Socialism Is Slavery; Government social programs are the building blocks for socialism to become the high prison wall of Human Secular Totalitarianism. The social programs trade tax dollars and inflationary printed money for votes. They don’t solve problems. Social programs create dependency that will become slavery by a new name.
Leftists mock using the word “Socialism” for their social programs. They’re keen to point out that the government doesn’t own and administer the means of production and distribution of goods. Yet. The Federal Government regulates production in every industry and distributes a lot of goods and services.
Obamacare’s move to take over the healthcare was to control one-sixth of the US economy. Proposals to increase drug and medicine benefits are expansions of that power.
If people get their healthcare, retirement, schooling, higher education loans, welfare, food stamps, housing, unemployment benefits, etc. from the government, then government doesn’t have to control the businesses to be whole hog socialists. The welfare state is socialist enough to earn the name socialist, because it’s the collective, the government, making so many decisions.
Who decides what about your healthcare when it’s provided by the government? Whatever edict the government bureaucrats wrote rules. Not you, the patient. You don’t decide. Others make the decisions about your life.
But, you will be provided for, right? Where else would you get what you’re getting if it wasn’t for Massa Government?
How is that different from slavery? Slaves are fed. They’re given clothes and housing. They have work. They are cared for in their old age.
Isn’t interesting that the people who see slavery as the Original, and unpardonable, unending, Sin of these United States, don’t see socialism in the same light? They don’t see how their ideas have failed everywhere, every time, they’ve been tried since the French Revolution became the Terror. They don’t even see how the term “Human Secular Totalitarians” applies to them.
The American Left imagines Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity – especially the equity of equal outcomes – are the humane way to order a society. Taking money earned by some people and giving it to other people who didn’t earn it, seems fair to them. Admitting and promoting people based on the past injustices against people the same skin color is all good. On and on.
And if you don’t fly a LGBT-to-Z banner in the prescribed month, then you’re a horrible person. If you Tweet that people who are born male and think they are trans-gendered into becoming female are mentally ill with sexual dysphoria, you will be banned, like me.
Furthermore, if you are forced so celebrate what you believe is wrong and speak lies, how much freedom do you have? And, if you are ordered to take an experimental drug or your freedom is restricted, you lose your job, your schooling, freedom to travel, work, worship, and conduct business or purchase goods and services if you don’t – how is that not slavery?
Talk to those who lived under the slavery of Communism in Eastern Europe, China, Cuba, or Venezuela. They know socialism is slavery.
Consider what it took to break free of socialist slavery in Eastern Europe.
There’s a movie, “Messages of Truth,” that tells the story of the Polish Roman Catholic Priest, Jerzy Popieluszko. He was martyred for freedom. At his first Mass in the Huta Warsaw steel mill, he said, “The generation where the citizens don’t govern themselves with courage, that’s when they stop being citizens. They become typical slaves.” Amen.
Free people must always remain faithful to the truth. Truth and freedom are inseparable.
Read about the Baptist minister, Peter Dugulescu in Timosoara, Romania when he opened his shirt, showing the police he was willing to die for freedom.
There are many more known and unknown, unsung heroes who fought against socialism’s slavery.
Republicans are guilty of seeding slavery, like President George W. Bush’s drug benefit addition to the Social Security Ponzi scheme.
If you love freedom, speak the truth. Don’t let socialism make Americans into slaves.
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A person would have to be pretty stupid to think that socialism, or communism is not slavery. Lots of very stupid people keep on trying to dress that pig to be attractive.
We’re heading down that long march, too. They took our children and taught too many that socialism is better than capitalism, something that took an awful lot of evil intent to pull off, by some pretty evil people in charge of our education system of indoctrination.
Half of the country votes for socialism every time they vote Democrat. I concur that the educrats who serve as socialist missionaries support evil.
It does, when all those dead and unknown voters come out in the middle of the night and steal. They are of the same.