Up is Down, Left is Right: The Propaganda of Opposites

A recent Biden-Harris campaign post stated that Trump wants to arrest his opponents. Of course, many have noted that these people seem to have no sense of self-awareness. But this isn’t the real problem.

What we are seeing today en masse is the Propaganda of Opposites.

Indeed, if you see anything coming out of establishment media, most politicians or main stream organizations, simply invert the primary idea and you will get closer to the truth.

For example, we have been fed a steady diet that Ukraine is winning the war with Russia, and that Russia has suffered horrendous casualties. In reality, Ukraine (and the West) is losing the war badly, and it’s Ukraine taking the heavy losses. Even now, the inane Institute for the Study of War is telling us that untrained Ukrainian conscripts, in getting just a few extra weeks of training at their units, are better than battle-hardened Russian troops. They are even trying to feed us the nonsense that Russia conducts human wave assaults.[1] Yeah… right.

I tried to explain this to an historian colleague of mine, but he just couldn’t get it. I merely said, “look dude, whenever the article says ‘Russia’ just swap it out and insert ‘Ukraine’ and you’ll get closer to the truth.” Such thinking made his head swim, because my colleague has a love affair with the New York Times and The Atlantic. He represents about 35% of our population, what some call the “vote blue no matter who” crowd. You can show them that the sky is blue, but they will insist that it’s made of pink polka dots, because the mainstream media told them so.

And what is truly amazing is that our “elite” today are shameless about it. They really don’t care if what they say is so blatantly false and opposite of reality. One even begins to wonder if they are beginning to believe their own shrill propaganda. For example, I think that Uncle Joe truly believes that he drove 18-wheelers, that he worked in a coal mine, that he was part of the Civil Rights movement, and that his uncle Bosey was eaten by cannibals. One can of course say it’s because Uncle Joe has dementia.

But what about our current crop of generals, both active and retired, who think that Ukraine is beating Russia? What’s their excuse? I once commented to a colleague in Germany that the USAREUR commander at that time was incompetent. She was aghast. How dare I say such a thing! And yet today, that same 3-star, now retired, is uttering some of the stupidest things I’ve ever heard coming out of an “educated” mouth, talking about how Ukraine can capture all of Crimea. What madness.

So, pick the statement of the day on any subject coming from our elite “betters,” and simply reverse the main idea to understand what is probably the truth.

…You need the COVID shot …Wearing masks stops the spread of the virus …Transgenders are normal …Homosexuality is good …The economy under Biden is awesome …Uncle Joe’s mind is sound …Kamala Harris is brilliant …The U.S. border is secure …Human activity is making the climate go crazy …Electric vehicles are more efficient than gas …The conviction against Trump wasn’t rigged …Uncle Joe is the most popular president in history…

There you have it. Now you can pick apart the idiocy coming out of our media, politicians and so-called “think tanks” and easily discern the truth with about 95% accuracy, even without alternate media.

That’s how to fight back against the Propaganda of Opposites.

Russ Rodgers has several books published on Amazon.

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[1] https://understandingwar.org/backgrounder/russian-offensive-campaign-assessment-june-2-2024. See the fourth paragraph, written by somebody who obviously has no sense.

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