transfer of earned wages from workers to the federal government to care for “the needy.” There are more “needy” now than there were BEFORE the “Great Society” was devised to give the Deep State ever more power and control.
“Business” is booming at all three food banks on the Long Beach Peninsula, a community of about 13,000 on the Washington Coast. The number of needy families has mushroomed. “We are now serving more people than we have ever served before,” according to the long-time president of one food bank.
One food bank served 9,931 people in fiscal year 2021-2022. In fiscal year 2022-2023, which ended June 30, 2023, that number had ballooned to 15,432. In fiscal year 2021-2022, it spent $38,262 on food; but, in 2022-2023, that figure was $102,938.
In northern Texas there is a sprawling and complex ecosystem of organizations set up to make sure people who can’t afford food do not go hungry. But that ecosystem is struggling, faced by a straightforward supply and demand problem: Need is increasing, as the resources to meet that need have declined.
Inflation and an end to expanded pandemic spending has been a one-two punch, pummeling household finances for many Texas households. Meanwhile, the food banks are receiving less food from state and federal government programs.
“We are serving at higher levels now than we ever did during the pandemic. Not only has the need increased, but our expenses have increased with that,” said an officer for a Plano-based food bank.
In March, federal SNAP benefits that had been expanded during the pandemic were cut back. “It’s like we’re jumping off a cliff,” said the CEO of one food bank. “And we’re the net. We’re trying to catch these folks. And the problem with that is our net has also been pulled out from under us.”
This year, the Tarrant Area Food Bank is getting about 25% less food from government programs than it did last year. Cash donations to the food bank have also declined. As inflation increased, many past donors stopped giving.
“What food banks are thinking about doing is starting to ration: How much food can we give out at a time? How much food can we let our partners pick up?’” a food bank CEO in Texas said. “They’re really starting to think about things from a scarcity mindset of how do we stretch our resources.”
We can’t keep buying food at the current volume in order to meet the increased level of demand, according to one food bank trustee. “We know that’s not sustainable,” she said.
At one church-run food pantry in east Fort Worth, they can see the Tarrant Area Food Bank’s depleted inputs when they go online to order food to stock their grocery shelves. Some days, there are plenty of options and lots of available product. Other days, there are only a few options for produce, meat, bread and other staples. At times, there are little to no dairy products available.
“When we see the zeros across the board, we get a little nervous about whether we’re going to have the food because people are coming. People are coming,” the pastor said. Dogs & cats are coming, too.
JUN 10
The author, Diane L. Gruber, is a First Amendment advocate who writes for Substack. She calls her Substack newsletter America First Re-Ignited.
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