Victor Davis Hanson has an article at American Greatness entitled: What Was So Different This Time About Trump’s Election? He notes that Trump’s 2024 return to office looks very different than when he won the election in 2016. This time around, the public is considerably more optimistic about a Trump presidency.
Dr. Hanson presents a number of factors for this shift in public opinion about the Donald: relief that our four-year Biden nightmare is coming to a close, MAGA has become the big-tent political movement, and Trump ran a very upbeat and disciplined campaign.
I’d like to add one item that’s different from 2016. The left has spent decades creating the notion that victimhood is a thing of admiration and nothing bestows greater moral authority than being oppressed. Then they turned Donald Trump into a victim (in the public’s eyes). They
- Bore false witness against him (too many times to count),
- Impeached him (2X),
- Sued him (2X),
- Raided his home – with lethal force authorization,
- Falsified evidence (2X),
- Arrested him (4X),
- Removed him from the ballot (3X),
- Rigged the debates against him (2X), and
- Shot him.
Just like that, the screaming lunatics of the left made a billionaire the poster child of oppression. Thanks to their efforts, Donald Trump isn’t viewed as an elitist that lives on a golf course. He’s an average Joe, being attacked by a system whose members believe they have a right to crush anyone. But Donald Trump overcame all of that, and enters office with a groundswell of public support. America loves an underdog.
Author Bio: John Green is a retired engineer and political refugee from Minnesota, now residing in Idaho. He spent his career designing complex defense systems, developing high performance organizations, and doing corporate strategic planning. He is a contributor to American Thinker, The American Spectator, and the American Free News Network. He can be reached at greenjeg@gmail.com.
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