Politics, Politicians, and Accountability
The big question is, under what circumstances can we hold party leaders responsible for the actions of their agents, and how do we do so?
Citizen Writers Fighting Censorship by Helping Americans Understand Issues Affecting the Republic.
The big question is, under what circumstances can we hold party leaders responsible for the actions of their agents, and how do we do so?
This post looks at expectation management and how it relates to and reinforces the darker aspects of operant conditioning.
Measurement and Observation Alters the System: What Does this Mean for Social Science Research? When we read research papers or even the published results of surveys, we need to critically examine the samples, sample sizes, and statistical techniques used. We also need to understand the author/organization to understand what biases and motivations may influence the …
Why do we act in other than our self-interest? Is the rational actor/choice theory valid? Over a few blog entries (see the Defending the Republic series), I have wondered why people who do not seem to benefit from social justice efforts support and endorse them. Why would a white male push an agenda designed to …