Why should misery be reserved only for normal Americans, the average Joe’s? Why should the proverbial Joe Sixpack be the sole recipient of the ravages of homelessness, drug abuse, crime, illegal immigration, inflation et al? Shouldn’t those that cause these conditions enjoy them with the rest of us? Spread the misery!
The inhumane popularity of the Brandon Regime’s illegal immigration policy has spread like weeds on a lawn to Republican governors. In the spirit of spreading the Democrat Party created misery, these brave, ingenious governors have decided to give Democrat elitists a taste of their own medicine. Rather than hoarding all the illegal immigrants to themselves, they’ve decided to share their illegal aliens with other communities.
Donald Trump told us way back in 2015 that Mexico wasn’t sending us their best and brightest. Liberal Democrats didn’t want to believe that and immediately pounced on him as being a racist. Well, this week Gov’s. DeSantis of FL and Abbott of TX have transported some of their strength, aka diversity, to the Democrat powers-that-be enclaves of Martha’s Vineyard, MA and VP Word Salad’s residential neighborhood at the Naval Observatory in Washington, DC., as my colleague Elizabeth Vaughn reported yesterday. Touché!
VP Kamala, Brandon’s Border Czar, has been a big proponent of illegal immigration. She railed against Donald Trump’s immigration raids and deportations in her very first speech in the U.S. Senate.
That was then, this is now.
The good thing is that we were spared the usual word salad from the Salad Chef Master herself. She was too busy perfecting her welcoming scowl. So endearing. Her open arms should cause a flood of more illegals to descend upon her posh neighborhood. Heck, even Americans might want to go there.
As if that wasn’t enough hypocrisy on display, the good folks of “diverse” Martha’s Vineyard did one better. They “welcomed” the two plane loads of diversity with signs of NIMBY. The local homeless shelter coordinator said this of the massive airlift of 50 illegals,
“…they have to move from here to somewhere else. We cannot, we don’t have the services to take care of 50 immigrants. And we certainly don’t have housing. We’re in a housing crisis as we are on this island. And we don’t, we can’t house everyone here that lives here and work here. We don’t have housing for 50 more people.”
In other words, not in my backyard. Why can’t these brown people stay in Brownsville, TX? Browns belong in Brownsville, don’t they? Makes sense. Martha’s Vineyard voted 85% for Joe Brandon’s border policies in 2020. They just don’t want to have to endure the consequences of those policies themselves, but they’re just fine with you suffering from them.

“…we stand with Immigrants, with Refugees…All Are Welcome Here.” LOL
No word from the Obama’s as to why they wouldn’t open up their $18 million mansion to house these future landscapers of America. His well-manicured 29-acre lawn seems pretty well maintained. But more hands make light work.

No, the second image isn’t Barack Hussein housing the Venezuelan immigrants. It’s the tents he put up for his birthday bash.
The RINO governor of Massachusetts, Charlie Baker, just deported those 50 illegal aliens from Martha’s Vineyard. And all this time I thought liberals were against deportations. Can’t have liberals facing the consequences of their policies. The Brandon Regime is also contemplating federal charges against these southern governors. What better way to use your personal “justice” department than against your political opponents? If you’ve got it, flaunt it. Brandon’s minions show they know how to flaunt their temporary power every day. California’s worthless governor Hair Gel wants Brandon to arrest Gov. DeSantis for kidnapping! Don’t put it past Brandon to oblige the next Democrat presidential nominee.
The Democrat concept of spreading the misery should encompass more than just illegal immigration. The joy of miserable Democrat policies should be enjoyed by all.
Instead of releasing criminals outside of inner-city police precincts where they are fingerprinted, photographed, and booked, let’s bus, boat or fly them to places like downtown Greenwich, CT; Hollywood, CA; Nantucket, MA; Kailua, HI; Westport, CT and East Hampton, NY. Crime rates couldn’t possibly increase from doing this. Just ask John “Lurch” Fetterwoman. Give ex-cons a break. These hurting communities could surely use more house maids and gardeners. No need to build more low rent or affordable housing for these ex-cons when sidewalk tents and public park shanty towns will do.
Of course, what new immigrant enclave would be complete without drug treatment centers, aka open-air drug dens? The neighborhood kids won’t mind stepping over zombied-out addicts to get to their kindergarten gender classes. Because universal healthcare is such an important right, conveniently located abortion mills should immediately be established as well. Dobbs decision be damned! Although most of these illegals appear to be young males, there seems to be a few women too. Full confession, I’m not a biologist.
Of course, the hypocrite, authoritarian Democrat Party and their media are having none of it. Breitbart reports that hapless DHS Secretary Mayorkas is trying to wrest control from border state governors of all illegal aliens at the border in order to provide all federal transportation to other parts of the country. Basically, Dems are complaining about two Republican governors doing what the Brandon Regime has been doing all along, moving illegals to all parts of the country, except elite neighborhoods.
You really can’t make this stuff up. Only radical Democrats can come up with such absurd policies. Conservative Republican governors are simply bringing this absurdity to everyone’s attention and the Democrats hate that. These governors should continue their policy of pointing out Democrat hypocrisy until we get back to normal. Until then, spread the misery.
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In that video Tucker Carlson did, that highlighted that curly haired woman at Martha’s Vineyard, at least one of the illegals freely admitted that he was an illegal. That is confession to a crime. He and all his friends came in, anyway. If I were DeSantis, I might have sent 500, or a thousand to Martha’s Vineyard, just to blast out that point. They are admitting they are illegal.
for the life of me, I can’t understand why those elites don’t feed them better than Crispy Rice and in a porcelain bowl. Those Chinette bowls get soggy, ‘ya know?
Key word, Illegal. That’s plenty to run them out of town before they got to Florida. DeSantis did them a cultural favor by sending them to Martha’s Vineyard: to see how the other side lives, and thumbs their noses to the rest of us.
They aren’t hypocrites. They are authoritarians and must be totally defeated and humiliated in November. That can only happen if the elections aren’t rigged. I’m not so sure they are not.