Heard a Bob Dylan song this morning and in light of recent revelations of the extent of behavioral shaping, it got me wondering. I always thought he was an awful singer and composer, and an even more dismal performer and actor. His songs to me are equivalent to a toddler’s early crayon drawings. He was touted as “the greatest song writer” of his generation.
What if it was all just a cruel facade and a cynical test of people’s gullibility to see if they would consume what was fed to them? Have you ever tapped your feet to Dylan? Other than the warbling “Like a Rolling Stone” can you name any other of his songs? Conversely, name five Beatles, Elton John, Billy Joel or Frankie Valli songs – easy squeezy.
I felt the same way about the Grateful Dead, which to my sober ears is excruciating clamor. I always figured their successful concert tours were attributed more to an immersive psychedelic “experience” rather than appreciation for musical accomplishment.
Experiments in New York subways with world class musicians playing to disinterested passersby affirm that context is as, or more, important to talent.
I also never understood the appeal of artwork by Jackson Pollock, and similar splashings of paint on canvas, and especially thought Andy Warhol mono colors were talentless commercial drivel, but art “critics” swooned over them.
Now, I question everything, and have relearned to trust my own eyes, ears and senses.
Breakfast cereal is sugary gruel. Coca-Cola is sugary caramel colored acid. Pineapple pizza makes as much sense as using banana slices. Anything that requires food coloring to make it look palatable is probably something you shouldn’t eat. Paper masks are face coverings, not protection from nanometer viruses. Mailing in ballots for elections that decide who will “represent” us is an illusion of choice.
Enormously fat girls are not “Miss Universe” material. Men beating women about the head and ears at the Olympics isn’t “sport” even with gloves. Why did we go to war in Iraq and Afghanistan for an Arab who was living in Africa that was finally killed in Pakistan? Why don’t we believe people who say they want to kill us? What the heck is a “content creator?” Why are dysphoric drag queens reading stories to kindergartners? Why is the leader of the free world a babbling dementia patient who drips ice cream down his chin like an infant? Why is something as delicious and simple as butter bad for us? Where did the Washington Redskins go?
Have people become so weak minded, conditioned, and afraid of not “fitting in” with a handful of dementoids’ visions of how the world should look that they have surrendered their free will?
In every case, the root cause of this stupidity is a rejection or resentment that there is a divine Creator, and that there is beauty and perfection all around us if we just look around and take a moment to be grateful.
I don’t need anyone to chew my food for me and tell me how it tastes. I don’t want a narrator telling me what I am seeing and hearing with my own eyes and ears. I especially will not accept anyone telling me that something that is obviously wrong, is “right.”
Once you start living without filters, mufflers, and lies, the world becomes more beautiful, vibrant, and easier.
Life and God are good. Enjoy it on his terms and your own, and you will find happiness. It’s all right in front of us, and simple.
Have a blessed day.
Gregory Stenstrom is Co-Founder of www.Patriot.Online. He is coauthor of “The Parallel Election.” He was codefendants with President Trump in a landmark defamation lawsuit in Philadelphia, PA, which they won in January 2024, using “truth is a complete defense.” He is on the Editorial Board of the Intelligencer.Today. He holds a BS from the US Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD. He can be reached at gstenstrom@xmail.net
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Excellent rant! The amount of disinformation people accept is off the hook.
I pray many will turn to God, his Word and not just swallow the mis-information put forth by the MSM.
I’m glad you put that video link because I listened to it, and I haven’t heard it in decades. I never liked Dylan, more of a Harry Chapin guy beck in the day, but that song is so appropriate, today. And, as for Jackson Pollack, I never understood throwing paint at canvas, either. Andy Warhol reminds me of a ghoul hanging out at a famous disco, snorting coke.
We are living a life mostly like you say. You just have to look back at all the things we once did, and it is amazing how lazy we have become. Sometimes, it hurts to look back and see what we let happen.
Then there is a country musician, John Rich, who took the Book of Revelation and wrote a song about it, so there is that to look forward to.