Point and Laugh Folks; Point and Laugh

The body cam footage of the Police doing their jobs in Nashville has been released. Compare and contrast this to the cowards in Broward County and Ulvalde, TX and you will see how storming the position of an armed lunatic should be done.

When men and women sign that line to be a cop or join the military you had damn well better do it knowing there is a larger than 0% chance you will have to die to protect others. If you cannot deal with that then don’t sign up. Running headlong into gun fire is basically the job description.

So to the mouth breathing yellow bellies who are scared to do their job we must point and laugh at them. Why? Because mockery and derision work. They shame people into the proper actions or remove them from the situation. Both of which would have been better for the people in FL and TX.

Those cowardly cops aren’t the only ones that should be mocked mercilessly though. The 28 year old mentally deranged woman (no I will not use her name) who couldn’t make sense of the most basic binary concept of biology 101, needs treatment. Those who try to “affirm” her delusion should be ridiculed and mocked from the public square.*

While I understand the hardships of mental illness, coddling and affirming does not a solution make. Instead, honest hard truths must be told in any way needed to drive that person to seek actual help. By help I do not mean the wack-jobs promoting “gender affirming care.” I mean actual, sane, reasoned help.

To the people who bring up the idea of “gender affirming care,” they should be mocked, ridiculed, shunned, and laughed at each and every time they open their mouths. Gender affirming care would be therapy that allows the mentally ill person to come to accept themselves as God made them not confirming their delusions. Playing fantasy world is not a solution to the problem. The fantasy is the problem.

Therapists, politicians, activists and white suburban woman drunk on box wine who promote and subscribe to this lunacy of “proper pronouns” should be ridiculed till they publicly admit their failures at life.

No it is not the “nice” thing to do. No it will not win me many friends saying this. I don’t care though. A mentally destroyed woman who couldn’t grab the concept that genetics defines your gender and there is nothing you can do about it, took this “Trans Rage” to the idea of killing children in a Christian school.

This could have been avoided. Not through more idiotic gun laws, but through mockery and laughing at the people who “affirmed” her make believe world. Every time one of them opens their mouth, mock them with the outright stupidity of their beliefs. Point out the fallacy of the world having to change everything to make one mentally ill person feel better about their delusional fantasy.

These people are depressed and suicidal because even they know deep down it’s a pile of crap. You cannot under any circumstances, ever, no matter how hard you try, change your gender. The louder we say this. The harder we push back the better the world will be for it.

Transgenderism is no more real than furries. If you don’t know what that is, well you should probably keep it that way, less you lose the last shreds of faith in humanity you may be clinging to. It is a mental illness that denies the basic concepts of reality. Treat it as such.

So again I say to all of you Point and laugh folks, Point and laugh.

*This does not include the small children who have been abused and brainwashed by said suburban white women drunk on box wine

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1 thought on “Point and Laugh Folks; Point and Laugh”

  1. When you finally see the depth and depravity of those who are putting this crap into kids brains, the one conclusion that might work is to start putting those who are doing this to the kids, in their graves.
    This didn’t happen overnight.
    Watch this, from a “feminist” who sees it for what it is. You might be surprised.

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