A Broken System Can Not Provide a Just Result

The Dems have done it. They’ve taken another giant leap towards banana republicism. The Department of Justice has indicted Donald Trump. This is a big deal. It isn’t some local flunky trying to make a name for himself (looking at you Alvin Bragg). It’s the country’s highest law enforcement agency – charged with ensuring the fidelity of law enforcement nationwide – making a mockery of our system.

That the DOJ is targeting political opponents is no longer debatable. Biden, Clinton, and Pence all mishandled classified documents. Yet only Trump was indicted and we all know why – he’s a threat to the radicals and their army of swamp dwelling bureaucrats.

To defend the indictment, the Dems and their propaganda ministry are screaming that, “No one is above the law.” That is true, as far as it goes. But our system is supposed to provide “equal justice under the law.” Isn’t it funny that the people who under any other situation are consumed with notions of equality, fail to apply it to Donald Trump? If the law is applied differently to Trump, Clinton, Pence, and Biden, it isn’t “equal” and it isn’t “justice.”

Any system that conducts law enforcement in that manner, can’t be trusted to prosecute anyone. Incriminating evidence could have been fabricated – as Kevin Clinesmith did. Exculpatory evidence could have been withheld – as the January 6 security footage was. Testimony could have been paid for – as the Whitmer kidnapping testimony was. Guilty pleas could have been obtained under duress – as the Michael Flynn plea was. Such a system is unreliable for the achievement of justice whether the defendant is honest Abe Lincoln or Jack the Ripper.

I used to manage a quality control department at a major manufacturing plant. Quality isn’t assured merely by measuring parts. It’s assured by validating the instruments that measure the parts. Instruments must be both accurate and repeatable. An instrument that only occasionally gives the correct reading, can’t be used for quality control. Its measurements of compliant/noncompliant would be unreliable.

A clock that’s only right twice a day, can’t be used as a timepiece. It is broken. It is incapable of telling the time. Similarly, a system that only identifies violations of law when committed by Republicans, is broken. It is incapable of providing justice.

Secretary Clinton mishandled classified documents and obstructed the investigation. She was exonerated.

Senator/Vice President Biden mishandled classified documents and exposed them to foreign exploitation (being stored where Hunter had access). He remains unindicted.

President Trump had classified documents in his possession which he had the authority to declassify. They were stored in a locked facility guarded by the Secret Service. He has been indicted. We will never know if he actually violated the law, because the system that delivered the indictment is broken. The DOJ is the broken clock that is only right by coincidence occasionally.

There are those on the right (politically and morally) that think Trump should be reelected and unleashed on a four-year reign of terror against his enemies – pursuing anyone who ever crossed him with the criminal justice system. Game theory would suggest that to be an appropriate corrective action.

As the theory goes, when one side misbehaves, it must suffer the consequences of its behavior, or it will be emboldened for further misbehavior. The Dems have changed the rules of political discourse, they should suffer the consequences of the precedent they created. Their politicians should be subject to legal persecution, just as Trump has been.

However, there’s a problem with that. It’s an escalation in a war that could destroy America – criminalizing politics in a way not easily reversed. I have a proposal for a modified version of game theory. Don’t pursue the politicians. Pursue the swamp.

When Barack Obama targeted his political opposition, the IRS helped. When Hillary Clinton needed to escape justice, James Comey helped. When Hillary Clinton undermined an election and triggered a coup attempt, the FBI and CIA helped. When Nancy Pelosi wanted to turn a political protest into a prosecutable crime, the FBI and Capital Police helped. When Joe Biden wanted dissenting opinions crushed, the DOJ helped.

What do those scandals have in common? They were all conspiracies involving obstruction of justice or violation of civil rights, enabled by non-elected employees of the federal government – people who took oaths to not do what they did.

Let’s slow our sprint to banana republicism. Skip the politicians and go after the co-conspirators, who took a paycheck from us, and then worked against our interests.

The next President and Attorney General should appoint an army of investigators and special counsels drawn from local jurisdictions – outside the broken system. Then turn them loose on the swamp – hunting down anyone who took an oath to defend the Constitution but used their authority to violate it. If they interfered with the equal application of justice, charge them with obstruction. If they violated anyone’s civil rights, charge them with Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law (18 USC §242).

The FBI assigned 80 agents to censor our speech on social media. Every one of them should face prosecution against 18 USC §242. Each should end up with a felony conviction, loss of pension, and forever be barred from employment in any legal capacity. There’s a seven-year statute of limitations on this, so haste is essential.

After Kevin McCarthy’s release of the January 6 Capital security footage, we know that the FBI, Capital Police, and confidential human sources worked to incite or facilitate the chaos at the Capital. They should be charged with the same crimes that the January 6 defendants have faced – insurrection and interfering with official proceedings. Since a death was involved (Ashli Babbitt), there is no statute of limitations.

Every bureaucrat who lied to Congress has committed perjury under oath. Every single one, including Christopher Wray, should be given the full Michael Flynn treatment – broken financially and convicted criminally. Any law licenses held should be forfeited – permanently.

I’m sure Bill Barr will be making his way to the nearest microphone to explain that unethical is not necessarily illegal, and many of these crimes are not actionable. Baloney. If Derek Chauvin violated the rights of an uncooperative drug addict by holding him down, then convictions against highly trained FBI agents who knew better and still violated people’s rights should be easy. Being under orders is not an excuse. Their oath is to us, not their leadership.

The next time a government lawyer or federal agent is asked to help with a dirty trick, maybe they’ll take note of their brethren in orange jumpsuits and just say no. Maybe they’ll eventually learn that their oath is a binding promise to those they are charged to serve. When we achieve that, our broken system will have been repaired – but not before.

Merrick Garland wanted to serve on the Supreme Court – and was nominated by President Obama to do so. He should read the words on the building, “Equal Justice Under Law.” He aspired to be part of the body charged with defending our Constitution and the ideals of our republic. When the Republicans blocked his confirmation, he decided to corrupt the system instead.

Author Bio: John Green is a political refugee from Minnesota, now residing in Idaho. He has written for American Thinker, and American Free News Network. He can be followed on Facebook or reached at greenjeg@gmail.com.

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