Politically, We are Now in Our Most Dangerous Time

Yes, Trump’s victory, along with many other Republicans down-ticket, was tremendous and desperately needed. But right now, we are facing a time more dangerous than if Aunt Kami or Uncle Joe had won the election.

First, we have the Biden administration doing everything they can to damage the incoming Trump administration. There are signs in the establishment media that Biden’s Neocons are going to push additional sanctions on Russian energy. When this happens, it will push up the cost of energy and increase inflation, all for the sake of hurting Trump.

On top of this, the Neocons are pushing war, war, and more war. They are attempting to stick Trump with a host of problems that will seem unsolvable. It doesn’t matter how many die from these wars, or have their lives ruined. It’s all about hurting the incoming Trump administration.

But probably the most dangerous aspect of all of this is the wave of “Trump euphoria,” especially coming out of Neocon and main stream sources. Whether it’s Time Magazine naming Trump “Man of the Year,” or Zuckerberg’s Meta donating a ton of money for Trump’s inauguration, all of this amounts to a load of toadying up that is almost embarrassing to watch.

But it has one purpose… to appeal to Trump’s vanity, and thus co-opt him to their ends.

All of us have this weakness, and those who triumph over significant adversity are particularly vulnerable. I have seen this happen many times in politics… where the dragon slayer that voters put into office after a hard fight becomes a bleating lamb in just a few years. Indeed, the wave of leftist Democrats that are shifting towards the Republicans is of serious concern. This is nothing new in history.

In the early 1800s, the Federalist party crumbled due to their gushing support for Great Britain and tendencies towards strong, central government. By 1820, President James Monroe was able to run unopposed for reelection as the candidate for the Democratic-Republicans, a party committed to limited government. This period of our history became known as the “Era of Good Feelings.”  Yet, by 1824, the Democratic-Republicans were themselves falling apart, and that year saw a pseudo-federalist in the person of John Quincy Adams return to the presidency.

What happened was that Federalists, having been crushed politically, joined the Democratic-Republicans and destroyed them from within. The result was the creation of the Democrat Party, and the Whigs, who were Federalists reborn. It ultimately led to the crumbling of the Union and civil war.

We are now in real danger of repeating history. Should Donald Trump and Trump Republicans fall victim to the stroking of their vanity, they too will enter the dustbin of history as those who allowed the Democrats to destroy them from within. When their vanity is soothed, they begin to compromise on their principles, leading to disillusionment among their supporters and the collapse of their movement.

And considering the lessons of history and the foibles of human nature, this is sadly, almost certainly what will happen.


Russ Rodgers has several books published on Amazon.

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