Quick Hits About The Declaration Of Martial Law By South Korea’s President

Quick Hits About The Declaration Of Martial Law By South Korea’s President From a guy who spent time there in the intelligence collection/analysis and operational fields of the military. Most of it on the DMZ.

  1. South Korea has always had a power struggle between the President and the parliament. Today’s declaration of martial law escalates this conflict from a slow simmer to a boil.
  2. How their President reacts to parliament’s vote to cease martial law will be critical to understanding his motivations. Is he seeking to maintain power by blaming parliament and North Korea, or is he genuinely seeking to eradicate communism and North Korean sympathizers in parliament?
  3. Declaring martial law is a dangerous step in that the use of such powers by one president with whom you agree could be used by another with whom you disagree. America should be wary as this story develops. We may not want to see this as a precedent for the steps needed to preserve liberty in America if violent protests surround the Trump administration from 2025 forward. Just like in 2020, most responses were a governor’s responsibility. (A martial law declaration by an American President is not on legal solid ground anyway)
  4. It is likely this is NOT a prelude to North Korea seeing an opportunity to make a significant move along the DMZ. North Korean dictators are educated overseas and know what a free market economy looks like. They cannot afford to expose the people of North Korea to the thriving capitalist society of South Korea, for it will expose the fact that North Koreans have been lied to for generations. North Korea’s dictators do what is necessary to retain power for themselves and are not concerned about the welfare of their people.

I won’t go further than this for now; the story is too new, and a lot will happen over the coming days/months. Stay tuned.

This article first appeared on Darin Gaub’s Substack. Reprinted here with permission.

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