Upon hearing the Trump verdict, I mowed my lawn to calm down. The concept of nullification came to mind. The jury and judge have clearly engaged in a form of state-endorsed nullification. They willfully ignored the law from the charging phase to the verdict.
Let’s consider for a moment that the sitting president sent a campaign surrogate to speak outside the courthouse just prior to jury deliberations. This action further pulled off the mask that NY officials were acting independently. Like the officials in Fulton County, GA, there is clearly a coordinated effort to exclude Trump from the pending election.
It has become clear to many that all bets are off. The Marxist power structure of our urban centers will not rest until every opponent is neutralized.
Governor Ron DeSantis and the Florida legislature should immediately pass a law stating Florida will not recognize the verdict of NY vs. Trump. The basis of this law would be grounded in NY illegally convicting a resident of Florida. And that the verdict is an obvious attempt to interfere with the 2024 election. Upon passage of the Florida law, Trump would stay in Mar a Lago as NY works to extradite. Florida would tell NY, “Sorry, can’t help you” and seek injunctive relief in Federal court to stay the NY criminal process prior to sentencing.
That would make the matter a question for the federal judiciary, as a dispute between states, and tie it up for months. Further, it would remove the due process issues which were so apparent in the NY trial. Impartial judges would apply the law, rather than simply following the will of Joe Biden.
Nullification can be a double-edged sword.
Otto Schmidt is an attorney, farmer and conservationist-hunter located in the Upper Midwest. In pursuit of the Jeffersonian ideal, he has been practicing law, and growing crops for twenty-five years. In his spare time he can be found hunting and fishing with his children.
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