Barack Obama purportedly said it to a fellow Democrat, “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to F things up” (except he used the actual f word). It didn’t take long for his prediction, actually more like a statement of fact, to come true. Unfortunately, the country’s had to suffer through that correct prognostication.
If you forced yourself to view the dreadful second press conference of Brandon’s presidency and still managed to hold down your lunch, then you know it was a hot, steaming mess and you’re grateful that mercifully, there have only been two. Even certified communist, Van Jones, called the president’s performance, “foggy and meandering”. That’s being very generous. As I expected, Joe was babbling, incoherent and something less than lucid, and this after 5 days off to prep. In the area of foreign policy, he was actually dangerous. So-called reporters showed their true colors by asking more questions about and displaying more concern for Ukraine’s border with Russia and a potential invasion than with our own southern border with Mexico with an actual, ongoing invasion.
Is English Biden’s second language? It seems so. I bet many of the illegal aliens he’s ushered into the country the past year, about 2 million, have better command of English and use better syntax than he. Many of his answers to puff ball questions were literally unintelligible and downright embarrassing, not to mention false. Here’s just a small sampling of his quibbling, incoherence, and dissembling:
“I did not say that they [Republicans] were going to be a George Wallace or a Bull Connor.” (actually, he did, and he threw in Jefferson Davis too)
It only got worse. Click on this video link to watch this ridiculously insane and inane “answer” to a reporter (you may want to remove young, impressionable children from the room first). Here’s the transcript of just the first half of the long-winded, cringeworthy response:
“I hope in God that they’re (pregnant pause) look (deer in the headlight pause) maybe I’m kidding myself (pause) but as time goes on (pause) the voter is just trying to figure out as I said how to take care of their family, put three squares (I presume meals) on the table (I presume kitchen table), stay safe (George Soros DA’s?), be able to pay their mortgage or their rent etc., uh, has is becoming much more informed on the, um, (long pause) the motives of, um, some of the political players and some of the (another long pause) and the political parties…”
I would love to see some very ambitious grade school English teacher diagram that sentence, then translate it into English for the rest of us.
If you can tolerate suffering through another one, here you go:
“…one poll I’m at 49%. I mean the idea that, um, (near 5 second pause) American public are trying to sift their way through what’s real and what’s, and what’s fake. And I don’t think as, uh, I’ve never seen a time when (pause) the political coverage, the (pause) choice of what political coverage the voter looks to has as much impact on as what they believe, they go to get reinforced in their views whether it’s MSNBC or whether it’s Fox or whatever…”
Exactly, whatever! What’s the question to the answer? Who cares? Match it to any question you want, and the result is the same, pure mish mash. Embarrassing. Imagine yourself speaking in public like that. Now, imagine the Leader of the Free World speaking like that in public. Yikes!
I normally don’t like to punish my readers, but try this last doozy (try not to laugh too hard):
“When people in the hospitalizations are, are, are overrunning hospitals and you have docs and nurses out because of COVID, they have COVID. We put thousands of people back into in those hospitals. Look at all the Marine, uh, military all the military personnel we have there, first responders. Nobody has ever organized, (repeating in louder voice and pointing his fingers – in case you didn’t hear the first time) nobody has ever organized a strategic operation to get as many shots in arms by opening clinics and keeping and being able to get so many people vaccinated…but the now need the mechanical way is how they get shots in arms. So, we’re providing them the know how to do that.”
Did you get that? Good, now explain it to the rest of us. Most first graders speak better English than that, and that’s with the teacher’s unions fighting to teach them CRT instead.
How did we get such a small, diminished man in a such a big important position with the spotlight of the world on him? How did we go, just a short year ago, from “the next FDR” to calls for Hillary to cackle her way back into politics by running in 2024? Never has one so powerful fallen so far so fast so completely and so embarrassingly. What happened to all those 81 million* voters that supposedly checked their ballots for the basement dwelling candidate? Just think how many more votes he would have gotten without all the Republican voter suppression? Apparently, the more that Republicans suppress the vote, the more voters participate in elections. Funny how that works.
Even with the deliriously unintelligible responses from Biden at his rare press conference, I have yet to hear from the formerly mainstream media all the shrill cries of invoking the 25th Amendment that we heard nonstop from them during the Trump administration. We were treated to daily history lessons about the 25th Amendment’s origins and its significance to the current situation. We were warned that if we avoided discussions of this never invoked amendment, we did so at our own peril, at the peril of our democracy! Not to discuss its application to Donald Trump, meant you were just scared to admit the truth and a deplorable, to boot. Now that we actually have a president who can’t put together two sequential sentences with any meaningful coherence, the silence about the 25th Amendment is deafening. That conversation is nowhere to be found in polite company in D.C.
Rest assured that as his poll numbers continue to sink, President Brandon’s self-esteem will continue to rise in direct proportion, as he further distances himself from reality. The Senile in Chief will remain in a deluded state of mind thinking his first year in the Oval Office was a success, that he “outperformed” expectations, and his handlers will continue to pat him on the head reassuring him of such. As he grows in stature in his own mind, Americans and the world will be historical witnesses to the first ever Incredible Shrinking President.
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