After spending 22 months in hospice care, Jimmy Carter has passed away. He was the only former US president to reach the age of 100. February 18, 2023 his grandson announced that our 39th president had entered hospice care at his long time home in Plains, Georgia. His wife of 77 years, Roslyn, followed him into hospice care and President Carter lost her November 19, 2023. Perhaps he will best be remembered as the last Democrat president who did not get wealthy “serving” in public office.^ Two years ago, he openly supported election fraud because it enabled Joe Biden, the only known traitor, to live in the White House.
James Earl Carter, Jr., a Democrat, served one term, January 20, 1977 to January 20, 1981. His vice president was Walter “Fritz” Mondale, a senator from Minnesota. Carter/Mondale were elected in November 1976 and ran for re-election in 1980.
In the 1980 presidential election, Republican Ronald W. Reagan beat Carter in a landslide, winning 489 electoral votes to Carter’s 49. This resounding defeat was due mainly to two of Carter’s failures: 1) NOT getting America out of the decade long economic recession (caused by massive tax increases) and hyperinflation, almost as bad as that caused by the Biden Regime, and 2) his nightmare foreign policy disasters, especially in the Middle East.
Foreign policy experts back then (and historians now) blamed Carter’s policies for failing to stop the revolution that turned Iran into the Islamic dictatorship that we are STILL dealing with. This led directly to the hostage crisis wherein 52 Americans were captured & held for 444 days, until the day after Reagan was inaugurated.
Considered an outsider, Carter had little support from the Democrat Establishment led by Senator Ted Kennedy, nor from the DC Swamp. Carter was not corrupt.
After the death of former president George H. W. Bush (6/12/1924 to 11/30/2018), Carter became the oldest living former president. He was the last Democrat president to leave the White House poorer than when he arrived.^
During one term in office, Jimmy Carter accomplished little that benefited America or Americans. He managed to cause lasting harm, however, harm America is suffering under today. A good man, Carter was the most feckless, hapless president in U. S. history, yet Americans did not suffer under his presidency as much as they are suffering today under Biden’s.
The decline in the quality of education can be directly traced back to the establishment of the US Department of Education in 1979. At that time the literacy rate in America was 99.4%. Today the adult literacy rate in America is 79% according to the US Department of Education, the very agency who presided over this astounding decrease within, barely, two generations.
With his re-election approaching, Carter needed the support of the powerful teachers’ unions, and giving them massive control over public school education ensured their members would fund his re-election and vote for him. [The US House and Senate were controlled by Democrats during Carter’s entire four years.]
Literacy in America steadily increased until the 1980s. In 1870 80% of adults could read & write and by 1900 that figure had risen to 89.3%. Even though fewer than 75% of adults in 1940 had completed high school, 97.1% could read and write. The very year the Department of Education was established, 1979, 99.4% of American adults could read and write. That was the highest the literacy rate ever got, and it has dropped continually ever since, thanks to the federal takeover of public school education.
Senator Joe Biden (D-DE) voted “YES” to take power and control away from parents, local communities & states and give it to our overlords in the DC Swamp.
During the Carter Administration and for the first time, the public heard, and heard often, about The Misery Index. During the 70s & early 80s Americans were living with the twin problems of high inflation and stagnant economic growth AT THE SAME TIME. This was a HIGHLY unusual economic phenomenon that has returned for the SECOND time as a direct result of Biden’s policies.
To be fair to Ole Jimmy, his policies did not create this economic misery. It was created by President Lyndon B. Johnson and the Democrat-controlled House & Senate when they tripled income taxes and doubled Social Security taxes in 1968.
By the mid-70s, this increased taxation had brought a previously robust economy to a screeching halt. Hapless Jimmy was not able to BOTH continue transferring wealth from employed Americans to the Nanny State (called “The Great Society”) AND improve the economy.
Virtually all Jimmy’s economic policies failed to improve the economy. Many made it worse. When he left office the inflation rate was almost THREE TIMES higher than the day he was inaugurated.
During Carter’s four years, America’s 5% unemployment rate rose to about 15%. FIFTEEN PERCENT! Such high unemployment was not seen again until 2008-2009, during the Bush/Obama Recession. And Biden managed to surpass Jimmy’s historic record, by intentionally creating 18% inflation.
Jimmy was totally overwhelmed by the duties of the presidency. All these years since his presidency ended, historians are still debating whether Carter was clueless about how to handle foreign policy or he just did not consider it a top priority.
Jimmy wanted to be “nice” to America’s enemies. Like all Democrat presidents to follow him, Carter’s policies emboldened America’s enemies, worried our friends and weakened U.S. military strength.
Completely ignoring the best interests of America, and following his humanitarian impulses, Carter invited the deposed Shah of Iran to come to the US for cancer treatment. The Shah had fled from Iran to Egypt several months earlier when he was faced with an army mutiny and violent demonstrations against his secular government.
Just days after the Shah was deposed the spiritual leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Khomeini, returned from his 14 years exile, spent mostly in Iraq, and took control of Iran. The hardline Islamist government created during the Carter Administration is still in control in today’s Iran.
Jimmy’s lack of foreign policy backbone can be directly blamed for creation of the Iran Hostage Crisis which lingered during the last 444 days of his presidency. Islamic Revolutionary students, enraged by Carter’s invitation to the deposed Shah, stormed the U.S. Embassy just hours after the Shah landed in New York City on November 4, 1979. These terrorists took 66 Americans as hostages, holding 52 of them UNTIL THE DAY AFTER REAGAN WAS SWORN IN.
The new Islamic government had no respect for President Carter and the American military which Carter had weakened. On January 21, 1981, knowing that the incoming president, Ronald Reagan, would not tolerate such disrespect toward America, the Islamic goons released all hostages.
Here are some of the American hostages being held by the Iranian terrorists.
Obsessed with ending the hostage crisis and the damage it was having on his re-election efforts, Carter ignored the objections of advisers and ordered a rescue mission. In April 1980, Operation Eagle Claw was launched, intending to send an elite team into the embassy compound where the hostages were being held.
Unfortunately, a severe desert sandstorm caused several helicopters to malfunction. A collision between a helicopter and the large transport plane killed eight servicemen so the mission was aborted.
Senator Joe Biden had been in office for four years when Carter was sworn in on January 20, 1977. [Seems SO LONG AGO, doesn’t it? Almost FIFTY years living in the DC Swamp eats away at most politicians & bureaucrats, turning them from normal Americans into greedy, self-centered, power-mad members of the Ruling Elite.] Although Jimmy, like most Democrats, pushed policies that harmed America and Americans, this American believes he was the last Democrat president who actually CARED ABOUT Americans. His failing was the fact that he was totally incapable of handling the duties of the presidency.
Rest In Peace, Jimmy. I am sorry I voted for you, twice.
*When he entered the White House, Carter put his Georgia peanut farm in trust, to avoid any conflict of interest. (Ha! Such a quaint notion!) The trustee was apparently incompetent and, four years later, the farm was in financial distress. Compare Jimmy’s sacrifice to Bill Clinton, Barack Obama and Joe Biden: Clinton & Obama increased their net worth hundreds of times during their eight years in the White House. Biden’s net worth increased dramatically while he was vice president via money laundering & influence peddling. He received millions from foreign businesses & governments. Thus, Biden entered the White House a wealthy “public servant.”
The net worth of Reagan, Bush 41, Bush 43 and Trump all decreased during their time in the White House.
The author, Diane L. Gruber, is a First Amendment advocate who writes for Substack. She calls her Substack newsletter America First Re-Ignited.
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