Earlier this week the Commander in Chief gave the commencement address at the Air Force Academy graduation ceremony. Normally, the senior class of cadets would be honored to hear their Commander speak to them. His speech was an utter embarrassment. They had to have left their Academy home wondering if they made a four-years long mistake. President Brandon stumbled, fumbled and mumbled his way through in the most incoherent fashion. His dementia-addled brain was on full display. It’s a wonder his sign language interpreter didn’t have to get rushed to the emergency room. Trying to sign gibberish must be maddening.
How must a junior officer feel after hearing their Commander in Chief ramble on about their biggest threats being climate change and non-diversity or some such nonsense? Past graduates had to contend with such trivial things as the Vietnam War, the Gulf War and the War on Terror. These grads? Well, they must contend with climate change and converting to an all-electric jet fighter fleet while maintaining strict diversity standards. Wow, what existential threats! I sure hope their diversity training pays off.
Then, as if that thrillingly garbled, stupidity-laced and boring speech wasn’t enough, the President proceeded to trip and fall flat on his face, on stage in front of everyone, including a national TV audience. After being propped back up to his feet by numerous men, he pointed to the alleged culprit, a black sandbag. Secret Service agents immediately tackled and apprehended the sandbag suspect and carted it off to a van. Word is that Merrick Garland is preparing to indict the hapless sandbag. Nothing gets past him.
Of course, our pseudo-President has been stumbling throughout his tenure, tripping up Air Force One stairs and even falling off his stationary bike in Delaware:
Oops, wrong pic. Sorry.
Even his own jacket attacked him at one point recently:
Joseph Robinette’s strangely humorous yet tragic performance at the Air Force Academy is symbolic of his entire presidency. This week’s embarrassingly disastrous results in Colorado Springs, CO are manifest throughout the country under his tutelage. Our once great country is stumbling around and rambling incoherently just as its “leader” is. His dementia has rubbed off on the country. You know we’re in trouble when Amtrak Joe tells us his son, Hunter – the drug addict, pervert, criminally corrupt one – is the “smartest man I know”.
No one in their right mind, including forty-three percent of Democrats, wants or thinks Joe should run for re-election. He can’t. He doesn’t know where he is half the time. Instead of uniting the country, he’s managed to divide it even worse than Barack Hussein did. Americans instinctively know we’re on the wrong track, headed in the wrong direction.
When our President supports minors getting life altering genital mutilation surgery as treatment for a mental illness, something is terribly wrong.
When our President supports giving nukes to the terrorist state of Iran and avoids talking with our closest middle east ally, Israel, something is terribly wrong.
When our President begins destroying our energy supply industry, the life blood of our economy and way of life, on day one, something is terribly wrong.
When our President causes a 40-year high inflation rate with economy-wrecking spending yet doesn’t even acknowledge it, something is terribly wrong.
When our President colludes with big tech giants to censor American citizens’ free speech rights, something is terribly wrong.
When our President allows our most threatening adversary, the largest communist country on the planet, to complete a spy mission over our entire country, something is terribly wrong.
When our President nominates the most radical, anti-law and order ideologues to sit on lifetime federal benches, even one who can’t define what a woman is yet claims to be one, something is terribly wrong.
When our President supports teaching black kids to hate, despise and resent white kids simply for being white, under the guise of “history” and “education”, something is terribly wrong.
When our President supports calling parents domestic terrorists for being interested in their children’s education, something is terribly wrong.
When our President attacks his political opponents using our Justice Department, FBI, IRS and other government agencies, something is terribly wrong.
When our President denounces, defames and writes off half the electorate as dangerous extremists for exercising their right to support their own political candidate, something is terribly wrong.
When our President thinks children belong to the “community” rather than to their parents, something is terribly wrong.
Joe’s handlers can give all the excuses they want to. Something is terribly wrong with our President. That “something” that he and they support is evil, pure evil. There, I said it and I meant it. This goes beyond just politics. Trying to destroy our country by destroying our energy grid, our justice system, our education system and even our kid’s ability to have children is not politics. These are so much more important than falling on stage after a speech. These are existential threats to our country.
He shouldn’t be in office in the first place, and he certainly shouldn’t be running for reelection. Since January of 2021, our country has fallen. Can it get back on its feet? We are waiting to find out.
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