I remember being dragged along to go clothes shopping with my mom and siblings in the late 60’s and 70’s (19, not 18) for hours on end. My mom and sisters loved it. My brothers and I hated it. We’d constantly be looking for ways to entertain ourselves during these boring, endless shopping nightmares. One way was to “spy” on shoppers. We’d hide behind clothes racks and observe store patrons. I can remember on rare occasions we’d spot a transvestite shopping for ladies’ clothes. We’d giggle and my mom would tell us to stop staring. I admit, we weren’t very PC. We were just curious. We knew women didn’t have 5 o’clock shadow, broad shoulders, and oversized hands. We were too young to understand what we were viewing, but we knew something wasn’t quite right. We just didn’t know what or why.
Thankfully, my brothers and I didn’t have to go to reform school to get our minds right about gender equity and transphobia. Times sure have changed. Even successful comedian Dave Chapelle can’t escape the wrath of the trans-crowd. Apparently, we’re not allowed to even joke about the topic, nor be photographed with those that do, as Patton Oswalt found out. Don’t you dare cross (not cross-dress) the trans-crowd or you will be cancelled. These people aren’t joking. They can’t. They have no sense of humor.
Why are people allowing this very vocal, tiny minority of radicals to transform and dictate culture to the rest of us? Have we lost our collective minds? Or have we more likely lost our convictions, our principles? Has our society “progressed” to the point of not caring about what makes us distinct individuals, what makes us men and women? You would think this most basic of human identities would be most important to a cohesive society. It has been throughout history.
I suppose this is the (il)logical conclusion of the feminist movement. Since the time of the suffragettes, women have been demanding equal rights. The most radical of feminists have claimed that men and women are completely equal, that there are no differences between the two sexes. They have told us that a woman can do anything that a man can do and vice versa. Thus, women can give birth and “men” can be birthing persons. Feminist goddess Gloria Steinem has denied biological differences between men and women. From RealClearPolitics: (emphasis added)
“In 1997, interviewed for John Stossel’s ABC News special, “Boys and Girls Are Different: Men, Women and the Sex Difference,” Steinem derided scientific research on sex differences in brain functioning as “anti-American crazy thinking.” (as if men and women are unique to America) She also suggested that upper-body strength tests requiring firefighters to lift heavy loads were sexist.” (she fails to explain why such tests are sexist, since she believes men and women are exactly the same)
The trans cancel culture isn’t new. Gloria Steinem was participating in that anti-First Amendment technique long ago along with her fellow leftist, Jane Fonda, when they tried to silence Rush Limbaugh in 2012. This may explain the deafening silence from the radical feminist community as men have been outcompeting women in sports and even beauty contests, disguised as women. They don’t want to be subjected to cancellation from the trans mob. Do the leaders of NOW, EMILY’s List, Feminist Majority and other feminist organizations really believe that all it takes to be a woman is to say that you feel like one? That womanhood is reduced to hairstyle, skirts and make up? Or are they just trying to save face, because to admit that men and women are different would mean that they have been wrong all along? Not that men and women shouldn’t have equal rights, but that men and women are the same. Shouldn’t their concern that women and girls are threatened by this trend be greater than their concern for their own political power? Apparently not.
Men are fast becoming the first “women” in many areas. Our first four-star female Admiral is none other than Dr. Richard Levine, who now goes by the name, Rachel Levine. The first male to make the cover of Sports Illustrated’s traditionally female swimsuit edition is Valentina Sampaio. He is also the first male hire for Victoria’s Secret and the first to be on the cover of Vogue. Are men becoming more beautiful than women? Hmmm… Maybe it is a man’s world after all.
Men are also destroying women’s sports from high school to college to the pros. Women cyclists can’t compete with Rachel McKinnon, a 6-foot-tall man who claims to be a woman. Rachel has won two women’s world cycling titles, breaking records in the process. Too bad, ladies. Girls on Connecticut high school track teams are losing to boys claiming to be girls. These girls are suing the state’s athletic conference for their trans sports policies which discriminate against biological girls by violating Title IX. The girls can’t win awards in their own sport competing against boys. NOW has been mum but we’re expecting a statement any month now. UPenn swimmer, Will Thomas, competed as a man for three years, then decided to change his name to Lia and swim as a woman. Apparently, wearing a woman’s swimsuit can change one’s genes. Must be the Speedos. He’s smashing all kinds of women’s swimming records at the school. His female teammates aren’t complaining, although they’d like to, for fear of being canceled by the trans mob. Why can’t libs and Dems understand basic Biology 101? Women can’t and shouldn’t compete against men in sports. Here’s why (take notes Dems):
Bones: In young adulthood, “the average woman has 30 percent less mass than the average man.”
Legs: “A man’s legs are longer in proportion to his trunk than a woman’s are in proportion to hers. This difference almost certainly arises from the longer male adolescent growth period, when the legs grow faster than the body.”
Hips: “Like the rest of the bones in his body, a man’s hip bones are larger and denser than a woman’s and they are set closer together. As a result, his legs come down straighter, allowing him to move forward in a straight line while walking.”
Muscle: “Because the male sex hormone testosterone favors the growth of muscle mass, pound for pound the male body is more muscular than the female. The difference begins with the surge of testosterone in adolescence that produces the typical male biceps, shoulder, and thigh muscles.”
Shoulders: “Broad shoulders are a male secondary sex characteristic. Testosterone makes a man’s shoulder bones broader and his muscles bulkier, giving him upper body physical strength estimated to be as much as three times greater than a woman’s.”
Skeleton: As a rule, all male bones are larger than the corresponding female bones and show more ‘markings’ – spots where heavier male muscles rub against the bone.”
Other than that, not much difference, right? Of course, the entire trans argument is BS! There are men and women, boys and girls. Anything else is fake. There is a tiny fraction of a fraction of genetic anomalies, but they are the very rare exception and should be dealt with on a case-by-case basis. We shouldn’t make general rules for everyone based on the exception. It doesn’t work in a functioning society. Imagine if we were all required to learn and use Braille, just because some of us are blind. Besides the obvious physical differences, there are many more differences between the two sexes, perhaps a discussion for another column.
I will not submit to the trans-Nazis’ demands. I will not pretend that a man is a woman. I won’t use preferred pronouns. I will call a man a man and a woman a woman. The problem with transgenders isn’t what’s between their legs, it’s what’s between their ears. Those around them should not cater to their gender fantasies. They shouldn’t enable them to further their hallucinations. Instead, they should empathize with them and challenge them to seek mental health help. Private institutions like the NCAA and IOC should not kowtow to their demands either. Neither should government organizations. Both men and women, boys and girls are being permanently damaged by this national trend. Women’s organizations should be speaking out against the unfairness to girls and women. It is time to turn back this tide and have normality transcend transgenderism. It’s not too late, yet.
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