Christmas–A Little Bit More

image by Fer Troulik on Unsplash

Are you ready for Christmas? I am. Gift/gift cards are purchased, travel plans are confirmed (we’re not going anywhere, hallelujah), and baking is completed. We’ve been to a Christmas party, and the Christmas cantata has been sung. If it’s not done by now, it’s not getting done.

No one will know that I only baked 4 dozen cookies instead 14 dozen. No one will remember that I didn’t send as many Christmas cards as usual. No one will care that I didn’t put up a Christmas tree because we have two wild kittens in the house. 

Instead, I made a very deliberate decision a couple of days ago to put the brakes on. Enough. My Decembers are usually a whirlwind of checklists and trips to the post office and grocery store. Enough. I decided that I was tired of being exhausted by the time Christmas rolls around.  

Instead, I’m staying in my pajamas when I can, listening to Christmas music, playing with the kittens, and having a little Bailey’s in my coffee. We’ll go to the Christmas Eve service, and then we’ll go to my brother’s house on Christmas Day, and that will be enough. And next year, I will try to remember that the Christmas season got a lot better when I decided that I didn’t have to do it all.

In “The Grinch Who Stole Christmas,” Dr. Seuss famously wrote,

“Maybe Christmas, he thought, doesn’t come from a store,
Maybe Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more.”

By putting the brakes on a lot of the pre-Christmas frenzy, I discovered that I have time to focus on the reason for Christmas a little bit more. And it’s enough!

May you always remember the reason for Christmas, and may your Christmas be enough!

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1 thought on “Christmas–A Little Bit More”

  1. When you learn how to scale down, life is a lot more enjoyable. I wonder why we about kill ourselves doing all that extra stuff at Christmas time. I quit a lot of it some years ago, and enjoy the holidays much more, not viewing activities from a point of near exhaustion. Good for you! And Merry Christmas over in Alabama!

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