The U.S. Government Has Been Thoroughly Corrupted

Against all odds, the fundamental transformation of the United States, envisioned by former President Barack Obama and implemented by his equally radical attorney general, Eric Holder, has come to pass. Typically a quiet time in our nation’s capital, seismic events in the past two weeks have combined to complete the metamorphosis. Sadly, America can no longer claim to be a “democratic republic.”

It began when we learned that, contrary to the image of integrity he’s tried so hard to project, Sen. Joe Manchin, (D-WV), had a price and Senate Majority leader Chuck Schumer met it. Manchin’s support greenlit passage of the ludicrously named “Inflation Reduction Act,” a boondogle of a bill that analysts agree will not reduce inflation. It will, however, raise taxes on the middle class and subsidize green energy programs.

The most startling provision in this legislation will increase IRS funding by $80 billion, nearly six times its current budget of $13.7 billion, and add an army of 87,000 new auditors to its ranks. Given that the IRS has been stockpiling weapons in recent years, buying up $700,000 in ammunition this year alone, this truly gives new meaning to the phrase, “weaponization of U.S. institutions.”

Of course, the FBI’s Gestapo-style raid on Mar-a-Lago, former President Donald Trump’s Palm Beach residence, was the most astonishing act of all. Attorney General Merrick Garland’s sanctimonious defense of the raid as evidence of the DOJ’s “faithful adherence to the rule of law” and FBI agents as “dedicated, patriotic public servants” was an insult and disgrace. And the media’s refusal to call the storming of Trump’s home a raid was an outrage.

This was a search without a predicate, conducted for purely political purposes 90 days out from the midterm elections in which Republican candidates are expected to prevail.

The passage of the Inflation Reduction Act and the raid on Mar-a-Lago are only the latest manifestations of the corruption that has become entrenched in our federal government. Collectively, progressive extremism has brought us to this perilous, even existential, moment in history. And it can take down this once great nation faster than Xi Jinping or Vladimir Putin dared dream.

It’s not only the elected Democratic politicians we see and hear about every day who are responsible. Over the past decade, virtually every U.S. agency has become hopelessly corrupt. Once highly respected institutions such as the FBI, the CIA, and the State Department have become infested with progressives who work behind the scenes to advance and support the progressive agenda. Whatever you care to call this network of unelected career bureaucrats – the permanent government, the deep state, the administrative state – they’ve come to wield tremendous power and we are now seeing the effects of their handiwork. The election of a Republican president is not enough. We need a leader who’s willing to clean house – to expel this army of worker ants and replace them.

Unfortunately, judging from a recent poll, much of the electorate doesn’t quite grasp the danger we face at the hands of progressives.

In a recent Wall Street Journal op-ed, Mark Penn, a pollster and Democratic strategist (formerly tied to the Clintons), emphasized a disturbing finding in a Harvard CAPS-Harris poll. Although job approval for President Joe Biden sits at 38%, the poll found that 50% of respondents still said they would vote for a Democratic candidate in the midterms. And while 18% disapprove of Biden’s performance, that won’t stop them from voting Democratic in November.

This is a problem because the Democratic candidates these individuals would help elect will vote for the Biden administration’s foolish agenda. The most consequential congressional votes since Biden took office have mostly broken along party lines.

So, these voters are disappointed by Biden’s governance, but okay with supporting those responsible for enacting his agenda. Either they’re not focused enough on what’s happening to our country or they’re not too smart. It’s likely both.

The Democratic Party has taken a sharp left turn over the past few years. Their full embrace of woke principles has inflicted enormous damage on the country. America may already be broken beyond repair, but our chances of averting catastrophe are far higher with Republicans in charge than Democrats.

The electorate needs to wake up. A vote for a Democratic candidate is a vote for more of the corruption that’s destroying the country.

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2 thoughts on “The U.S. Government Has Been Thoroughly Corrupted”

  1. As a Republican, I was disgusted by the use of torture in 2004 and left the party. Ralph Nader’s message of the Two-Party Dictatorship rang true along with his message of the screwing of the American worker. Thus, we have in Trump the same spirit and more force to bring down the ills of this Leviathan of DC. We know where you are and how you are fed.

  2. We use words that portray those in bureaucracies as “Being Bought”, and having no moral virtue or character, and get criticized for saying them, because there are usually very many good people among the bad. The problem is that anyone who sticks around crap starts to smell, well, like crap, because they compromised their convictions and character for the paycheck. They may have gone into that bureaucracy with every good intention in the world, the best virtue and character one can possess, and come right out on the other side as stinky and corrupt because they compromised. I learned, quite a long time ago, that compromising between good and evil, evil is still there. And, if evil is still around, it continues to spread, but for the virtuous who doesn’t tolerate evil.
    Then, why do those virtuous and men of good character compromise, when you don’t have to, and only have to look in other areas to be gainfully employed? I think only they can answer that question, because they are the ones still hanging around, working under the evil.
    Very few will leave their employment when they discover the problems, and appear to just deny it even exists, except for the rare few who have the courage to stand up to evil. That, unfortunately is a very thin crowd.
    I wonder if it has to do with what some refer to as the Falling Away, that precedes some very strong chapters of Books in the Bible?
    I can’t exclude myself in my past employment arrangements, of doing the same thing, just not in the federal government, so, I’m not just picking on anyone in particular, just pointing out what I think is the problem. I’ve hung on to jobs I had problems with, but my main difference was I always found another job that I could jump to, so my family wouldn’t suffer any more than it had to. The main difference is when it becomes so obvious that you are now doing the work of people who don’t have any respect for the Constitution and the rule of law, and you continue down that path.
    It leaves one who hangs in that job, hanging out with the wrong crowd. That is a big problem, for them and us.

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