The Land of Israel Versus the State of Israel; Part Eight

Justice is justice… and we are not the judge.

What God says on the subject of this section can be found in Daniel chapter 2; Hosea chapters 10,11,12; Ezekiel chapters 20, 28, 37 and 38; Isaiah 11, 52. The arguments developed below are extracted from these two books: The Rock Breaks the Globalists’ Empire and Revelation the Fair God.

Soon, in our time, we will all witness a swift succession of amazing divine events: The culling of the descendants of Jacob, the majestic and divine transfer of the remainder descendants of Jacob to Israel, the opening up of the entire territory of the greater land of Israel to the Hebraic tribes and the seven year blissful hiatus in history when God will rejoice with His ancient people in Israel. Two considerations make it clear as to the timing and the process of the elimination of the evil fourth empire: it is biblically and logically coherent that our current evil empire and its consequences should be dealt with now and that God should be the effector. He has the divine right to deal with His people… So He will.

In Nebuchadnezzar’s empire, and by presumption in empires two and three, the Jewish people were the victims or at least mere subjects. This current fourth kingdom appears different: It seems that the power elite is Jewish at the higher echelons and the rest of the peoples of the world with the “non-elite Hebrews” are the victims or at least mere subjects—with the avowed goal of enslaving everyone who is not of the tiny anti-Messiah Jewish elite.

So, humanity-wise, with God’s ancient people being the Satanic culprits, we have reached a peculiar end point. God’s ancient people are guilty of the worse iniquity that Gentiles were known for. God will act.

When He does, every Hebrew He spares will be one who embraced Messiah Jesus. God triumphs. Justice is served. And we will all rejoice with the living Hebrews.

God’s justice is thorough and fair. A point that is skirted in all the discussions about the holocaust of the Nazi regimes around World War II is that many of the international grand financiers who financed Hitler’s regime and the war did not share in the decimation of their own co-descendants of Jacob. None of them ended in the death camps. None of them were targeted in the streets.

They seemed inured to the pains and deaths of millions of their own Jewish brothers and sisters: those whose deaths and pains they were knowingly financing. These powerful, behind-the-scene obscene, Jewish sponsors of war and misery could have stopped the concentration camps and death camps even before WWII began by removing their funding! At any point during that awful war they could have stopped all of it by doing the same… Why didn’t they? Who else, but them, could really and honestly be blamed? We blame Hitler and his Nazis (they deserve the blame) but we do not blame his enablers—who are even more guilty. These obscene individuals and their families walked away unpunished—and richer… The Rock will strike them. Mercifully, we won’t have to.

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