Intelligence Community Soilage Campaign: Clouseau Without the Humor

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Parts 1-5 outlined how crassly political and disqualifying it was for 50 former intelligence community leaders to allege that crackhead Hunter Biden’s laptop was potentially a Russian information operation based on no information or evidence whatsoever-even stating that in their letter. Which nobody in their right mind believed at the time-two weeks out from the 2020 election.

But that didn’t matter because it fit a narrative the left and LSMBTG* desperately needed to take the focus off creepy “Basement Biden” and put it back on the desired narrative of the “Trump inspired, FBI driven” Michigan governor kidnapping plot, October surprise.

I mean, after all (delivered with that dripping Lesley Stahl condescending talk down “Mr. President, this is fake news, we can’t and don’t report anything that makes you look good”-and there, I fixed it for her,-also, Danger Will Robinson, content warning-run on random thought barrage to follow) we had a president who sent mean tweeties, talked bad about some people, wouldn’t let trans in the military-all 37 of them-held our allies to account for years of mooching off the graces of American taxpayers (“how dare you”) while our elected officials did nothing about it but pay-grew the economy, drove interest rates down, made us oil independent-experienced the first month in decades of not importing oil from countries who hate us in the middle east-undertook an effort to incentivize liquid natural gas production and the development of transport capability while negotiating with Europe to become a major supplier (as an alternative to Putin’s Arctic investments,) restarted the Keystone Pipeline after 8 years of Obama and democrat green foot dragging where they continued reliance on the more dangerous and costly rail transport (you’re welcome Berkshire Hathaway, campaign contributions this way,) markedly increased budget to build back our military-did not start any foreign imbroglios, initiated conditional withdrawal actions on our two front-two decades old wars-going ~two years without a military combat related death in Afghanistan, initiated a withdrawal from Syria that exposed all those chicken-hawks who screamed bloody murder about it-but who did not seem to even notice as our remain in place security force annihilated a “mercenary”-winky, winky-group of Syrian and the little green men tactic the Russians used in Ukraine in an attempt to take over a Syrian oil refinery and were decimated-markedly improved employment for all key demographics, made more progress to help Americans of all stripes-blacks, Asians, Hispanics, women and Jews-than any of his predecessors-and made more progress in middle east peace than his last two predecessors combined-including the missile salvo diplomacy by the Palestinians and proxies Hamas and Hezbollah in Gaza-that had been rewarded with funding by our congress-which he stopped-all of this despite being a hater-racist, misogynist, gay-basher, xenophobic, trans/LGBTQ denier, antisemite (even hates his family-grandchildren-just mean)-also implemented a border policy that contained the problem for the first time in most of our lifetimes-met face to face with a North Korean leader who had-up to that point-been lobbing missiles frequently and with reckless abandon while moving out on a sub-launched ballistic missile program, stood up the space force, worked the military emergency acquisition process to develop vaccines in record time against all odds, survived two impeachments, appointed the judges he said he would to the bench-including three Supreme Court Justices, refused to apologize or kowtow to the LSMBTG-fake news-but he was mean-he made the swamp look lethargic-congress look feckless-the media childlike and hypocritical-and the left desperate.

I mean anyone can appreciate why he had to go-by any means necessary: which is why it is so strange that he received the most votes for an incumbent president in election history (and still lost…!)

I’ve been pretty hard on these “crème de la crème” IC seniors over this issue. There is no precedent like this in a profession whose credibility is judged everyday by attention to detail adjectives and attributes-like judgment, accuracy, precision, logic, systematic, balanced, moderate, circumspect, rationale, comprehensive-soiling themselves in such a public way that they separate from and force members like me to disavow them.

My premise is they fostered this type of reckless, Yoda-like mentality in those they mentored and interacted with over the years (Do or do not do, there is no try) as well, and as I document below, these acts have consequences in the actions of the subordinates-who are moving up into leadership positions themselves-but lack the great depth of experience and judgement of these wizened elders-(all apparently relative)-or were taught to rationalize things away or equivocate about them-to know the difference of good and bad risks-and where the line is demarcating legal from illegal-but the greater concern is the ethical from the unethical line.

DNI James R. Clapper (Lt Gen, USAF, Ret) offered some measure of explanation 8 October 2019 during an interview with CNN’s Jim Sciutto reported on in this Redstate Article by AFNN’s Elizabeth Vaugnn: when he opined in a somewhat off the cuff remark-

Jim Sciutto: As you know, the President has members of this government, you have the Attorney General traveling the world now meeting with U.S. intelligence partners trying to find out, in his view, whether they participated in some sort of Obama administration led effort to undermine President Trump in the last election here. You also know that John Durham who is a prosecutor here, a senior justice department official, he’s pursuing his own investigations on the origins of that probe. Are you concerned that Barr’s or Durham’s investigation will find wrongdoing and seek to punish former intelligence officials?

James Clapper: Well, I uh, I don’t know. I, I, I don’t think there was any wrongdoing. I think at the time all of us were trying to navigate a very, very difficult, politically fraught, highly charged situation. I know, for my part, my main concern was the Russians, and the threat posed by the Russians to our very political fabric. The message I’m getting from all this is, apparently what we were supposed to have done was to ignore the Russian interference, ignore the Russian meddling and the threat that it poses to us, and oh, by the way, blown off what the then commander-in-chief, President Obama, told us to do, which was to assemble all the reporting that we could that we had available to us — and put it in one report that the president could pass on to the Congress and to the next administration. And while we’re at it, declassify as much as we possibly could to make it public, and that’s what we did.

Jim Sciutto: One issue I’m — (crosstalk)

James Clapper: It’s kind of disconcerting now to be investigated for, you know having done our duty and done what we were told to do by the president.

Ahh, the Nuremburg defense. If this seemed early in the movie to be adopting the last gasp defense that many German officers resorted to-usually in close proximity to that other last bastion of a coward, Patriotism-just prior to feeling the lead or the burn of the rope, particularly from the most senior of the IC seniors who signed the infamous letter, it was at the very least an interesting reveal and tell on what might have influenced these wizened-and Wiley-IC leaders to do something that undermines everything their credibility is based upon. Of course, this was before the letter and before the recent laptop confirmation that had already been confirmed by the DNI, FBI and DOJ….

Note that even in this deflection of responsibility, Clapper plays the tried and true “Russia fiddle,” which had long past been debunked on myriad fronts by this time, proven as inconsequential and minor and “chalk” for the Russians in the context of their normal election shenanigans. A hoax and, regardless, not tied to Trump in the way Clapper had previously portrayed it when he openly talked about Putin as Trump’s handler: which he had disavowed having any evidence of under oath to congress.

Of course, he was talking metaphorically, but you can use poor judgement and choose inflammatory words even when talking to please your CNN masters-but that does not mitigate or assuage the sensationalism-intent-poor judgement-nor responsibility for using them.

One thing our IC stalwarts still have going for them is they achieved a lofty place in the annals of crass political acts, as their letter now ranks second in the annals of political hackery, only losing out to representative Schifty’s noblesse oblige play to the base, totally debunked, dueling memo with representative Devin Nunes.

The winners have been confirmed by events and the facts to be swampy deep state liars (obvious tongue in cheekery here-as the dumb kundingies from the Lincoln Project and their stunt in Va against now Governor Youngkin are the all-time, retire the trophy champs: they received extra points for having known democrat operatives on the tiki torch line-and a black guy as a white supremacist (that’s how infectious Trump really is)-the only thing missing was the trans in the Youngkin mask running up and slapping him…)) Although-while I hate saying their names-Listless Chenemy and Allin Kinsacrybaby are working to displace them as RINO’s of the 21st century-but they will have to go some to fend off Mittens! 

My focus in this series has been on the IC part of it, notwithstanding that the real story is the laptop-and the evidence that Tony Bobulinski brought forward that disappeared quicker than an ice cream cone in Biden’s mitt. Anyone who has looked through the material that has been posted from Biden’s laptop has come away saddened, disgusted, astounded and dismayed (at least I have) at how long this “smartest person that Lesko Brandon Know’s” tawdry and shady stuff has been going on in the face of an incurious LSMBTG and an apparent inept justice department and FBI, who can only be judged in the worst possible light given their disinterest in the story.

I spent a lot of time teeing up the concern about what these leaders-represented by the nifty fifty-left in their wake in terms of the generations of leaders coming behind them.

Look again at this happy group picture I provided in an article in this series, does anything stand out? What I first thought of when I saw this picture was what a travesty to have so many young-impressionable-obviously talented-and malleable minds being exposed to one of the most scandal-ridden and corrupt administrations in our-or anybody’s lifetime, with some of the most dogmatic, proven globalist (seemingly ambivalent about America) mentors who ever served in government.

It reminds me of an academy-school picture-where you have a large number of young, impressionable, energetic students with their leftist teacher, not unlike something you might find in North Korea or some communist country where the indoctrination is strong and institutionalized.

And-yes-I have my biases that color my assessment of these things. Seeing Susan Rice up front and center with this group-Bergdahl and Benghazi liar, voted most likely to have been the lynchpin in the WH for the coordination of the whole of government takedown effort against the Bad Orange Man (I made that up-but she gets my vote-she of the eleventh hour “doing it by the book” CYA email…)-and also actress and Persian Farsi speaker, Iranian sympathizer/advisor Valerie Jarret (was it Planet of the Apes?)

We will likely soon hear from one of the quietest people in America right now-Susan Rice-on the passing of her mentor-the first female Secretary of State, globalist Madeline Albright (RIP.) You could almost forget where she works, as quiet as Rice has been-oh, that’s right, the WH! I think we will see this is par for the course for the unassuming, but USMC-mouthed Ms. Rice! 

If pressed to pick the theme song music for her increasingly rare appearances these days, this would do the trick for Obama’s version of Dishonest John (AC DC.) Picture Rice in the basement of the WH working on the nuts and bolts holding the building up-loosen a bit here, there, work on a load bearing wall or two in her spare time-working to reset the building…

A discussion to exemplify my premise about how these nifty 50 IC leaders left the equivalent of “poison pills” in their wake has to start with the early team building events leading up to when the Obama administration colluded with congress, the DNC and the HRC team to put the Bad Orange Man impeachment train on the tracks-even before he took office-and begs a discussion about the President’s National Security Council (NSC.)

Trump the businessman-now president-stumbled straight out of the gate in the minds of many by going with his natural instincts and designating Steve Bannon to attend NSC meetings. The outcry from globalists and Trump haters was near immediate, many failing to remember or notice that Obama confidant David Axelrod was sometimes present at NSC meetings: but Orange Man Bad! It is an inconvenient truth that the man Trump intended to lead that “band” was already being undercut by the LSMBTG,* derided by former Obama admin officials and a target for dirty deeds that would soon take him out by a plotting, scheming Obama residue FBI (LTG (USA, RET) Michael Flynn.)

What doesn’t get mentioned among the challenge of being new to the swamp and government is that Trump inherited a near totally dysfunctional NSC (not just my view) that Obama had vastly expanded and populated with the type of folks a president does not need in those positions-acolytes, admirers, light weights and sycophants: yes-men. This Jeffrey Goldberg interview of NSC analyst and historian David Rothkopf (his book is an excellent read) describes the problem and the reasons very well. He derides the idea of a policy simply described as “not doing stupid schift,” the lack of a coherent national global strategy, and Obama’s often professorial approach at the podium that displayed his intelligence, but also exposed his limited world view and experience, as well as a lack of a pragmatic policy basis as a backdrop against which to make sense of his viewpoints. Which I believe was the source of his ridiculous and too clever by half straw man arguments. The other thing to note here is the distinctly globalist view that Rothkopf offers up as the desired or better approach as the baseline in which to view the NSC problems of this period.

The Obama NSC had grown from ~100 under Bush to some ~240 personnel, with a corresponding viewpoint or understanding that many positions that had been added were “running” policy, rather than facilitating the transmission of the administration policy messaging. I may be a one trick pony, but it struck me at the time that the Obama WH was doing a similar technique to what the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) planners initially accomplished with their staffing efforts that grew to nearly five times larger (~1500 vice~300) than what many in congress thought necessary. In effect creating somewhat of a mini-IC presence, all 16 agencies represented within the DNI staff itself.

The result often being the Office of the DNI (ODNI-the bureaucracy, vice the leader) speaking about all “17 IC agencies being on board” with an issue or coordination matter, when in fact it was the views of the agency assigned DNI representatives (embeds) who don’t speak for their agency directors: they are rated by DNI officers-that’s how they qualify for joint duty credit.

Part 7 is going to explain how these changes blurred the statecraft and political lines in the Obama administration in a way that supports my premise of the influence of the nifty 50. 

Max Dribbler

31 March 2022

LSMBTG: Lamestream media echo chamber (LMEC-L) social media (SM) big tech tyrants (BT) and government (G)

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