Lauren Boebert Publicly Tricks Liberals into Completely Mocking Biden’s Gaffe

Sleight of hand

Fiery Colorado Rep. Lauren Boebert, a Republican, cast her net into the deep blue liberal sea on Saturday and hauled in some of the best and brightest the left has to offer.  Boebert was playing off the most recent, high-profile gaffe by President Joe Biden. During a speech to autoworkers Friday in Hagerstown, Maryland, Biden …

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Liberal Professor Has Public Meltdown After Seeing Flight Attendant Without Mask, It Backfires Badly

Amir Attaran, a professor at the University of Ottawa’s Faculty of Law and School of Epidemiology and Public Health, truly lost control of his senses on Saturday after spotting a United Airlines flight attendant without a mask. Attaran, who was traveling from Ottawa to Chicago, took to Twitter and delivered a lengthy series of posts …

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