We’ve Been Wrong: There is no Two-Tiered Justice System—There Simply is None Danchenko was an FBI Confidential Human Source

Many will recall that the FBI let Steele go when he lied about his involvement and revelations to the LSMBTG-particularly Michael Isikoff-about the Pee Pee Hoax, the Russia, Russia, Russia Hoax and his aggrandizement of information that he got from a “primary source.” Now it was always somewhat interesting and fascinating that the FBI let Steele go, but he somehow hooked up with DOJ Executive Bruce Ohr, where there was contact maintained with the FBI, and also Bruce’s wife Nellie was a MITER contractor supporting the CIA. The FBI didn’t totally sever the relationship with Steele, they just somewhat connected circuitously via the DOJ and Ohr. We later learned that the primary source he leveraged for the information-Igor Danchenko-who was a Fiona Hill Associate at the Atlantic Council-acknowledged to the FBI that much of the DJT stuff was drinking and “bar talk.”

This was all somewhat bizarre and convoluted since it became clear that the FBI relied upon questionable sources, none of which were corroborated or confirmed. In fact last November Danchenko was indicted for lying to the FBI. We’ve learned the surprising information that Danchenko-much like Steele-had no basis in fact for any of what either man spread to the FBI. That is at the very least surprising when you consider the FBI was taking action, requesting FISA surveillance and pursuing suspects based on the information provided by these two liars. That turns out to be small potatoes in the big scheme of things.

Danchenko was indicted by Durham for lying to the FBI last November in what we would naturally believe resulted from interview testimony to the FBI. After all, we already knew that Danchenko had undermined Steele’s testimony by asserting that the conversations and information he had shared with him were aggrandizing, exaggerated stuff and “bar talk.” What was revealed today is the startling news that Danchenko-apparently after Steele had been let go by the FBI because he was leaking to the press and he was not a primary source-and his sub-source-Danchenko-had undermined him by pooh-poohing the nature of the information Steele had been provided-was a Confidential Human Source (CHS) brought on and maintained by the FBI.

That is somewhat incredible to think about. Number 1 that he was apparently brought on by the FBI in the wake of Steele being exposed as at best a third-rate source with no direct information that he was peddling. Number 2 was the well covered news that Danchenko had characterized most of the information he passed on to Steele as bar talk and not serious information.

And yet the FBI thought enough of it to bring him on and maintain him as an CHS. Did I mention that a CHS has their name obscured in references, testimony and documents to protect identification? Did we just learn that Danchenko was a CHS-and he was the CHS who was cast as the credible source undermining DJT???????

How embarrassing is it for the FBI to have Durham charge him with lying to the FBI in the wake of all the nonsense that took place under Steele, which many people still believe, having swallowed hook, line and sinker?

These are incredible times. When you think about the malfeasance of the FBI in these instances-going after Trump no matter what it took-and now going after any and all Trump supporters with the thinnest veneer of rationale-we are like a third world country-a banana republic…

The justice system isn’t. You know it is bad when well-paid insiders who are part of the system are decrying how corrupt it is becoming-this piece by Leslie McAdoo Gordon is telling-indicting-and disconcerting. It can’t go on like this.

I think the worst aspect of this story is that here we are in September 2022 and we are just finding out that Danchenko was an FBI CHS Resource-a HUMINT developed source that was a lying, fiction of the Russia, Russia, Russia Hoax that the FBI was paying to lie to them.

That is the most incredible part about these FBI and DOJ stories. The US Government is paying these folks to tell them the narrative they need and want to hear so they can go after their enemies.

When you consider the holes in the 6 January story-do you believe it is any different than this? How does Kamala Harris linger at the DNC HQs and yet the Secret Service can’t find the IED-and yet the Capital Police find it after they are deployed when an IED is found at the RNC? That is an incredible story. How does Ray Epps not get arrested when he not only advocated going into the capital-its on video-and he was on the breech team that day-and insisted that some needed to “slow their roll” else they would “F” up the plan? How does Ashli Babbitt get shot but not the folks breaking the windows and providing access? How about Roseann Boylan who was beat, trampled and then cremated prematurely, as well as other Trump supporters and the gal who was beaten and trampled but lived to tell about it????

What was the DOJ/FBI looking for at Mar E Lago-how do we justify going after a former president like that? What was the DOJ thinking approving such an action?

How did the DOJ justify going after parents at school boards?

How many Trump supporters have been accosted by police in the last several weeks: 30-40? Maybe more.

Are we seeing a trend heading into the election? Is somebody looking for or expecting a reaction? What is the purpose of all these actions if not to get a reaction-or maybe to spur a reaction-that justifies violence?

I’ve said it before and I will say it again-this is going to end in tears for many who are simply not equipped nor trained for this type of activity.


15 September 2022

LSMBTG: Lamestream media echo chamber (LMEC-L) social media (SM) big tech tyrants (BT) and government (G)

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