Malcolm Gladwell’s 2002 Tipping Point goes a long way to explain what is in effect the “gateway drug description” of how little things accumulate into big, house crushing avalanches.
The Joe Rogan Podcast has epic reach and his episode with Mike Benz is mind blowing. Long form interviews can be monotonous and boring if you get a guest who doesn’t have a lot to say and takes their own sweet damn time saying it. Sometimes the host is captive in trying not to be rude while moving the dialogue along.
This is the opposite. You can just sense Rogan somewhat writhing in head pain as Benz expands on government deep state operational points often led by non-governmental organizations (NGO) by proxy that can do the dirty work without running afoul of “things.”
Like that constitution thing, federal law, spying problems, you know, little stuff like that as plots-schemes-are revealed like the layers of a conspiracy theory one dirty, rotten, devious, twisted, malicious, duplicitous level and layer at a time.
Whether it’s the CIA state department information operations playbook, the political dirty tricks done dirt cheap manifesto, the “wrap up smear” tactic revealed by proud practitioner Nanny Peloozi, the turning of the overseas playbook into a domestic censorship effort, or the skinny behind why and how the payoffs eventually taint everybody, the bottom-line takeaway somehow mimics Trump’s line: Benz has them all.
The relationship to Gladwell’s Tipping Point is how some of these seemingly innocent beginnings always seem to get twisted up in knots. We may start out helping a friendly politician in Africa the State Department is bolstering in support of the CIA to prevent the “free democracy” Russian communist leader from gaining a foothold. Deploying social media, broad band blasting of propaganda, drumming up scandals, investing in friendly and opposition groups, hedging bets, making things into a “whole of government,” “whole of society” effort, always for a good-and the right-cause.
But these efforts always seem to creep back into the US and influence politics, elections, our justice system-linked somehow to the Intelligence Community (IC.)
Benz runs the table on myriad examples and how the game is played. And it is not pretty. These deep state ops are somewhat like “Let’s make a deal” in that behind every door is a rabbit hole and corruption trail funded by government, wrapped in quasi government policy and being corrupted in degrees as the outcomes morph from broad policy support goals to inflicting the will of the deep state on a populous at any cost by hook, crook, dirty deeds, buying politicians and institutions by whatever means are necessary.
Cause the end justifies the means and if you are trying to save a society from itself-from Hitler-any means are justified. Even if that society is hell bent on Hitler…
Is there anything insidious about saving people from themselves? See, you have somewhat of the great unwashed who are simply not the “right stuff.” They lack pedigree, degrees, sophistication, judgement. They really can’t be trusted to discard persuasive messaging in the packages they are provided like some beloved “junk food Twinky.”
And they somehow reject the desired message from the deep state swamp: its infuriating to have such difficulty getting them on message when they seemingly lap up with a spoon the messaging that undermines the swamp.
Mike Benz explains how these methods of deep state persuasion that started leaking at the seams, failing to gain traction forced a transformation of the tactics by reapplying overseas methodology as if the US population was subject to the same rules of “democracy” where freedom of speech and access to information is not a given, right, or mandate.
But how could they pull that off in America? And the answer was easy: by engaging what I call the Lamestream Media Echo Chamber, Social Media, Big Tech, Government and Academia-the infamous LSMBTGA-in a censorship scheme not unlike the iron curtain of the cold war era.
When a government provides the means of communications, broadcast news, print, radio, television, internet, etc., it is child’s play to propagandize the audience.
Who would have believed it could be done in the US with the vast diversity of information sources available to the average citizen?
It is near humorous to hear people blithely dismiss the “deep state swamp” because such conspiracy theories alleging far-fetched and ambitious schemes-in order to be effective-would have to encompass hundreds and thousands of people.
Therein lies the greatest protection the swamp has against anybody in a position of power stopping the op(eration.) I used the example of the movie “The Sting” in describing how the Biden Administration pulled off the raid at Mar a Lago through collusion conducted between the Biden White House-at the top level-the National Archive Records Administration, Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the General Services Administration.
If you listen to Benz’ account of how these propaganda campaigns unfold you will start to appreciate how the swamp pulls off some of these efforts without any seeming regard for their oaths of office, integrity, morals, ethics, or dignity.
Benz describes how the top-level programs start with government insiders. Contractors and NGOs are incentivized to produce deliverables in the form of what we call in the military “programs of instruction:” training materials. The message is cast as policy and the training materials are distributed to “affiliates” in foreign countries or in friendly states.
The next thing you know the US is funding gay rights activities in places like Afghanistan, rainbow flags are flying outside the embassy in (wherever.) Benz’ details present how something like this-the widespread adoption by our government-can happen with public funds under the public’s nose with congress being none the wiser-or along for the ride.
The easiest place to instantiate such propaganda is in our own government agencies. The start can be innocence itself, for instance the drive to educate people about and to recognize unconscious bias as a product of upbringing and the environment that often impedes relationships.
It started as mandatory Equal Opportunity training in the Army in the late 1960s when the huge riots took place after the MLK assassination. By the 1970s and the start of the All-Volunteer Army it was unclear who this training was really for: who was the target and why?
Fast forward to 2016 and it has morphed into Unconscious Bias training that is now exclusively-in the government-taught by militant blacks-usually female-with a message that if you are white-you have it, you were born with it, and there is nothing you can do about it except to cave and kiss the butt of those you are biased against.
The notion that everybody has innate bias from their upbringing has gone by the board, replaced by dogma, introduction of the Founders as the root cause of this original sin, painting our constitution as racist-a creation by the “patriarchy,” and there is no way to atone for that original sin: it’s genetics.
OBTW, this training undoes and disavows the MLK premise of his dream about a color-blind society. To quote the instructor in a class at our agency, it “pisses me off when you don’t see me as a black woman:” oh, my!
How could such a message be endorsed by the US Government for mandatory education training to the US workforce? Mike Benz explains how these things trickle through the system and suddenly show up “everywhere” throughout like an echo chamber.
The Rogan Podcast with Benz should be mandatory listening for those who need a dose of reality on how such concepts can be spread throughout organizations seemingly without critical scrutiny or thought. And how such concepts end up in the bureaucratic DNA of organizations.
The role of censorship that was put on steroids during the first coming of Trump and went on steroids during COVID can’t be understood without listening to someone like Benz explain how it came about.
Break-break: there is another Rogan Podcast that is pure gold and it was with Mark Andreesen about-among a variety of topics-how folks like Fauxcahantas and her love child the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau came up with the genius plan of deplatforming through censorship and ultimately debanking people.
And I say again all after-I’m not a big Joe Rogan fan-I think I’ve listened to five of his Podcasts now if you count Trump, JD Vance and Musk.
Have you heard the term “Politically Exposed People?” Here comes the clue bus and the destination says, “only for right wingers.”
I heard the term long ago when a buddy of mine was the recipient of a medical marijuana use license and then also qualified and was granted a license to produce 12 marijuana plants to sell for medicinal purposes that would be sold under the authorization of the state.
There was only one problem in this business: there was no place to put the money. The state banking system would not take the money in this mostly cash endeavor which stunk (the cash) to high heaven.
Even though the activity was sanctioned-licensed by the state-the feds had not relented on it at the time and no bank in such a state would get involved with the activity and jeopardize its relationship and livelihood resident in the flow of treasury dollars through the federal reserve system.
During COVID this technique was amplified, replicated and practiced to infinity and beyond. I was aware of the marijuana industry issues because of my friend.
I became aware of the ramifications one day when I was pursuing an apparently harmless transaction to buy some pellets for a rifle using Paypal-a matter of convenience at the time-but the transaction was denied because it violated the policy against weapons and ammunition.
That was quite some time ago and relatively innocuous in the scheme of things. But Andreessen covers where all this led to as the leftist and liberal government colluded with the Fed and banks held hostage by government funding to impose their will on a variety of topics that begat CRT, ESG and DIE for the masses.
In my view this was a sophisticated expansion on steroids of the original scam perpetrated by folks like Jesse Jackson and Al Scharlatan on corporations in the modern-day version of a civil “shakedown.”
The takeaway-bottom line down the bottom-is I think it is well worth your time to listen to the Benz and Andreessen interviews.
12 December 2024
LSMBTG: Lamestream media echo chamber (LMEC-L) social media (SM) big tech tyrants (BT) and government (G)
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