444 Days: Reagan Saved Carter’s Hostages, 527 Days & Counting: Trump To Save Biden’s Hostages

Caption: Pictured here are some of the 60+ American hostages taken by and held by Iranian terrorists for 444 days until fear of Reagan caused their release.

The parallels between the release of the Iranian hostages (11/04/1979 to 01/21/1981) and the expected release of the Hamas hostages (10/07/2023 to 01/??/2025) are fascinating, but not surprising. Weakness invites aggression. President Jimmy Carter weakened both our military and America’s standing as leader of the free world. President Joe Biden, taking lessons from Carter, Clinton and Obama, Democrats all, likewise weakened our military and made America a laughingstock on the world stage.

Joe gave Islamist terrorists $81 Billion in military equipment on August 31, 2021. A month before the slaughter in Israel Joe released to Iran $6 Billion in previously restricted funds. On the Monday before the October 7th attack, Iran gave Hamas permission to launch it.

In the four years Joe has resided in the White House his fecklessness in foreign affairs has lead to 1) the biggest slaughter of Israeli Jews since the Holocaust; 2) the fall of Afghanistan to Islamic Terrorists; 3) Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and 4) China’s threats against Taiwan.

Sad to say, families don’t know if their loved ones will be walking to freedom or returning in body bags.



Completely ignoring the best interests of America, and following his humanitarian impulses, Carter invited the deposed Shah of Iran to come to the US for cancer treatment.  The Shah had fled from Iran to Egypt several months earlier when he was faced with an army mutiny and violent demonstrations against his secular government.

Just days after the Shah was deposed the spiritual leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Khomeini, returned from his 14 years exile, spent mostly in Iraq, and took control of Iran.  The hardline Islamist government created during the Carter Administration is still in control in today’s Iran.

Jimmy’s lack of foreign policy backbone can be directly blamed for creation of the Iran Hostage Crisis which lingered during the last 444 days of his presidency. Islamic Revolutionary students, enraged by Carter’s invitation to the deposed Shah, stormed the U.S. Embassy just hours after the Shah landed in New York City on November 4, 1979.  These thugs took 66 Americans as hostages, holding 52 of them UNTIL THE DAY AFTER REAGAN WAS SWORN IN.

Just as Russia, China, Afghanistan, Iran & other enemies have no respect for Biden, the new Islamic government had no respect for President Carter and the military that Carter had weakened.  On January 21, 1981, knowing that the incoming president, Ronald Reagan, would not tolerate such disrespect toward America, the Islamic goons released all hostages. As I predicted over a year ago, when Trump returns to the Oval Office, Russia, China & Iran will back down in fear. Actually, their behavior began improving immediately after the November landslide.



In barely two years Biden’s fecklessness in foreign affairs has led to 1) the fall of Afghanistan to Islamic Terrorists; 2) Russia’s invasion of Ukraine; 3) China’s threats against Taiwan; 4) China partnering with Russia; and, 5) most recently, France turning their back on America to partner with China

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The author, Diane L. Gruber, is a First Amendment advocate who writes for Substack. She calls her Substack newsletter America First Re-Ignited.

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