7 year tribulations? Myths to reality, Part 2

It’s all in the context: 70 weeks, for whom? by whom? When? And how?

This series of posts rests on what God says in Daniel 9 and is extracted from the texts of Revelation the Fair God, The Great Harvest of the Post-Allah World as well as The Rock Breaks the Globalists’ Empire and the biblical references therein.

Daniel, in exile, was distraught about the sins of his people. He ended his petition to God with: Lord, listen! Lord, forgive! Lord, hear us and do something! For your sake, don’t wait, because your city and Your people are called by Your name!

Gabriel, the messenger God sent to Daniel, specifically answered within the scope of Daniel’s petition: God ordered four hundred ninety years for your people and your holy city for these reasons: to stop people from turning against God; to put an end to sin; to take away evil; to bring in goodness that continues forever; to bring about the vision and prophecy; and to appoint a most holy place (Daniel 9:24 NCV).

  • For your people and your holy city: Gabriel addresses only the matters that touch and concern the Jews and Jerusalem.
  • To stop people from turning against God: John-the-Baptist’s message precisely announced that people were to stop turning against God, repent publicly and be ready for Immanuel (God with us).
  • To put and end to sin: this is precisely what Jesus accomplished. The destiny of sin was sealed at Calvary.
  • Take away evil: until Jesus’ sacrifice, the sin of the people were only covered up and the rule of evil remained unchallenged. However, in Jesus, the believer is filled by God’s Spirit and evil can be effectively challenged in that person by the One who crushed evil.
  • To bring in goodness that continues forever: there will be no new rehabilitations to take place after Jesus—in Him we are a new creation that continues forever. The goodness we have access through His salvation is eternal: it will not be upgraded later.
  • Bring about the vision and prophecy: this is precisely what Jesus’ coming and his doings did! He fulfilled the vision given by God to Adam and Eve before He pushed them out of Eden, the same vision numerous prophets preached. Messiah will crush the serpent’s head.
  • Appoint a most holy place: until Jesus came, the most holy place was a place built by human hands. It was inside the Temple of Jerusalem. As Jesus’ sacrifice was accepted by the Father, the curtain that kept the temple’s most holy place separate, inaccessible, was rent. The temple’s most holy place was now untenable. Jesus ushered in a new, eternal most holy place: Himself.

These items are what Gabriel came to speak to Daniel about. All these points revolve around what will happen in Jerusalem four hundred and eighty-three years hence, when Jesus—the anointed one—is killed and God, accepting His sacrifice, ends the ritual sacrifice for all times. This is the context of Daniel 9.

Thus, we will see in this series that Gabriel, in this prophetic message, leaves off the parts of the future that are not specifically Jewish. And we should not try to shoe-horn them in either.

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