The craziness and insanity are coming to an end. What we have seen these past four years has been a shock to every patriotic American. What was once an area reserved for the pride and joy in us has turned sour, especially in three areas: government, healthcare, and security, both financial and personal.
Hopefully, the money laundering, the influence peddling, and denying our hurricane-ravaged citizens monetary help while Ukraine and Africa got billions were bad enough. The twisting of the law to undermine political opponents was particularly disheartening. The government has been ardently working to normalize homosexuality and transgenderism in our culture and our public schools, and the news of major hospitals turning children into an “it” instead of leaving them as God created them, male and female. An obese transsexual assistant secretary of health, who badly needs a psychiatrist, gave us advice on fitness and a trans gala with half-naked attendees that took place on the White House lawn.
Now that the dust has settled, we see crazy leftist women getting sterilized, having their fallopian tubes removed as a statement of rebellion against Trump winning the election. Many of them will likely experience profound regret when they meet the right guy in the near future. Other students are settling for milk and cookies their university has provided to relieve them from all the stress of the loss.
The constant stream of lies about what is going on has been exhausting. We knew that our inflation wasn’t going to be ‘transitory.’ But they lied anyway. We knew Biden was going to pardon his son, but he lied anyway, even after the constant, sickening drone from every Democrat that “No one is above the law.” It didn’t stop the bureaucracy from digging in and making plans for the next four years. After all, everything that was important to them was on their side… They had the money, the bureaucracy, the media, and Hollywood. It was like watching a glorious party from next door, but we were not invited.
But they forgot about the people. They didn’t have them but thought, in the few minutes they allowed, that they did. They actually thought celebrities were going to make us forget their incompetence, their corruption, their neglect, their apathy. It will go down as one of the greatest political underestimations of all time.
In some respects, it has been great fun watching Obama merchandising Biden to deaf ears. He will not get his fourth term after all. His book has finally been closed. He may as well sell his Washington house. He won’t be needing it. No one is listening anymore.
Many of us, who closely observe events, continue to be perplexed by our government’s persistent attempts to antagonize Russia, risking all-out war. We were aware that Putin was concerned about their dwindling buffer, but parading Ukraine’s application or interest in joining NATO to his face was not going to go over well. But they did it anyway, encouraging Zelensky and pissing off Putin.
I believe that the Democrats and elements in the West and in NATO hate Trump enough to create a world war.
Our healthcare has taken a beating. After COVID and the parade of vaccines that were nothing more than experimental drugs having killed millions worldwide, who wants to go to the doctor for anything? What was once a sacred trust has turned to suspicion. I feel bad for the numerous doctors and nurses who saw what was happening and bit their collective tongues till they squirted.
What we will find refreshing is that our returning president actually has goals. We should strive for peace, restoration, productivity, fiscal responsibility, ensuring national and personal security, and bringing back a sense of normalcy with a semblance of morality and natural law, if we can still find it somewhere.
I am convinced that the globalists with the aid of the Democrat Party were in the process of dismantling our country. The election stopped them cold, but they have not given up.
As one reaches a certain age, it’s natural to want time to slow down a bit, but I’m willing to allow some wiggle room to ensure Trump takes office as quickly as God will allow. And may Almighty God protect him
This article originally appeared on Stand Up America US. Reprinted here with permission.
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“In some respects, it has been great fun watching Obama merchandising Biden to deaf ears. He will not get his fourth term after all. His book has finally been closed. He may as well sell his Washington house. He won’t be needing it. No one is listening anymore. ”
Restfully I must disagree on this point. Obama will not stop trying to destroy, excuse, “fundamental transform” America. Hopefully, after the second term of Trump, and two terms of a President Vance, or President Cruz, or President DeSantis, Obama will be shoved to the ash heap of history.