Political Parody As a Weapon Part LXXXIX

Political Parody As a Weapon Part LXXXIX; Who says the kids are all right?

Last week, in Part LXXXVIII, we gazed at the future as the LA Dodgers were having nun of their remorse felt for their embrace, rejection and reunion with the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. This week, as “Pride Month” opens for what only seems like a perpetual indulgence by the left and the LGBTQ+ cartel, we will return to the familiar and fertile ground of song parody as we examine the cabal’s recruiting efforts in public (and some private) schools.

Just as madrassas in Pakistan turn out future jihadists and Taliban members and sympathizers, Big Education (which includes textbook publishers, teacher’s unions, education bureaucrats and academia) continues to develop curricula and policies in schools that highlight, normalize and mainstream deviant sexual behaviors that until recent decades were considered criminally and psychiatrically aberrant. Schools have gone from a place where children were immersed in “the Three R’s” to one where instead the focus is all things LBGTQ.

Critical in this indoctrination is the concept of gender fluidity, where a person’s sex is not necessarily determinate, despite the
previously “settled science” that there were two sexes. A female had two X chromosomes and male had an X and a Y chromosome. Another essential element in implementing this agenda is to limit parental knowledge and involvement in the curriculum. For the past several years, public schools have refused to advise parents if their children are “switching genders”. The Attorney General of New Jersey has brought suit against a school district which passed regulations requiring notification. California parents have faced similar refusals.

The outcry from the left when Florida passed its anti-grooming legislation preventing the sexualization of children beginning in kindergarten certainly validated that this is what is at the root of the agenda, which is the exposure of minors in their tender years when they are at their most impressionable to “queer practices”. While ostensibly the purpose behind this is to offer safe and accepting spaces to students who so identify, the introduction of the material prior to most children having any sexual identity at all reveals the actual purpose is to recruit and influence the malleable to join their ranks.

During my own tenure in kindergarten, my teacher disapproved of my selection of Fabian’s “Hound Dog Man” and Johnny Preston’s “Running Bear” as music selections for the class to enjoy, played the “B” sides of the 45 rpm singles instead. There was no discussion that the young pop singer might be identifying as a “furry”, or the Country Gentleman’s appropriation of cis-gender heterosexual relationships did not truly represent the queer practices of the indigenous peoples.

The popular music at the time, like the school curriculum, was focused on more normal ideas. As one example, Marcie Blane had an ambition to be “Bobby’s Girl.” It was an unrequited love, but no one thought it necessary to offer young Marcie an opportunity undergo surgery to become Bobby instead, or Bobby’s boy. I have borrowed the tune in order to critique the attempt for educators and others to try to confuse children by insisting that the “queer” are “born that way”, but then further suggesting that any child can change genders at will, and will be aided and abetted in their dysphoria by the educational and medical establishments. It might further confuse adults and children that those who object to the practices of surgically and pharmaceutically altering these children against their parents’ wishes are deemed “sinners” by the current occupant of the White House.



When students ask schools
What can they get to be
Now that they’re not at home all the time?
(They’re not your kids anymore)


The school knows what to say
Some say they’re born that way
There’s no one thing
Each child has in store

They can be a boy or girl
They can be a boy or girl
Gender’s something that’s been known to roam
And if they’re a boy or girl
If they’re a boy or girl
School does not need to tell the folks at home

Can’t tell them they can’t do it
Schools know that gender’s fluid
It’s just how any kid feels today
(They’re not your kids anymore)

No parent’s thoughts to guide
Schools let the kids decide
And choose the pronouns that all must say

They can be a boy or girl
They can be a boy or girl

And get drugs to block out puberty
And if they’re a boy or girl
If they’re a boy or girl

Schools can help them choose with surgery
Schools can help them choose with surgery

They can be a boy or girl
They can be a boy or girl
They can be a boy or girl

#Parody #Ridicule #Alinsky

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