Holding Scientists and Medical Researchers Accountable for Unethical Human Testing, Part 3: Massachusetts, Ground Zero

The U.S. Atomic Energy Commission has its own coin.

The history of testing unwitting humans in Massachusetts has a far earlier history. In 1896, Dr. Arthur Wentworth wanted to know if conducting spinal taps on babies would be harmful, so he just went ahead and conducted 29 of them without the knowledge or consent of their parents.

Holding Scientists and Medical Researchers Accountable for Unethical Human Testing, Part 2: Roberts Bartholow and the Brain Invaders

Dr. Roberts Bartholow used electricity to experiment on the brain.

Bartholow wanted to see if the mapping of human brains corresponded with the mapping of animal brains. He did this by using a pair of electrolytic needles inserted into the dura mater surrounding the brain and underlying tissue and applying low levels of electric current.

Holding Scientists and Medical Researchers Accountable for Unethical Human Testing, Part 1: J. Marion Sims, The Father of Gynecology

J. Marion Sims was knowns as the Father of Gynecology.

On Sunday I wrote about “7 Horrific Experiments U.S. Scientists Conducted on We The People and Their Final Solution.” I thought, OK, done. It’s a bleak topic and clearly using humans as guinea pigs in seven experiments is seven too many, but I’ve brought attention to the subject and can move on, right? Then a reader …

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7 Horrific Experiments U.S. Scientists Conducted on We The People

The Stata Center at MIT is as whacky as the scientists working within. Unaltered image by Pablo Valerio/Wikimedia Commons

Let’s review: 1. 1858: New York prison systems administer shower baths to unruly “negro” prisoners. What’s a shower bath, you ask. It’s essentially waterboarding, but in a seated position. Torturers of old apparently lacked the finesse of today’s torturers, not understanding how backing off was more detrimental to the victim because of the lingering fear. …

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